Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

Actually my wife is an ICU nurse that has spent the last 2 plus years treating COVID patients, working in a negative pressure area in a space suit trying to keep them alive. And yes, she is my main source of information on COVID and its dangers. I have never claimed to know all about the vaccines, that is just more lies from you, it seems to be all you have.

Some did, I never did. You will never find a post from me doing so. Unlike you I do not base my actions on those of others.

You invoked your wife's career in order to advocate for vaccines. Now, look--how well are they working? I have absolutely no doubt that your wife has had an exhausting and discouraging job for the last couple of years, and the loss of life is ALWAYS a family tragedy. Always, and never to be danced over. However, we have had two years of seeing Covid ONLY from the perspective of ICU nurses and doctors and not, say, from my perspective of teaching young children who are still masked in school.

Nothing, not from the beginning of this, has been rational, reasonable, or based on science. It has been a complete shitstorm. And that includes, more than anything, the cloud of worship over the "vaccines"
Yet you have problem calling me unthinking for taking the advice of medical professionals I know and trust. You need to make up your mind.

I did not, and I have never said they were great. More lies, is that really all you have left?

I believe I said NO THINKING PERSON would take the vaccines if they knew THEN what we know now. I stand by that. Most people took the vaccines thinking they were sterilizing or, at the very least, that they were very highly effective at preventing "serious illness or death". They are neither of those, obviously. What's astounding is how few people can admit this.
Why do people believe anything Democrats say? What have they promised that ever came true? Fighting drugs? Fighting poverty? Elevating Blacks? Securing our country? Raising wages? They're all worst than ever because of Marxist Democrats.
You invoked your wife's career in order to advocate for vaccines. Now, look--how well are they working?

They are working ok. I have as yet to get COVID so I could say it is working well for me.

I have absolutely no doubt that your wife has had an exhausting and discouraging job for the last couple of years, and the loss of life is ALWAYS a family tragedy. Always, and never to be danced over.

Yet she is not a "thinking person" in your world.

Nothing, not from the beginning of this, has been rational, reasonable, or based on science. It has been a complete shitstorm.

I agree with this.
They are working ok. I have as yet to get COVID so I could say it is working well for me.

Yet she is not a "thinking person" in your world.

I agree with this.

On your wife, that depends. Is she able to acknowledge what is happening with these vaccines? Or is she still in camp, "roll up your sleeves, these are great?"
Uh, you were completely gung ho on the vaccines tho.
I never said anyone should be forced to get a vaccine.

And not one person has ever been forced to get a vaccine.

I said I think you're stupid if you don;t get a vaccine

The Mask gestapo and Mask fetishists need to call it a day. Two years into this and we have learned a lot. This year’s Super Bowl in one of America’s most liberal, regulatory states and cities saw rich, elite, middle class, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Republican and Democrats drop their masks even though a mask mandate was in full effect.

We stopped having trouble with mask mandates here,
when the law enforcement indicated they weren't going to answer calls regarding the mask mandate.

When asked how they could refuse to answer the calls, they indicated the mandate wasn't a law
and they could not arrest someone for simply refusing to do what the Governor told them to.

They also stated that if people started grabbing and hitting each other over wearing masks ...
there is a law against that, and assault charges would still apply.


The Mask gestapo and Mask fetishists need to call it a day. Two years into this and we have learned a lot. This year’s Super Bowl in one of America’s most liberal, regulatory states and cities saw rich, elite, middle class, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Republican and Democrats drop their masks even though a mask mandate was in full effect.
Properly masking in public - not an onerous burden for most - has proved effective against the transmission of a deadly disease.

Why are some whiny, pissy boys in such a tizzy over such a common sense, socially- responsible, minimal precaution?
I never said anyone should be forced to get a vaccine.

And not one person has ever been forced to get a vaccine.

I said I think you're stupid if you don;t get a vaccine

Okay good. So Blues Man is ON RECORD saying we are "stupid" if we don't or did not get the vaccine.

Dated: Feb 18th, 2022. This won't age well. It will age very poorly, BM
Properly masking in public - not an onerous burden for most - has proved effective against the transmission of a deadly disease.

Why are some whiny, pissy boys in such a tizzy over such a common sense, socially- responsible, minimal precaution?

Right, sure.

At first everyone was sewing cloth masks from Aunt Janet's old curtain material because if you didn't wear a cloth mask Grandma Would Die.

But right now cloth masks don't work.

Next up?

Surgical masks, already passing out of favor--

and then the 95s.

And then, finally, vaccines. Which is happening fast, actually
Okay good. So Blues Man is ON RECORD saying we are "stupid" if we don't or did not get the vaccine.

Dated: Feb 18th, 2022. This won't age well. It will age very poorly, BM
Technically that's not what I said.

I said

I think you are stupid....., not that you are stupid.

I thought you were supposed to be a teacher and yet you can't seem to understand how to quote a person.

We stopped having trouble with mask mandates here,
when the law enforcement indicated they weren't going to answer calls regarding the mask mandate.

When asked how they could refuse to answer the calls, they indicated the mandate wasn't a law
and they could not arrest someone for simply refusing to do what the Governor told them to.

They also stated that if people started grabbing and hitting each other over wearing masks ...
there is a law against that, and assault charges would still apply.


I never enforced them in my classroom. Never. If a kid pulled their mask down and wore it under their chin for the entire time, that was the business of the Public Health Dept to enforce, not me. Since they never sent their lackeys to my classroom, well, it just never got enforced.

Technically that's not what I said.

I said

I think you are stupid....., not that you are stupid.

I thought you were supposed to be a teacher and yet you can't seem to understand how to quote a person.

Good luck with your blood clots, strokes, heart problems and autoimmune diseases. I do not say that with any amount of pleasure. The pharma companies should be sued into oblivion for this. My parents and my own two children were vaccinated. So I'm not happy about what they did.
Good luck with your blood clots, strokes, heart problems and autoimmune diseases. I do not say that with any amount of pleasure. The pharma companies should be sued into oblivion for this. My parents and my own two children were vaccinated. So I'm not happy about what they did.
I'll outlive you I'm sure
On your wife, that depends. Is she able to acknowledge what is happening with these vaccines? Or is she still in camp, "roll up your sleeves, these are great?"

She is still supportive of the vaccines. Then again at her VA hospital the Vaxxed to unvaxxed ratio has been about 25/75. She has had a few patients ask if it were too late to get it as she was treating them.

Keep in mind she sees a side of COIVD daily that you do not even really read about. She sees/treats only the worst of the cases, if a person makes it to her they are bad off. Thus she has a skewed view of COVID and understands this, and since I get most of my information on COVID from her and her fellow nurses/docs at her hospital I understand that my view is a bit tilted as well.

So, you keep on claiming some high ground over the "you are dumb for not getting the jab" folks, when in reality you are them, you are their twin looking back at them in the mirror.
At first everyone was sewing cloth masks from Aunt Janet's old curtain material because if you didn't wear a cloth mask Grandma Would Die.
If you were doing that because someone told you that, you should be less naïtve.
But right now cloth masks don't work.
Science advanced based upon the analysis of continually-accumulated empirical data. Ideological dogma does not.
And then, finally, vaccines. Which is happening fast, actually

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 9.00.46 AM.png

She is still supportive of the vaccines. Then again at her VA hospital the Vaxxed to unvaxxed ratio has been about 25/75. She has had a few patients ask if it were too late to get it as she was treating them.

Keep in mind she sees a side of COIVD daily that you do not even really read about. She sees/treats only the worst of the cases, if a person makes it to her they are bad off. Thus she has a skewed view of COVID and understands this, and since I get most of my information on COVID from her and her fellow nurses/docs at her hospital I understand that my view is a bit tilted as well.

So, you keep on claiming some high ground over the "you are dumb for not getting the jab" folks, when in reality you are them, you are their twin looking back at them in the mirror.

Did I say "You are dumb if you got the jab"? No, I don't think I said that, nor would I. However, they most certainly DID NOT perform to expectations, proven by the existence of boosters. First. Second, they do nothing to stop the spread. Third, the side effects are absolutely being covered up. All that said, I am glad my husband and I did NOT get them, yet I wish my kids did not. However I am VERY glad my parents are vaxxed and boosted. They seem to be of the age where it has more benefits than risks.

I am pushing back against the crowd that insisted WE ALL get vaccinated no matter what and does not understand, even to this day, that they:

1. Do not mitigate transmission
2. Wear off very quickly and
3. Have side effects that are being hidden and that we don't even fully understand yet

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