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Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

Are there no Christians in Pakistan? Salt Lake City? You cannot be serious.
Listen up, socialism is communism lite. You've been brainwashed by the educators you listened to. Look up North Korea and take a good look. That is what socialism / communism looks like. There is only one communism and socialism is the road that takes you there. Wake up.

Yeah, that's right. Keep on proving my point. Like North Korea is the apex of socialism (hint - North Korea is neither socialist or communist - it is a totalitarian state - just like the USSR, China et al).

THAT aside, I'm not a huge fan of socialism. Nor capitalism. I like a mixture of both. Unlike you moronic conservative Yanks, I can look beyond a myopic world view and realise there's more to life than what my puppet masters demand of me.
However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Why? because he's promising you all sorts of government distributed "free" shit paid for with other peoples money? Newsflash.. that isn't "transforming the country" it's just putting the status quo into overdrive and hastening the coming federal default.

Sanders is just another politician trying to buy votes with empty promises and other peoples money and anybody that thinks he's "different" needs their head examined, he has been and still is part of the problem not the solution to it.

Mate, you haven't a clue. How do you think roads get built? Hospitals funded? That is what taxes are for
Uh-huh, then explain why the vast majority of federal taxes recipiets and debt ends up as entitlements, subsidies, hand outs to entrenched interests and good ole fashioned graft.

At least he is not part of the establishment.
ROFLMAO!!!! Apparently you missed the fact that he's was a Mayor (3 terms), was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives ( 8 Terms) and is currently a U.S. Senator (in his 2nd Term) how much more "establishment" can you get ? and what has he accomplished in all that time living off the tax payers dime? NOT A FUCKING THING and you geniuses want to give him a PROMOTION because he promises to transform the United States into a mythical Scandinavian country?

Jesus Christ... you people bring a whole new meaning to the word GULLIBLE, I don't know which group is more fucking naïve, the Trumplodytes or the dreamy-eyed Sanders wannabe socialist bots.

And that's half your problem.
No, my problem is that they let gullible sheeple like you vote and thanks to that error the country is in a complete financial mess, has a tyrannical monstrosity living in Washington D.C. and a political class that abuses the living shit out of the general citizenry.

RATFLMAO! There's the establishment and then there's the 'establishment'. And if you need that spelling out to you, then you're an idiot.

I don't particularly like ANY of the candidates. My point is, YOUR system (yeah, that's right, in case you haven't worked it out yet, I'm not even a Yank) is totally fucked. One of the worst political systems in the western world.

That aside, he has accomplished plenty. Unless you think getting arrested for protesting AGAINST segregation is nothing. If you think shaking up the two-party system in Vermont is NOTHING. Unless you think voting against the war in Iraq is NOTHING. Maybe you need to set you sights a little higher....
My point is, YOUR system (yeah, that's right, in case you haven't worked it out yet, I'm not even a Yank) is totally fucked.
OIC, you're from one of those shitholes that are even more fucked up than we are, that explains why you have no idea that ole Bernie is as "establishment" as they come and why you're waiving your pom-poms for the carton of bullshit he's trying to sell .....congratulations on your irrelevancy.

That aside, he has accomplished plenty.
Such as?

Unless you think getting arrested for protesting AGAINST segregation is nothing.
Any asshole can get himself arrested, hell I'd bet if you tried hard enough even YOU could manage it.....

If you think shaking up the two-party system in Vermont is NOTHING.
Yeah right, he put a different label on a can full of bullshit, got elected and then towed the Democrat Party line for his entire living off the taxpayers "career" ...... Welcome to the "You can fool some of the people all of the time" club, your membership card, tote bag and coffee mug are in the mail.

Unless you think voting against the war in Iraq is NOTHING.
Thirty years of a career to give the right answer to a non-brainer question, WooHoo! way to go Bernie! What you got in store for the next 30 years of tax payer funded paychecks? Authoring a Senate resolution that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West perhaps?

Maybe you need to set you sights a little higher....
Higher than what? A career establishment politician that admits to being a socialist whose only claim to fame is making outlandishly unaffordable promises to gullible sheeple? You bet I can pal but apparently you and those like you cannot.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
I'm not surprised. Most of this generation was indoctrinated in schools, colleges and universities to become socialists. Sanders is the evidence that it worked. You won't understand socialism /communism until the tanks roll in and their jackboot is on the back of your neck. By then? It will be too late.

Thankfully there is an entire generation of young - well educated Christian home schoolers who will be ready to lead when the time comes. We're not there yet.

If you think that is what Sanders stands for then you haven't been listening or don't understand basic politics. Sanders is about as much a communist as Roseanne Barr is a fantastic singer....And thus you reinforce my point about sound bites and opinion polls. It's pathetic. Instead of looking at what a candidate is saying and what they believe, you go "Sanders? A commie." Based on what? Five minutes of Hannity on Fox? Your loss.

The sooner you understand that Christianity is part of the problem, not the solution, the better your country will be.
This > Most of this generation was indoctrinated in schools, colleges and universities to become socialists < is the stupidest sound bite of the morning.
Elect, other, people. The Tea Party started doing that but only got so far. Conservatives need to blow apart the Republican party and then build two or three other parties that actually represents what they believe. It will take time, likely 10-20 years, these things are relatively slow moving affairs. But like most trees once you do the proper pruning the true is a lot healthier and thrives.

You would love that wouldn't you; to see Democrat leadership for 10 or 20 years? By that time, we would be a full blown Communist nation if you gave them that kind of power for that long of time.

The Republican party is going to explode this summer no matter what else happens. My comments are that perhaps if there are any level headed conservatives left you could start thinking about what comes out of that.

And you dims and your communism. It's like tatooed on your brain. Ronald Reagan was the con communist of the century but you blurbs love that Stalinistic criminal. Get over it. Democrats are not communists, they are, democrats. Either use google or stop by a library and learn something. Or not, I know gaining new knowledge is anathema to conservatives.

Oh please. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist which is the last step to Communism. He spent is honeymoon in the USSR for crying out loud! Your current leader had the support of the US Communist Party both elections. This is not to mention some of their praise pieces they've written on his gun stance.

In just two years of Democrat leadership, the federal government took over one-sixth of our economy with Commie Care. Their model of monetarily penalizing people into submission is as anti-American and anti-liberty as one can get.

I've grown so tired of the lying way conservative talk. You know Bernie Sanders isn't a 'socialist' in the same vein as all the evil socialists of history. Conservatives need an evil monster to push against, and if it isn't evil you make it evil in your mind.

Knock yourself out. It's the same stupid argument of 'this isn't a democracy, it's a republic'. It's like trying to hold an adult conversation with children and I'm just tired of this ignorant/dishonest way you people talk.

Have a nice day.
And apparently people in Wisconsin aren't so angry that it made them stupidly vote for trump.

Yeah that was a pretty big loss for Trump as far as % of vote. We'll see if it carries over to New York and California which are coming up. Same on the Democrat side.
You would love that wouldn't you; to see Democrat leadership for 10 or 20 years? By that time, we would be a full blown Communist nation if you gave them that kind of power for that long of time.

The Republican party is going to explode this summer no matter what else happens. My comments are that perhaps if there are any level headed conservatives left you could start thinking about what comes out of that.

And you dims and your communism. It's like tatooed on your brain. Ronald Reagan was the con communist of the century but you blurbs love that Stalinistic criminal. Get over it. Democrats are not communists, they are, democrats. Either use google or stop by a library and learn something. Or not, I know gaining new knowledge is anathema to conservatives.

Oh please. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist which is the last step to Communism. He spent is honeymoon in the USSR for crying out loud! Your current leader had the support of the US Communist Party both elections. This is not to mention some of their praise pieces they've written on his gun stance.

In just two years of Democrat leadership, the federal government took over one-sixth of our economy with Commie Care. Their model of monetarily penalizing people into submission is as anti-American and anti-liberty as one can get.

I've grown so tired of the lying way conservative talk. You know Bernie Sanders isn't a 'socialist' in the same vein as all the evil socialists of history. Conservatives need an evil monster to push against, and if it isn't evil you make it evil in your mind.

Knock yourself out. It's the same stupid argument of 'this isn't a democracy, it's a republic'. It's like trying to hold an adult conversation with children and I'm just tired of this ignorant/dishonest way you people talk.

Have a nice day.
And apparently people in Wisconsin aren't so angry that it made them stupidly vote for trump.

Yeah that was a pretty big loss for Trump as far as % of vote. We'll see if it carries over to New York and California which are coming up. Same on the Democrat side.
I think they'll decide to go with hillary but we have Bernie as a backup even biden would be OK over trump kasich Paul Ryan Cruz rubio carson fiorina huckabee Christie or jeb
If you think people are angry now, this is nothing if the RNC decides to screw everybody and go with Kasich or another person the people didn't pick.
About a third of Republicans are "angry," most Americans don't want Trump as president.

I don't know. That's what they were saying about him being the nominee.

I don't think anybody would have imagined him going this far about a year ago including me. Both parties miscalculated the mood of the country. I think Trump does stand a chance.
i am sorry you lost all validity with...i am still a cruz guy.....only thing trump has done is make cruz look like vivable choice......

This is all on Obama. Only can someone like Obama have created the mess we see. Of course, the most dysfunctional campaigns come at the heels of the first socialist POTUS


The mess was created by Bush and Wall St. End of story. And conservatives are giving a free pass to all their pals on Wall St again and again and again.

I don't know what you're talking about. DumBama is already talking about making it easier for the poor and minorities to get home loans again; the same crap they started that led to the housing collapse and recession last time.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
i am sorry you lost all validity with...i am still a cruz guy.....only thing trump has done is make cruz look like vivable choice......

This is all on Obama. Only can someone like Obama have created the mess we see. Of course, the most dysfunctional campaigns come at the heels of the first socialist POTUS

How in the world did you get there? Are you saying Obama is the reason that the PT Barnum canidate named Trump is leading because of Obama?
i am sorry you lost all validity with...i am still a cruz guy.....only thing trump has done is make cruz look like vivable choice......

This is all on Obama. Only can someone like Obama have created the mess we see. Of course, the most dysfunctional campaigns come at the heels of the first socialist POTUS

How in the world did you get there? Are you saying Obama is the reason that the PT Barnum canidate named Trump is leading because of Obama?
Geaux blames Obama for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Of course the moron blames Obama for Trump.
If you think people are angry now, this is nothing if the RNC decides to screw everybody and go with Kasich or another person the people didn't pick.
If it goes to the convention, and they break out a new face, let it be Newt -Geaux
Dude....really, this type of thinking is what is killing the GOP.
The far right wing with their fascist Alinskyite propagandists have to be driven from the GOP, if it is to survive as a 21st century party. The cons of the last century cannot survive in the new word of American politics by themselves. They don't have the votes or the power of charisma to get the votes beyond the 35 to 40% ginned up by the very vulnerable Trump. Finish that diseased far right wing off now.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
Thank you for your feedback...

Hurry, now... go vote as your Democratic Party masters have instructed you to do... for their Anointed One.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
Thank you for your feedback...

Hurry, now... go vote as your Democratic Party masters have instructed you to do... for their Anointed One.
Found the right photo for you. I told you the truth of about our Republic and how it is governed.

The loonies like you are not going to take over.

Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
Thank you for your feedback...

Hurry, now... go vote as your Democratic Party masters have instructed you to do... for their Anointed One.
Found the right photo for you. I told you the truth of about our Republic and how it is governed.

The loonies like you are not going to take over.

What loonies are those, pray tell?
If you think people are angry now, this is nothing if the RNC decides to screw everybody and go with Kasich or another person the people didn't pick.
If it goes to the convention, and they break out a new face, let it be Newt -Geaux
Dude....really, this type of thinking is what is killing the GOP.
The far right wing with their fascist Alinskyite propagandists have to be driven from the GOP, if it is to survive as a 21st century party. The cons of the last century cannot survive in the new word of American politics by themselves. They don't have the votes or the power of charisma to get the votes beyond the 35 to 40% ginned up by the very vulnerable Trump. Finish that diseased far right wing off now.

Been hearing that for over 30 years now...........
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Critics gonna neg.
Especially when the critics are accurately portraying the lemming-like behaviors of those who vote as they're told to vote - something Democrats excel at.
Loons are gonna loon, Kondor, and you are looning right along.

We live in a Republic, governed by a republican system of representatives, and executive, and a judiciary.

Not gonna change.
Thank you for your feedback...

Hurry, now... go vote as your Democratic Party masters have instructed you to do... for their Anointed One.

This is what socks like Fakey Farty ignore. The message is clear as it was when the Tea Party organized. You see, the Republican Party turned its back on us in hope it could attract the larger minority demographic. Those of us who long for the days where there was clear separation between the 2 parties are left wanting. Instead the Pub party elected to take the politically correct high road, again, to appeal to the minority demographic. In other words, the pub party continues to enable the slackers. The non-ambition types who only look to breathe eat and shit every day. Not much more is required for their vote.


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