Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

No fido, you're showing me cherry picked stats to back up your baseless and crazy accusations.

The only thing I would be afraid of is paying for your psychiatry medication. You need a ton of it.

Her graphic shows that the vaccines help as the unvaxxed are way over represented in all 3 areas
Meanwhile back in reality...

View attachment 602965

All Red States...All shit holes (except Alaska--for the most part)
The red State shit holes that you're talking about are centered around the Democrat strongholds in those states which is where all the crime and poverty is. Even in the blue States the most deeply crime ridden and economically destroyed areas are solidly Democrat.

You know, every single time you post this graphic you are showing that the vaccines are effective, right?

There is absolutely no way any thinking person would take a series of THREE experimental vaccines if they knew they could still get sick and even if they DID get sick they had about an equal chance of being hospitalized after a couple of months.

This is what is happening with the double vaxxed absolutely, and now starting to happen even with boosters. I'm sorry that hurts your feelings, but those are the facts.
The red State shit holes that you're talking about are centered around the Democrat strongholds in those states which is where all the crime and poverty is. Even in the blue States the most deeply crime ridden and economically destroyed areas are solidly Democrat.



And this is what I see happening: many people got really ticked off over Covid policies, and that made a lot of scales fall off a lot of eyes regarding the Democrats. So now they are ALSO seeing other failures: border policies, crime, inflation.
There is absolutely no way any thinking person would take a series of THREE experimental vaccines if they knew they could still get sick and even if they DID get sick they had about an equal chance of being hospitalized after a couple of months.

They do not have an equal chance of being hospitalized, your own graphic proves this every time you post it.

Also, your anti-vaxx attacks on those who made a different decisions makes you no different than those attacking you for not getting vaxxed.

I am in my late 50s and suffer from COPD, I was what they called "vaccine hesitant" but upon the advice of medical professionals I know personally and trust I got the vaccine due to the damage COVID can to do someone with COPD. And in your world that makes me not a "thinking person". To that I just say "Fuck off"
Her graphic shows that the vaccines help as the unvaxxed are way over represented in all 3 areas

If you are a doctor or a nurse working in a hospital in which 43 people are inpatient with a disease, and TWENTY SEVEN of them have been vaccinated against said disease--what they hell must you be thinking?

You CANNOT, if you are at all rational or reasonable, be thinking "hey these are some great vaccines". Because you have never seen this with any other vaccines. Not polio, not mumps, measles or any other.

They might be saying it YET. But oh, whoa Nelly. That's coming too.
They do not have an equal chance of being hospitalized, your own graphic proves this every time you post it.

Also, your anti-vaxx attacks on those who made a different decisions makes you no different than those attacking you for not getting vaxxed.

I am in my late 50s and suffer from COPD, I was what they called "vaccine hesitant" but upon the advice of medical professionals I know personally and trust I got the vaccine due to the damage COVID can to do someone with COPD. And in your world that makes me not a "thinking person". To that I just say "Fuck off"

Oh cry me a big fat river.

Every single person can inject anything they want in their veins, up to and including battery acid. That's not the game that was played here by the Covidians and you know it. We ALL had to get vaccinated, even AFTER it was made clear that the vaccines did NOTHING to limit transmission, or we were Bad Terrible People. SO really, spare me the turnaround on this.
Okay, going back and looking at the graphic again, they lump boosted and vaccinated together and UM. So it is 43 total, 20 VACCINATED and 23 UNVACCINATED. So very nearly even.
CC's post are about 90 percent projection... The typical non-professional hack doesn't write like that. That kind of dedication to dogma speaks of a paid poster whether he's paid by political organization or some propaganda house???....who knows....
But there's no question that people don't run personal accounts on a posting board with that type of dedication unless they have an organized agenda that is purposely biased.
Every single person can inject anything they want in their veins, up to and including battery acid. That's not the game that was played here by the Covidians and you know it. We ALL had to get vaccinated, even AFTER it was made clear that the vaccines did NOTHING to limit transmission, or we were Bad Terrible People. SO really, spare me the turnaround on this.

and you are no different than them. I was never for the vax mandates, I have never attacked anyone that choose not to get it. But you cannot do this, you have to be just like those you rail against on here daily.
Oh cry me a big fat river.

Every single person can inject anything they want in their veins, up to and including battery acid. That's not the game that was played here by the Covidians and you know it. We ALL had to get vaccinated, even AFTER it was made clear that the vaccines did NOTHING to limit transmission, or we were Bad Terrible People. SO really, spare me the turnaround on this.

And if memory serves, you were the one who has an ER nurse girlfriend or spouse or something, so you knew all about the vaccines, yadda yadda. Yeah. I remember that game too. Well good, you go get one every single day for all I care, but do not begin to pretend that you all didn't look down your spike protein filled noses at all of us who chose not to.
and you are no different than them. I was never for the vax mandates, I have never attacked anyone that choose not to get it. But you cannot do this, you have to be just like those you rail against on here daily.

Nope, wrong. I don't care who gets the vaccine, they are free to do so. As I said, inject yourself with battery acid, it's your body. Period. I abhor the attitude of YOU MUST get injected, the vaccines are perfect, if you don't get the vaccines you are killing grandma and etc. Do not BEGIN to pretend that wasn't all over this board in 2021 and YOU didn't participate in it, because you told us all about how great they were.
And if memory serves, you were the one who has an ER nurse girlfriend or spouse or something, so you knew all about the vaccines, yadda yadda.

Actually my wife is an ICU nurse that has spent the last 2 plus years treating COVID patients, working in a negative pressure area in a space suit trying to keep them alive. And yes, she is my main source of information on COVID and its dangers. I have never claimed to know all about the vaccines, that is just more lies from you, it seems to be all you have.

but do not begin to pretend that you all didn't look down your spike protein filled noses at all of us who chose not to.

Some did, I never did. You will never find a post from me doing so. Unlike you I do not base my actions on those of others.
Nope, wrong. I don't care who gets the vaccine, they are free to do so.

Yet you have problem calling me unthinking for taking the advice of medical professionals I know and trust. You need to make up your mind.

Do not BEGIN to pretend that wasn't all over this board in 2021 and YOU didn't participate in it, because you told us all about how great they were.

I did not, and I have never said they were great. More lies, is that really all you have left?
I only ever wore a mask when the businesses I frequent required them.

Their business their rules

This is the way I am also. Seems a jerk move to make some hourly employee enforce a rule like that. It is no different to me than wearing shirt and shoes in places that require it

One of the courses I play a couple times a year has a dress code, have to have belt and collared shirt to play golf there. If I do not feel like wearing such then I find a different course to golf at that day.

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