Americans broadly support Ukraine no-fly zone, Russia oil ban -poll.

That mean what exactly? No Context, no example of how they improve oil production or exploration.
That means exactly what it shows in the charts above.

Oil production is up. 16% higher than when Biden took office and well above what it was in Trump's first year.

The only reason it's not up further is because OIL COMPANIES have made decisions that negatively affect oil production (and positively affect profits)
That means exactly what it shows in the charts above.

Oil production is up. 16% higher than when Biden took office and well above what it was in Trump's first year.

The only reason it's not up further is because OIL COMPANIES have made decisions that negatively affect oil production (and positively affect profits)
I think its more that oil drillers now believe that increasing drilling will not help their bottom line and might also cause them to go bankrupt with falling oil prices. The Ukraine invasion has changed that a bit, because if we take out 5million barrels a day that Russia provides to the global supply needs of 20 million per day .. prices aren't going down. But drilling a well takes years. Oil drillers aren't likely to bet on that.
That means exactly what it shows in the charts above.

Oil production is up. 16% higher than when Biden took office and well above what it was in Trump's first year.

The only reason it's not up further is because OIL COMPANIES have made decisions that negatively affect oil production (and positively affect profits)

Notice you avoided 2019, i.e. Trumps last year before the pandemic, talk about selective data presentation.

When the government creates a situation where further expansion and exploitation is discouraged, what do you expect?

When government is hostile to your industry, why risk further expenses that may not pay out?
One thing is sure: Europe should handle it. Most Europeans have been decrying America's involvement in the world's affairs for decades now. Goody. Now it's your turn, Europe. Your continent, your problem. Step up.
Yeah, let Europe do the no-fly zone, with no input from us.

That way they'll get nuked. A no-fly zone is a clear act of war.
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A no fly zone is effectively a blockade, and a blockade is an act of war, always to the country being blockaded, and potentially to the countries trying to trade with the blockaded country.
I'd challenge that, with respect, as no-fly in this case does not mean blocking mercantile traffic --- it means stopping bombers. That's not a blockade, which means not allowing merchants to export or import, and is enforced by ships sitting outside ports, or troops on a border crossing. Stopping merchandise -- of any kind, incl. oil and metals -- is a blockade, but stopping bombers bombing their targets is warfighting. Technically a blockade may not be an act of war (a long-disputed point) but stopping their warfighters by our warfighters definitely is.
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What I am pointing out is your gung ho approach is basically nothing more than you being political hacks. If Trump were in office you would be screaming bloody murder at whatever he did, even if they were same as what Biden is doing right now.

I am not working against us, just pointing out that the only reason we are having this discussion is Russia wasn't really ready for a full invasion, and that gave the West time to find it's balls.

Without that time, I have a feeling the western governments, the US government, and by proxy you guys would be singing a different tune right now.

And as for politics, if Biden were truly serious he would announce lifting of many restrictions on oil and gas production, plans for expansion of said production, and more work into increasing our nuclear and hydroelectric capacities. But he won't because of politics as he is beholden to the Green wing of the Democrat Party.
Huh? Whatever supposition you have about Trump us just that. It’s meaningless.
The west was never going to act until Putin did. They said this publicly and repeatedly starting back in the fall when Putin started his build up along the border.
Biden is announcing an embargo on Russian energy today. Get your head out of your ass.
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A no fly zone is effectively a blockade, and a blockade is an act of war, always to the country being blockaded, and potentially to the countries trying to trade with the blockaded country.
It’s an invitation for aerial combat. Open warfare.
Huh? Whatever supposition you have about Trump us just that. It’s meaningless.
The west was never going to act until Putin did. They said this publicly and repeatedly starting back in the fall when Putin started his build up along the border.
Biden us announcing an embargo on Russian energy today. Get your head out of your ass.

They could have been far more vocal in their lead up, and Biden saying his response would be tempered by the degree of the incursion couldn't have helped matters, that was a fuck-up.

A whole 2 weeks later....and 4% of our imports (used to be 2%) talk about being on the pulse of the situation!
Will they continue to "understand" if Biden doesn't take steps to loosen restrictions on domestic production, or god forbid, even encourage more domestic production/exploration?
New exploration and production takes years to see a steady flow of supply. Use your own brain for once and stop with the Foxbait nonsense.
New exploration and production takes years to see a steady flow of supply. Use your own brain for once and stop with the Foxbait nonsense.

Which is why the current policies discouraging it from happening causes rises in prices, both on the spot market and the futures market. The promise of increased supply even months out would lessen the impact of the upcoming embargo.

And it's not just new wells, reducing regulation and overhead would make it profitable to re-start wells that aren't economically viable and were shut down, and those could take only weeks or at most a few months to start up again.

The perception is right now the situation is bad enough to decrease our imports from Russia, but not bad enough to improve our own production. So instead we go begging to the Saudis and Maduro, and maybe the Iranians.

So AGW is more important than Ukrainian independence, and our own economic vitality. got it.
They could have been far more vocal in their lead up, and Biden saying his response would be tempered by the degree of the incursion couldn't have helped matters, that was a fuck-up.

A whole 2 weeks later....and 4% of our imports (used to be 2%) talk about being on the pulse of the situation!
Biden has been very vocal for months. You just haven’t been paying attention.
The response is the response. It’s what it was always going to be. New sanctions are being added almost daily. As Putin escalates, so does the response by the world.
Biden has been very vocal for months. You just haven’t been paying attention.
The response is the response. It’s what it was always going to be. New sanctions are being added almost daily. As Putin escalates, so does the response by the world.

Yeah, mumbling about consequences, and maybe consequences depending on the severity of the incursion.

It took them two weeks to get to where they are now, and the only reason it's lasting this long is the Ukrainian army and militias.

Sanctions won't bite for weeks as long as Russia has food and fuel reserves.
Yeah, mumbling about consequences, and maybe consequences depending on the severity of the incursion.

It took them two weeks to get to where they are now, and the only reason it's lasting this long is the Ukrainian army and militias.

Sanctions won't bite for weeks as long as Russia has food and fuel reserves.
Yes, sanctions are all attritional, unless they are pre-emptive -------- but there have never been sanctions put on BEFORE an invasion or other obvious act of war. I don't know why, since troops mustering in force in front of a border is a justifiable cause of pre-emptive defensive war in Just-War theory; so why wouldn't it be okay with sanctions? There is nothing subtle about thousands of troops lined up at a border: everyone knows what's about to happen, whatever silly lies the aggressive power tells to get all their ducks in a row.

And it could have an end point: If Russia withdrew all its troops and preparations and we could see they had, the sanctions could come off after a time.
Which is why the current policies discouraging it from happening causes rises in prices, both on the spot market and the futures market. The promise of increased supply even months out would lessen the impact of the upcoming embargo.

And it's not just new wells, reducing regulation and overhead would make it profitable to re-start wells that aren't economically viable and were shut down, and those could take only weeks or at most a few months to start up again.

The perception is right now the situation is bad enough to decrease our imports from Russia, but not bad enough to improve our own production. So instead we go begging to the Saudis and Maduro, and maybe the Iranians.

So AGW is more important than Ukrainian independence, and our own economic vitality. got it.
Simply not true.
Which wells are shuttered due to regulations?
Yeah, mumbling about consequences, and maybe consequences depending on the severity of the incursion.

It took them two weeks to get to where they are now, and the only reason it's lasting this long is the Ukrainian army and militias.

Sanctions won't bite for weeks as long as Russia has food and fuel reserves.
It’s been two weeks because that’s when Putin started, dope. Just because you’re late to understanding doesn’t mean anyone else failed.
Simply not true.
Which wells are shuttered due to regulations?

When regulations make wells uneconomical, even at these expanded prices, what is causing them to be shuttered?

Biden going with the "clean energy is the answer" mantra:

Joe Biden gaslights on gas prices, claims 'it's simply not true that' his admin is stifling US energy production — and promptly heads for the hills [videos]

There it is. Biden gives away the game: "It should motivate us to make the transition to clean energy...Loosening environmental regulations won't...lower energy prices...Transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles powered by clean energy...will help."

iden argues the high gas prices are the perfect opportunity to force people to buy electric cars: "It will make America a leader to exporting clean energy to countries all around the world. This is the goal we should be racing towards."

How does one "export" clean energy? Things like hydro, wind and solar can't be transported.
It’s been two weeks because that’s when Putin started, dope. Just because you’re late to understanding doesn’t mean anyone else failed.

They could have responded much quicker, but they didn't because most of them thought it would be over in 3-5 days, and they could get on with their lives.
No fly zone ??
That would be WW3

American left are the lowest scum of humanity

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