Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

The entire country is livid. Who are you trying to kid, Clayton? It's why Sanders is beating Clinton and Trump is beating Cruz. The American people - BOTH PARTIES - are sick of establishment / career candidates. Running Sanders against Clinton will prove to be the biggest mistake the DNC has ever made.

Sanders is not beating Clinton.
Of course he is. Look at the crowds Sanders has drawn compared to Clinton's tiny rallies of a 100 people - even with Bill and Chelsea helping her out the turnout would fill a small classroom. Not much more. Americans cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Stop listening to what you are told and open your eyes. Like Romney, she's not electable. People are not coming out for her.

I think Bernie is the best candidate for the US, period. Unfortunately you live in a land of sound bites and opinion polls. So he doesn't stand a chance. Clinton will be the next president. Maybe Cruz. I hope not Cruz. We'll see. Of the 'conventional' candidates (ie, those that play the game), Rubio was my choice. But he's out, so it's Cruz or Clinton. The world would prefer Clinton and she is certainly miles better than Cruz. However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Looks like the GOP Establishment and their Lamestream Media lackeys are beginning to put a real dent in Trump's momentum.

Lemmings gonna lemming.

Sheeple gonna sheeple.

Plebians gonna do what their Patrician masters tell them to do.

The Republic is dead.

Long live the Empire.

( sigh )
Only if you believe what they say. I'm watching what they do and at this writing they are busy digging their own graves.
Crowd at Sanders rally
Clinton Rally - is there even 100 people in the room?

Really? Another Clinton rally. Stop cherry picking..

The entire country is livid. Who are you trying to kid, Clayton? It's why Sanders is beating Clinton and Trump is beating Cruz. The American people - BOTH PARTIES - are sick of establishment / career candidates. Running Sanders against Clinton will prove to be the biggest mistake the DNC has ever made.

Sanders is not beating Clinton.
Of course he is. Look at the crowds Sanders has drawn compared to Clinton's tiny rallies of a 100 people - even with Bill and Chelsea helping her out the turnout would fill a small classroom. Not much more. Americans cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Stop listening to what you are told and open your eyes. Like Romney, she's not electable. People are not coming out for her.

I think Bernie is the best candidate for the US, period. Unfortunately you live in a land of sound bites and opinion polls. So he doesn't stand a chance. Clinton will be the next president. Maybe Cruz. I hope not Cruz. We'll see. Of the 'conventional' candidates (ie, those that play the game), Rubio was my choice. But he's out, so it's Cruz or Clinton. The world would prefer Clinton and she is certainly miles better than Cruz. However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
I'm not surprised. Most of this generation was indoctrinated in schools, colleges and universities to become socialists. Sanders is the evidence that it worked. You won't understand socialism /communism until the tanks roll in and their jackboot is on the back of your neck. By then? It will be too late.

Thankfully there is an entire generation of young - well educated Christian home schoolers who will be ready to lead when the time comes. We're not there yet.
I'm not surprised. Most of this generation was indoctrinated in schools, colleges and universities to become socialists. Sanders is the evidence that it worked. You won't understand socialism /communism until the tanks roll in and their jackboot is on the back of your neck. By then? It will be too late.

Thankfully there is an entire generation of young - well educated Christian home schoolers who will be ready to lead when the time comes. We're not there yet.

If you think that is what Sanders stands for then you haven't been listening or don't understand basic politics. Sanders is about as much a communist as Roseanne Barr is a fantastic singer....And thus you reinforce my point about sound bites and opinion polls. It's pathetic. Instead of looking at what a candidate is saying and what they believe, you go "Sanders? A commie." Based on what? Five minutes of Hannity on Fox? Your loss.

The sooner you understand that Christianity is part of the problem, not the solution, the better your country will be.
However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Why? because he's promising you all sorts of government distributed "free" shit paid for with other peoples money? Newsflash.. that isn't "transforming the country" it's just putting the status quo into overdrive and hastening the coming federal default.

Sanders is just another politician trying to buy votes with empty promises and other peoples money and anybody that thinks he's "different" needs their head examined, he has been and still is part of the problem not the solution to it.
I'm not surprised. Most of this generation was indoctrinated in schools, colleges and universities to become socialists. Sanders is the evidence that it worked. You won't understand socialism /communism until the tanks roll in and their jackboot is on the back of your neck. By then? It will be too late.

Thankfully there is an entire generation of young - well educated Christian home schoolers who will be ready to lead when the time comes. We're not there yet.

If you think that is what Sanders stands for then you haven't been listening or don't understand basic politics. Sanders is about as much a communist as Roseanne Barr is a fantastic singer....And thus you reinforce my point about sound bites and opinion polls. It's pathetic. Instead of looking at what a candidate is saying and what they believe, you go "Sanders? A commie." Based on what? Five minutes of Hannity on Fox? Your loss.

The sooner you understand that Christianity is part of the problem, not the solution, the better your country will be.
Christianity is the answer which is why communists go after the Bible & Christians when they take over. But first they line up all the useful idiots who helped them (like you), against a brick wall and execute them. There is only one form of socialism / communism and Islam and the brand you've been sold won't exist after the country is lost. You'll remember these words when the day comes that you "wake up." Socialism is what swung the door open to over 1 million Muslim invaders in Europe - it dulls your mind and causes you to believe whatever you are told. As the Germans in Cologne, Germany about that. They are starting to wake up.
However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Why? because he's promising you all sorts of government distributed "free" shit paid for with other peoples money? Newsflash.. that isn't "transforming the country" it's just putting the status quo into overdrive and hastening the coming federal default.

Sanders is just another politician trying to buy votes with empty promises and other peoples money and anybody that thinks he's "different" needs their head examined, he has been and still is part of the problem not the solution to it.
He needs to take a trip to Europe and see what socialism had brought.
However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Why? because he's promising you all sorts of government distributed "free" shit paid for with other peoples money? Newsflash.. that isn't "transforming the country" it's just putting the status quo into overdrive and hastening the coming federal default.

Sanders is just another politician trying to buy votes with empty promises and other peoples money and anybody that thinks he's "different" needs their head examined, he has been and still is part of the problem not the solution to it.

Mate, you haven't a clue. How do you think roads get built? Hospitals funded? That is what taxes are for. Not for your local mayor to go on a fact-finding trip around Europe. You think he believes in 'free shit'? Get a fucking grip you idiot. At least he is not part of the establishment. And that's half your problem. Let's say Clinton wins and also gets another term. Well done USA! From 1988 until 2024 (36 years) you would have had 28 years of a president called Clinton or Bush. From 330 million odd people that is the best your could do? SHAME!!
Christianity is the answer which is why communists go after the Bible & Christians when they take over. But first they line up all the useful idiots who helped them (like you), against a brick wall and execute them. There is only one form of socialism / communism and Islam and the brand you've been sold won't exist after the country is lost. You'll remember these words when the day comes that you "wake up." Socialism is what swung the door open to over 1 million Muslim invaders in Europe - it dulls your mind and causes you to believe whatever you are told. As the Germans in Cologne, Germany about that. They are starting to wake up.

Socialism is not Communism. Christianity is nothing more than a fairy tale. All religions are. Nothing but faith-based nonsense with no facts to back them up. From Druids in Britain, through to Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, JW, CJCLDS, Scientology. You name it. Nothing but made up crap. Remember this Jerry boy. You are only a Christian because you were born in the US. If you were born in Pakistan you'd be a Muslim. Salt Lake City? A Mormon. I could go on.
So what is your suggestion Einstein?

Elect, other, people. The Tea Party started doing that but only got so far. Conservatives need to blow apart the Republican party and then build two or three other parties that actually represents what they believe. It will take time, likely 10-20 years, these things are relatively slow moving affairs. But like most trees once you do the proper pruning the true is a lot healthier and thrives.

You would love that wouldn't you; to see Democrat leadership for 10 or 20 years? By that time, we would be a full blown Communist nation if you gave them that kind of power for that long of time.

The Republican party is going to explode this summer no matter what else happens. My comments are that perhaps if there are any level headed conservatives left you could start thinking about what comes out of that.

And you dims and your communism. It's like tatooed on your brain. Ronald Reagan was the con communist of the century but you blurbs love that Stalinistic criminal. Get over it. Democrats are not communists, they are, democrats. Either use google or stop by a library and learn something. Or not, I know gaining new knowledge is anathema to conservatives.

Oh please. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist which is the last step to Communism. He spent is honeymoon in the USSR for crying out loud! Your current leader had the support of the US Communist Party both elections. This is not to mention some of their praise pieces they've written on his gun stance.

In just two years of Democrat leadership, the federal government took over one-sixth of our economy with Commie Care. Their model of monetarily penalizing people into submission is as anti-American and anti-liberty as one can get.

I've grown so tired of the lying way conservative talk. You know Bernie Sanders isn't a 'socialist' in the same vein as all the evil socialists of history. Conservatives need an evil monster to push against, and if it isn't evil you make it evil in your mind.

Knock yourself out. It's the same stupid argument of 'this isn't a democracy, it's a republic'. It's like trying to hold an adult conversation with children and I'm just tired of this ignorant/dishonest way you people talk.

Have a nice day.
And apparently people in Wisconsin aren't so angry that it made them stupidly vote for trump.
"Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump"

Bitter uneducated white people are increasingly angry and want trump to be their great white hope. Problem is. not enough old bitter white christ stains, they are only 46 percent of the population and in flyover country, the educated blue state, the ones that have the big electerol college vote will stay blue
That dog won't hunt. California and NY are both going to Trump.
Not in the general election, his favorability among non white, non christian and women is in the single to low double digits

GOP Front-Runner Trump Unpopular Even Among White Men - the Party’s Base
His favorability poll numbers are upside-down in nearly every voter category.

GOP Front-Runner Trump Unpopular Even Among White Men - the Party’s Base

The people in NY have long known trump, trump is: about what is good for trump and nothing else. No surprise he has marketed himself very successfully to the uneducated white rube and white supremacist underbelly segment of society
Christianity is the answer which is why communists go after the Bible & Christians when they take over. But first they line up all the useful idiots who helped them (like you), against a brick wall and execute them. There is only one form of socialism / communism and Islam and the brand you've been sold won't exist after the country is lost. You'll remember these words when the day comes that you "wake up." Socialism is what swung the door open to over 1 million Muslim invaders in Europe - it dulls your mind and causes you to believe whatever you are told. As the Germans in Cologne, Germany about that. They are starting to wake up.

Socialism is not Communism. Christianity is nothing more than a fairy tale. All religions are. Nothing but faith-based nonsense with no facts to back them up. From Druids in Britain, through to Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, JW, CJCLDS, Scientology. You name it. Nothing but made up crap. Remember this Jerry boy. You are only a Christian because you were born in the US. If you were born in Pakistan you'd be a Muslim. Salt Lake City? A Mormon. I could go on.

Are there no Christians in Pakistan? Salt Lake City? You cannot be serious.
Listen up, socialism is communism lite. You've been brainwashed by the educators you listened to. Look up North Korea and take a good look. That is what socialism / communism looks like. There is only one communism and socialism is the road that takes you there. Wake up.
However, Sanders would transform the country - for the better. A lot better.
Why? because he's promising you all sorts of government distributed "free" shit paid for with other peoples money? Newsflash.. that isn't "transforming the country" it's just putting the status quo into overdrive and hastening the coming federal default.

Sanders is just another politician trying to buy votes with empty promises and other peoples money and anybody that thinks he's "different" needs their head examined, he has been and still is part of the problem not the solution to it.

Mate, you haven't a clue. How do you think roads get built? Hospitals funded? That is what taxes are for
Uh-huh, then explain why the vast majority of federal taxes recipiets and debt ends up as entitlements, subsidies, hand outs to entrenched interests and good ole fashioned graft.

At least he is not part of the establishment.
ROFLMAO!!!! Apparently you missed the fact that he's was a Mayor (3 terms), was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives ( 8 Terms) and is currently a U.S. Senator (in his 2nd Term) how much more "establishment" can you get ? and what has he accomplished in all that time living off the tax payers dime? NOT A FUCKING THING and you geniuses want to give him a PROMOTION because he promises to transform the United States into a mythical Scandinavian country?

Jesus Christ... you people bring a whole new meaning to the word GULLIBLE, I don't know which group is more fucking naïve, the Trumplodytes or the dreamy-eyed Sanders wannabe socialist bots.

And that's half your problem.
No, my problem is that they let gullible sheeple like you vote and thanks to that error the country is in a complete financial mess, has a tyrannical monstrosity living in Washington D.C. and a political class that abuses the living shit out of the general citizenry.

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