Americans are fed up with masks and they are coming off

Trump knew Fauci and Wray were both backstabbing scumbags but the impeachment and fake news prevented him from doing anything about it.
So he kept an alleged mass murderer in his employ--appearing on stage with him numerous times because of "fake news" and "impeachment".

Wow... did that answer you just gave sound as batshit crazy in your head before you typed it as it sounds now?
More vaccines=fewer deaths as is proven by the statistics. Keep waiting there fido...

You sure about that?


I must be the one third in red states. If I need an engine rebuilt I'll have to pay some redneck to do it.
Me too since I really don't want to rebuild motors anymore
Yet I love in the Red Zone where people use the front yard as a salvage yard.
So he kept an alleged mass murderer in his employ--appearing on stage with him numerous times because of "fake news" and "impeachment".

Wow... did that answer you just gave sound as batshit crazy in your head before you typed it as it sounds now?
That's called political checkmate and it takes a corrupt government to pull it off. The sad part is, Biden, the fake media and you are perfectly happy with those two scumbags, Fauci and Wray. Talk about "batshit crazy".
But this is how democrats view red states as red states should vote accordingly.

Do you Repubs view blue states any differently?

You all use the exact same verbiage daily on here.
It's turning out just like masks for you, but worse. Because you can take masks off. You can't uninject yourself with whatever is in these vaccinations.

you know it. We all know it.

More vaccines=fewer deaths. Still true.

I have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about...and neither do you.

But please...keep following me around like a little poodle.
More vaccines=fewer deaths. Still true.
View attachment 602991

I have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about...and neither do you.

But please...keep following me around like a little poodle.

I am showing you the results of hospitalizations in my state RIGHT NOW. Which you are ignoring, of course, because you have to.

Yes, the vaccines have a VERY SHORT EFFECT of limiting deaths, and then a boomerang after they have essentially destroyed your immune system. Afraid? you should be, frankly.
Hypocrite elites in action...



My old dirty mask I wore for a year is already in the trash.
Not getting another...
I am showing you the results of hospitalizations in my state RIGHT NOW. Which you are ignoring, of course, because you have to.

Yes, the vaccines have a VERY SHORT EFFECT of limiting deaths, and then a boomerang after they have essentially destroyed your immune system. Afraid? you should be, frankly.
No fido, you're showing me cherry picked stats to back up your baseless and crazy accusations.

The only thing I would be afraid of is paying for your psychiatry medication. You need a ton of it.
Meanwhile back in reality...

View attachment 602965

All Red States...All shit holes (except Alaska--for the most part)

Please keep calling red states "shitholes".

We will own the gov from city council to president for 100 years.
They continue to demonstrate the basic difference between liberalism and conservatism. One of the founding tenants of progressivism / liberalism is the condescending snobbery that flows like an endless fountain both from their mouths and their minds. I can guarantee you that 90% of the liberals on this board are unskilled academics who have degrees in some stupid subject like liberal arts or Viking poetry.
I can guarantee exactly the opposite about most of the conservatives on this board.... they have practical skills and know how to use them to survive and to benefit themselves. I don't know a single tradesman whether it be electrician, plumber, carpenter or mechanic that is not conservative.

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