Americans Aren't Stupid

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
You are a fucking brainwashed stupid fuck moron who is responsible for the decline of America asshole:fu:
Anybody that would vote for Hillary or Biden is absolutely braindead. What a joke you people are.
You are an even bigger joke than they are the fact you ignore the evidence both parties are corrupt :uhoh3:

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
This stupid fuck brainwashed asshole ignores facts I have proven that there is no difference in the two parties just like that moron idiot mudwhistle Always evades the evidece that the republicans are as evil as the dems. They can never explain how there is a difference when Obama and Romney both voted for Obamacare,that both bush one and his long time friend and pal clinton were both in favor of nafta that they both signed ,and that patriot and true American independent Ross Perot was against,or how Obama reinstated the patriot act that bush started and expanded the war in the Middle East his pal bush started as well as expanding nsa’s spying program.trolls like him always play dodgeball with those pesky facts since those facts prove them wrong and how retarded they sound :laughing0301: :lmao:how is there a difference when both are agreeing on the same thing and not doing what’s best for the people :lmao: :uhoh3:
This idiot republican lover From Kansas City just proved he cannot stand toe to toe in a debate.instead of addressing the facts I just posted that prove both parties are corrupt and there is no difference in the two,since he knows he cannot refute the evidence,like the troll he is and
Like all trolls always do in defeat,he tries to laugh it off knowing he can’t counter the facts I mentioned that the bush’s Obama’s andclintons are all criminals.this stupid ass idiot no doubt voted for Bush I bet :lmao: :laughing0301:

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
Notice how he did not bother to answer the question and evaded it.? :auiqs.jpg: same way just how he evaded the facts I listed without trying to counter them that there is no difference in the two parties.he did not try addressing them cause he knew he could not counter or refute them that bush,Romney and Obama and the clintons all have the same policys:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
Americans aren't stupid? If that were true, the left wouldn't be trying to embrace the Marxist/Leninist ideology, which has never really worked well.
Americans aren't stupid? If that were true, the left wouldn't be trying to embrace the Marxist/Leninist ideology, which has never really worked well.
They're not. The "stupid" is noted in the OP. YOU are in that "other" 30%

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