Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

Properly masking in public - not an onerous burden for most - has proved effective against the transmission of a deadly disease.

Why are some whiny, pissy boys in such a tizzy over such a common sense, socially- responsible, minimal precaution?
Face diapers hasn't proved effective for anything, other than functioning as MAGA hats for moonbats when no longer mandated.
Properly masking in public - not an onerous burden for most - has proved effective against the transmission of a deadly disease.

Why are some whiny, pissy boys in such a tizzy over such a common sense, socially- responsible, minimal precaution?
Then please let us all voluntarily continue to wear our masks, are you going to continue to wear it and be courteous to others?
I was never sewing cloth masks because anyone with even a passing knowledge of the facts at hand KNEW those stupid cloth masks did nothing.
When you said that, "everyone was sewing cloth masks from Aunt Janet's old curtain material because if you didn't wear a cloth mask Grandma Would Die," you were inclusive, although I never heard any responsible public health expert making your claim.

Cloth masks provided only minimal protection. Subsequent controlled laboratory testing confirmed the superiority of N95 masks.

The CDC says that you should wear the most protective mask possible that you'll wear regularly and that fits. Respirators such as nonsurgical N95s give the most protection. KN95s and medical masks provide the next highest level of protection. Cloth masks provide less protection.​
Then please let us all voluntarily continue to wear our masks, are you going to continue to wear it and be courteous to others?
I always take the simple, responsible precaution of wearing an N95 mask in public, and most in my community are comparably public-spirited. The inconvenience is minimal, the practice has proven to be effective, and I can't understand why anyone would have a hissyfit over it. It's no big deal, really.
I always take the simple, responsible precaution of wearing an N95 mask in public, and most in my community are comparably public-spirited. The inconvenience is minimal, the practice has proven to be effective, and I can't understand why anyone would have a hissyfit over it. It's no big deal, really.
So when the mask mandates are over, you and your city will continue to wear masks?
Properly masking in public - not an onerous burden for most - has proved effective against the transmission of a deadly disease.

Why are some whiny, pissy boys in such a tizzy over such a common sense, socially- responsible, minimal precaution?
Start with those 70 thousand people at the Super Bowl who openly defied the current mandate for the whole world to see. You are arguing whether it was effective over the last two years when the argument is over moving forward, is it still effective.
So when the mask mandates are over, you and your city will continue to wear masks?
I'll continue to respect medical science. As I noted, it's a precaution with minimal inconvenience. As an added bonus, I have not contracted a cold or flu during the time I have responsibly worn a mask in public.

If you chose to take your marching orders from politicians and media entertainers in matters of public health, so be it.

The Mask gestapo and Mask fetishists need to call it a day. Two years into this and we have learned a lot. This year’s Super Bowl in one of America’s most liberal, regulatory states and cities saw rich, elite, middle class, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Republican and Democrats drop their masks even though a mask mandate was in full effect.

Yeah but money was involved in the Superbowl and that made them change their minds. It shows just how serious the problem really was when some cash will make them look the other way.

When the Superbowl comes to town that's a whole shitload of money coming into that city and community and businesses. And the state rakes in state taxes as well. The city and state made 10s of millions because of the Superbowl off of ticket sales, local catering, tent and chair rentals, advertising, local bars and restaurants, hotels, and a lot more.
you said they were not "thinking people", which seems to be sort of the same thing as calling them dumb.

I stand by it with the qualifiers I established. If anyone knew then what we know now, that the shots were not mitigating for transmission and that you would need a booster within six months and even THAT would wear off, the uptake on these would be a LOT lower. And they should be!
I'll continue to respect medical science. As I noted, it's a precaution with minimal inconvenience. As an added bonus, I have not contracted a cold or flu during the time I have responsibly worn a mask in public.

If you chose to take your marching orders from politicians and media entertainers in matters of public health, so be it.
Nice side step, you are being evasive, the question is quite simple to most people but maybe you have a learning disability, I'm not sure however here is the question again, I'll type slowly and see if you can answer it.

So when the mask mandates are over, you and your city will continue to wear masks?
Nice side step, you are being evasive, the question is quite simple to most people but maybe you have a learning disability, I'm not sure however here is the question again, I'll type slowly and see if you can answer it.

So when the mask mandates are over, you and your city will continue to wear masks?
As I noted, I respect the medical advice of medical experts. Whether politicians are also informed by it doesn't change that.

Perhaps I'm exceptionally tough and/or publicly-spirited, but I find nothing onerous about wearing a mask in public.
As I noted, I respect the medical advice of medical experts. Whether politicians are also informed by it doesn't change that.

Perhaps I'm exceptionally tough and/or publicly-spirited, but I find nothing onerous about wearing a mask in public.
And you didn't answer the question again. Nice, game play. So, when the mandates end you will not wear the mask even though it would protect others. Got it, you are a hypocrite. See, real easy.

BTW, dumbo, I have worn the mask since it was advised, you are nothing special, you are like others.
And you didn't answer the question again. Nice, game play. So, when the mandates end you will not wear the mask even though it would protect others. Got it, you are a hypocrite. See, real easy.

BTW, dumbo, I have worn the mask since it was advised, you are nothing special, you are like others.
I don't understand why you can't grasp the concept of following the medical advice of medical experts, regardless of what your politicians tell you concerning a matter in which they have no expertise.

If a consensus of meteorologists all predicted rain, I would not look to a media entertainer to advise me whether I should carry an umbrella.
I don't understand why you can't grasp the concept of following the medical advice of medical experts, regardless of what your politicians tell you concerning a matter in which they have no expertise.

If a consensus of meteorologists all predicted rain, I would not look to a media entertainer to advise me whether I should carry an umbrella.
I proved my point, it's all good. Thanks!

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