Americans Brutally Rejecting VP Kamala Harris

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.

I think even Trump's biggest fans admit that he has some serious flaws in his moral character, and I don't know of anyone who defends some of the overtly bad behavior in which he has engaged.

But he got where he did, not by selling sexual favors, but on his own skills and abilities.

The Whore would never have achieved any political success based on her skills or abilities. She only ever got anywhere in politics by being a sleazy, morally-degenerate slut who sold sexual favors in exchange for political opportunities.
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It sounds like you’ve perfected the art of being a sore loser Skye. How about you try showing a little integrity and honor?

The irony is off the scale, a subhuman piece of shit such as Slade3200 to whom any concept of integrity or ethics is completely alien and incomprehensible, trying to cast aspersion's on skye's integrity.

It's rather like a supermassive black hole at the core of a galaxy calling a sheet of typing paper “black”.

Who is the presumptive 2024 GOP nominee? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Kristi Noem
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
(Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump)

I like anyone from the above list. Assuming Trump will be too old and too damaged, Desantis, Cruz, Haley, Pence would be acceptable, with Haley or Noem for VP. Any of these should beat an 82 year old Xiden or "Heels Up" Kamala.
So you believe Harris was not selected because of her gender and skin color? She had no other qualifications. That's racism by the Dems at its purest!

And sexism.

But is it really racism to hire someone for claiming to be “black”, that anyone who isn't blind can clearly see is white?

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Are you saying Trump slept his way to success too?
I say his behavior is certainly as immoral VP Harris, if not moreso.

Did he, or did he not, achieve his successes in business or politics, by selling sexual favors to others, rather than by his own skills and abilities?

I will certainly not dispute that Trump has engaged in some repugnantly and immoral behavior, not on a scale much outside of that in which The Whore has engaged.

But I think it makes a huge difference, that every success that The Whore has had in politics is entirely because she sold sexual favors, and not in the least because she was in any way qualified by her skills and abilities, for any political office that she has ever held.
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Are you saying Trump slept his way to success too?
I say his behavior is certainly as immoral VP Harris, if not moreso.

Did he, or did he not, achieve his successes in business or politics, by selling sexual favors to others, rather than by his own skills and abilities?

I will certainly not dispute that Trump has engaged in some repugnantly and immoral behavior, not on a scale much outside of that in which The Whore has engaged.

But I think it makes a huge difference, that every success that The Whore has had in politics is entirely because she sold sexual favors, and not in the least because she was in any way qualified by her skills and abilities, for any political office that she has ever held.

And she was single when she engaged in whatever activity she did. I am not aware of anyone claiming she cheated on her spouse, thereby breaking her marriage vows.
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Are you saying Trump slept his way to success too?

I say his behavior is certainly as immoral VP Harris, if not moreso.
Whataboutism is still whataboutism.

This is not whataboutism. My post was ridiculing those who would denigrate one person for their immorality, while celebrating someone else with equal or worse immoral acts.

That is practically the definition of whataboutism! There's that UA education striking again!
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
But the guys she slept with were married
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Are you saying Trump slept his way to success too?

I say his behavior is certainly as immoral VP Harris, if not moreso.
Whataboutism is still whataboutism.

This is not whataboutism. My post was ridiculing those who would denigrate one person for their immorality, while celebrating someone else with equal or worse immoral acts.

That is practically the definition of whataboutism! There's that UA education striking again!

That auburn reading comprehension is showing again.

It is not whataboutism. It is ridiculing those who would denigrate one person as immoral while celebrating another person who did worse.

If you are going to scream about immoral behavior, you shouldn't celebrate someone whose life has been rife with immoral behavior. I am not bad mouthing Trump for his numerous immoral acts. I am bad mouthing those who choose to ignore his while they scream about the immoral acts by Harris.
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
But the guys she slept with were married

Their burden of immorality.
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
Answer the question...
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
But the guys she slept with were married

Their burden of immorality.
Every politician is immoral...they spend almost 0 time with their spouses.
She was chosen for her skin color, not her intelligence and morals

I find it amusing that the biggest fans of Trump, a man who is known for his womanizing, have the gall to talk about morals.
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

Oh, so exploiting someone, cheating on multiple spouses ect ect is ok, because he did not gain from it?

You have a different definition of "morality" than I do. At least Kamala was single when she was doing all she did.
Answer the question...
Did Trump become President by engaging in sexual intercourse with politicians?

No, he did not.

Now a question for you. Is morality dependent on personal gain from it?

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