Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

West Virginia isn't a blue state. Sorry. You failed again.
West Virginia was a Blue State back when Democrats gave a flying fuck about people who work for a living before they figured out it was cheaper to buy votes with taxpayer money in the welfare state. Don’t forget, West Va. went for Obama in ‘08.
I must be the one third in red states. If I need an engine rebuilt I'll have to pay some redneck to do it.
It's comforting though for any who have talents in everyday living for survival traits. If the world is about anything, the SHTF in a regular cycle.
I proved my point, it's all good.
If your point is that you rather reference politicians than medical experts in matters of health, you may want to consult Louie Gohmert for lower intestinal complaints.

Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 8.02.12 PM.png

I honestly think a proctologist would be more appropriate, but it's your call, of course.
If your point is that you rather reference politicians than medical experts in matters of health, you may want to consult Louie Gohmert for lower intestinal complaints.

I honestly think a proctologist would be more appropriate, but it's your call, of course.
Still missed the point, figures, you are either stupid or you are just dishonest, probably the former and not the latter.
You know, every single time you post this graphic you are showing that the vaccines are effective, right?
And every time the sun rises without all of us fully vaxxed people dropping dead...she sounds more and more dishonest (as if that was possible).
The red State shit holes that you're talking about are centered around the Democrat strongholds in those states which is where all the crime and poverty is.

What large democratic strongholds are there in KY, AL and Alaska?
West Virginia was a Blue State back when Democrats gave a flying fuck about people who work for a living before they figured out it was cheaper to buy votes with taxpayer money in the welfare state. Don’t forget, West Va. went for Obama in ‘08.

I see the hallucinogenic mushrooms are taking full effect.
Vaccines prevent death.... The vaccines are working. What other question is there?
Where did I say they didn’t? I asked him a question he side stepped it and he told me what I needed to know. I wear masks, social distance and vaccinated, so I have no idea what your point is.
The Super Bowl was the final blow. Over 80 thousand people packed like sardines and bunches of lefty celebs all without masks. The game is over.
Still missed the point, figures, you are either stupid or you are just dishonest, probably the former and not the latter.
You appear to need to resort to insults because I have indicated that I respect medical experts over your politicians in public health matters.

Why does it get you in such a tizzy that someone might want to take a simple precaution against the transmission of a deadly disease?

The Mask gestapo and Mask fetishists need to call it a day. Two years into this and we have learned a lot. This year’s Super Bowl in one of America’s most liberal, regulatory states and cities saw rich, elite, middle class, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Republican and Democrats drop their masks even though a mask mandate was in full effect.

It's spelled gazpacho. Never forget.
What large democratic strongholds are there in KY, AL and Alaska?
Once again it's the Democrat run population centers that account for 90 percent of the crime stats in the nation....many of those are in blue States....sure you can find a few outliers...but that's just what they are.. outliers.
Once again it's the Democrat run population centers that account for 90 percent of the crime stats in the nation....many of those are in blue States....sure you can find a few outliers...but that's just what they are.. outliers.

Then provide the stats backing up your claims
Once again it's the Democrat run population centers that account for 90 percent of the crime stats in the nation....many of those are in blue States....sure you can find a few outliers...but that's just what they are.. outliers.
Except we're talking about vaccines here....

The new case hot spots are the red state/shit holes (sorry for being redundant there). Remember to lift with your legs when your move the goal posts once again in your response.

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