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Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
Thank you for your feedback...

Hurry, now... go vote as your Democratic Party masters have instructed you to do... for their Anointed One.

This is what socks like Fakey Farty ignore. The message is clear as it was when the Tea Party organized. You see, the Republican Party turned its back on us in hope it could attract the larger minority demographic. Those of us who long for the days where there was clear separation between the 2 parties are left wanting. Instead the Pub party elected to take the politically correct high road, again, to appeal to the minority demographic. In other words, the pub party continues to enable the slackers. The non-ambition types who only look to breathe eat and shit every day. Not much more is required for their vote.



The thing is, groups of people are used to politicians on the left pandering to them while on the right, we believe in treating everybody the same way regardless of gender or race.

The mistake the right makes is believing you have to be more like the Democrats to appeal to such groups. You don't. Once people realize (and especially foreigners who really come here to be part of America) that treating everybody the same is the attraction of being here, they will "eventually" come to the right way of thinking.

For instance, many Hispanic groups are very religious. Democrats hate God and religion. They want it wiped out of our society. Many Hispanics are hard working people and believe in being rewarded for their work. Democrats hate hard working people. Democrats want more government dependents because they can use those people to buy votes.

It would take time and yes, Republicans may lose some elections for a while because of these groups, but once they learn what our politics and politicians are really about, they will come around.
Above we find a discussion with the rational Republican and the far right reactionaries, fascists, and loonies.

The TPM has become the cancer in the GOP that must be excised.
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The mind of a Trump Supporter

Can't understand a word they say. But miraculously just happened to understand ONE SENTENCE. And that one sentence that person spoke, as he lay there having his teeth cleaned, was that he hates America. Nothing could be more normal. Nothing could be more natural than to have a dentist sticking his various instruments in your mouth, scraping away, poking, prodding, and you somehow manage to cough up words. And of course, what else would you be talking about besides your hate for America? Either that, or maybe the guy was saying "I ate a pear today," and it just got muddled. :dunno:
For instance, many Hispanic groups are very religious. Democrats hate God and religion. They want it wiped out of our society. Many Hispanics are hard working people and believe in being rewarded for their work. Democrats hate hard working people. Democrats want more government dependents because they can use thos

You really are a fucking wack job dude. Crazy as shit. Does your employer know how fucking crazy you are? And they let you drive a big truck?

Great humor from those who try to shoe horn Hispanics into a right wing Republican mold.

Guys, at least 80% vote from the Hispanics against Trump this year.
Just think all the votes the pubs could get if they quit pandering to the minorities and putting them first

Just think all the votes the pubs could get if they quit pandering to the minorities and putting them first-Geaux
Run a white nationalist program, which is what you are suggesting, would not gain you any votes.
Yup, the reconfiguration of the Republican Party is what's going on.
Well people are angry, there's no question. If you added the votes of Bernie, Trump and Cruz - all outsiders, the totals would be much greater than adding Hillary, and the various gop establishment pretenders.

BUT the fact is Trump doesn't have a majority of the votes cast for outsiders, so it's a false correlation to say dissatisfaction with pols = Trump landslide.
OIC, you're from one of those shitholes that are even more fucked up than we are, that explains why you have no idea that ole Bernie is as "establishment" as they come and why you're waiving your pom-poms for the carton of bullshit he's trying to sell .....congratulations on your irrelevancy.

God no. I'm happy with my country of birth and the current place I live. The only ones bitching and moaning about where they live seems to be the neocon whackjobs in the USA. It's not so much the pompoms he's waving, but he's probably the best and most honest of a average selection of candidates.

Any asshole can get himself arrested, hell I'd bet if you tried hard enough even YOU could manage it.....

And the end of the day he put his money where his mouth is. Trumpy only gives a flying fuck about what's in it for him. At least Bernie has stood for SOMETHING.

Yeah right, he put a different label on a can full of bullshit, got elected and then towed the Democrat Party line for his entire living off the taxpayers "career" ...... Welcome to the "You can fool some of the people all of the time" club, your membership card, tote bag and coffee mug are in the mail.

I don't think he's exactly flavour of the month with Dems

Thirty years of a career to give the right answer to a non-brainer question, WooHoo! way to go Bernie! What you got in store for the next 30 years of tax payer funded paychecks? Authoring a Senate resolution that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West perhaps?

A no-brainer question that only 7 members of the GOP in the house and senate could get right, while the rest didn't. 130 plus Dems got it right.

Higher than what? A career establishment politician that admits to being a socialist whose only claim to fame is making outlandishly unaffordable promises to gullible sheeple? You bet I can pal but apparently you and those like you cannot.

Who says they're unaffordable? As for being a socialist, you make it sound like its' a bad thing...
I don't know what you're talking about. DumBama is already talking about making it easier for the poor and minorities to get home loans again; the same crap they started that led to the housing collapse and recession last time.

Really? No one went to prison for the Wall St meltdown. I suggest you watch The Big Short and Margin Call. Nothing to do with poor people. All about rich, greedy <mainly> white men.
I don't know what you're talking about. DumBama is already talking about making it easier for the poor and minorities to get home loans again; the same crap they started that led to the housing collapse and recession last time.

Really? No one went to prison for the Wall St meltdown. I suggest you watch The Big Short and Margin Call. Nothing to do with poor people. All about rich, greedy <mainly> white men.

Watch what you want. But the last problem we had was government making regulations that led to high-risk loans. Those loans were turned into securities which were bad, and those were sold on the market causing the crash.

Sure a lot of people made a lot of money. Who wouldn't? It's there for the taking just like the feds pumping money into the stock market--trillions of dollars. If you have the money to get in on the game, you're going to do so.
I still am a Cruz guy. But if Trump makes the cut, he'll get my vote.

Count me as one the the disenfranchised


Earlier today, CNBC's Steve Liesman made two very important, in fact "critical", if about one year overdue, discoveries.

The first one was that Americans are angry.

According to the CNBC All-America Survey, a majority of Americans are angry about both the political and the economic system.

Perhaps if CNBC had discovered this sooner, it would have figured out that the reason it no longer reports its ratings to Nielsen has something to do with its underlying "rosy" slant on things, one which perhaps brings out people's, well, anger. That and the occasional informercial for Ferrari and million dollar homes.

The second discovery is that angry Americans largely support Trump over Hillary, something we have discussed since last summer.

As Liesman puts it, nearly three-fourths of the public is angry or dissatisfied with the political system in Washington, compared with 56 percent who are angry or dissatisfied about the economy. This group favors Trump on the economy over Clinton 28 percent to 21 percent.

CNBC's Steve Liesman Makes A "Discovery": Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump | Zero Hedge
Very little difference between the two.

Conservatives are angry and they will continue to be as long as there is no Republican president.

You'll be mad for five more years

I was not happy with Clinton, but dealt with him because he knew how to walk the center of the aisle. Obama walks somewhere out around the Washington Monument

No ones angry. Things are actually getting better and better.

It's an election year and your message doesn't match reality. Nothing new
In other words, Republican politicians are making America worse again, in order to make America great again.

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America is not worse, yet the far right tries to make it so that it can take power and hurt the people.
Ted Cruz, a Cuban-Canadian foreigner, is trying to steals Trump 's job as POTUS....isn't it Ironic..........
No, it's beautiful.

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He's got to win the general election before it's trumps job to steal.

Republicans are always arguing business owners should be able to hire whomever they want but then complain when they hire a legal immigrant over them.

They said it to my dad at Ford when he worked there. "Why you coming here stealing our jobs", not realizing their grandfather or great grandfather was an immigrant

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