Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

Many people are actually more attractive with masks. I don't know if it's going to go away any time soon. It's a fashion thing now... they don't

Trends all going the numbers of fully vaccinated are going upward.

Most of us with masks can get laid 4x the amount we used to get laid without masks. This graph is for both men and women. It's almost equal no matter what kind of phone they use. But you can see, sexual activity has increased 4x since the beginning of masks.

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Trends all going the numbers of fully vaccinated are going upward.

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Those are nothing more than the normal curves of natural immunity and they closely mirror all records of pandemic contagion versus the eventual natural immunity with or without vaccinations with or without masks. Trying to piggy back the vaccinated numbers onto the chart for the sake of totalitarian mandates it is just pathetic.... but it is amusing.

Those are nothing more than the normal curves of natural immunity and they closely mirror all records of pandemic contagion versus the eventual natural immunity with or without vaccinations with or without masks. Trying to piggy back the vaccinated numbers onto the chart for the sake of totalitarian mandates it is just pathetic.... but it is amusing.

Ahh, I see... The states that have among the fewest vaccinations are the states with the most new cases....

Either that is a factor or....

I guess the folks in KY, WVA and Alabama are just not as "naturally immune" as others....

Were you born stupid or did you have to work hard to become the idiot you are?
Public health protocols based upon the most advanced medical science have largely succeeded in drastically reducing hospitalizations, intensive care confinements, and deaths due to Covid.

Those who inexplicably whine about those in our society who respect medical science concerning public health may be mollified to note that the success of those protocols is facilitating ending them, as has been the goal, obviously.

COVID-19 Mask Mandates: Which States Are Ending Mask Requirements And When​

Within the past three weeks, half of the states that instituted mask mandates in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have lifted that requirement.​
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham: "With vaccines, boosters and effective treatment options widely available, we have the tools we need to protect ourselves and keep our fellow New Mexicans safe."
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced on Feb. 17 that the state's mask mandate has been lifted, effective immediately.​
California's indoor masking requirements for vaccinated people ended on Feb. 15, though unvaccinated people are still required to wear face coverings indoors.​
Rhode Island announced an immediate end to mask-or-vaccine requirements for indoor spaces on Feb 11, the same day.​
Delaware Gov. John Carney lifted the state's universal mask mandate.​
"We're in a much better place than we were several weeks ago in the middle of the omicron surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations," Carney said in a statement.​
New York ended its mask mandates for everyone on Feb. 10, though cities, counties and individual businesses can still enforce mask-or-vaccine requirements, but it's no longer required by state law.​
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak lifted the state's public and school mask requirements the same day. "Masks are still a great tool we have to slow the spread of the virus," Sisolak said in a statement. "The state will no longer require masks in public places, but employers and organizations -- including school districts -- may set their own policies, and I encourage them to work with their employees and communities to ensure that policies are in place."
Illinois plans to end its statewide indoor mask mandate on Feb. 28, Gov. Bill Pritzer said, citing the state's sharp drop in hospitalizations.​
The Oregon Health Authority and Department of Human Services said it expected an end to masking requirements in the state "no later than March 31."
Massachusetts currently still requires masks in certain situations, including on public transportation and in health care facilities and nursing homes. On Tuesday, state public health officials went from advising everyone to wear masks indoors to recommending face coverings for unvaccinated individuals and vaccinated persons with specific medical conditions.​
Of course, regardless of whether politicians are informed by public health experts in the public health policies they implement in the interest of public health, an American still has the right to protect herself by masking in public if she is especially vulnerable because of advanced age, compromised immunity, failure to be fully vaccinated, etc. She should not allow the anger of those who have been indoctrinated by ideological media entertainers to intimidate her.
You appear to need to resort to insults because I have indicated that I respect medical experts over your politicians in public health matters.

Why does it get you in such a tizzy that someone might want to take a simple precaution against the transmission of a deadly disease?
You appear to need to resort to insults because I have indicated that I respect medical experts over your politicians in public health matters.

Why does it get you in such a tizzy that someone might want to take a simple precaution against the transmission of a deadly disease?
Because you side step a simple yes or no question and then BS me. No where did I say one way or the other if I cared if you or anyone else wore a mask. Never did I ever say I followed government over science. You started lying about me, because you didn’t want to answer a simple yes or no, then you are pissed at me for name calling? At least I’m open and honest, something you lack.

You won’t answer the question, fine by me, fine by me. Take care dishonest one.
I'm not sure you did... wow.

Who is him?

Vaccines save lives.... That is my point. And its borne out by every reputable health agency in the universe.
I never said otherwise. Not sure why you bring this up when the other person and I were talking about masks.
Many people are actually more attractive with masks. I don't know if it's going to go away any time soon. It's a fashion thing now...
Lol.... I know what you mean...
We've dropped the mask mandates here in Massachusetts and people don't want to give them up. It's not even about the virus anymore.
The mask mandates have been eliminated because of public protest not because the virus has been eradicated. So you are free to go maskless and the rest of us are free to wear masks if we wish.
Lol.... I know what you mean...
We've dropped the mask mandates here in Massachusetts and people don't want to give them up. It's not even about the virus anymore.
Dang, I've seen a few Massachusetts women, and I can understand. You wanna vote to keep them on! :cool:
Masking was never important. It's just that the red States had more common sense than the blue ones

It wasn't even common sense. The Big Blue Cities knew they could mandate anything and the sheeple would follow it! The red states knew better than to try as they were full of free Americans who would never go along with living under effectively two years of martial law risking their very survival on something they cannot even see which is affecting almost no one.
I have an honest question, that can hopefully be answered in an honest way.

I'm an anarchist. I don't believe in left wing or right wing (just hot wings on Sundays), liberal or conservative, Red or Blue!

But apparently there are red states and blue states... And purple states. First of all, I don't understand what colors belong to what relgions/politics. I just know that they are gangster colors.

So let's say my state is 75% red, or blue, who cares... and I don't agree with whatever that means, should I pack up and move to another state?

Because 25% agree with whatever it means. So should we all move out? Or stay and multiply? I honestly don't get it.
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Of course, regardless of whether politicians are informed by public health experts in the public health policies they implement in the interest of public health, an American still has the right to protect herself by masking in public if she is especially vulnerable because of advanced age, compromised immunity, failure to be fully vaccinated, etc. She should not allow the anger of those who have been indoctrinated by ideological media entertainers to intimidate her.
No doubt we'll see some of that. That's just what this country is.
You appear to need to resort to insults because I have indicated that I respect medical experts over your politicians in public health matters.

Why does it get you in such a tizzy that someone might want to take a simple precaution against the transmission of a deadly disease?
They're following the rules of their party.

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