Americans DON'T want immigration!

I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.
Sarcasm is a poor excuse for logic.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.
Sarcasm is a poor excuse for logic.
Not being sarcastic.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.
Sarcasm is a poor excuse for logic.
Not being sarcastic.
I am not being dragged into a moralist debate with someone that dosen't know sarcasm. Nice try. Have a nice day.
What is a Nazi? The closest thing in this country is a dimshit liberal. I am for immigrants that want to be productive Americans, I don't care if the work at Burger King, As long as they want to be Americans, instead of those who want to bring their country to America, and take it over.
What is a Nazi? The closest thing in this country is a dimshit liberal. I am for immigrants that want to be productive Americans, I don't care if the work at Burger King, As long as they want to be Americans, instead of those who want to bring their country to America, and take it over.
Liberals are like : Think like US.Or feel the awesome power of SNARK!
Nazi? Well the op is a good example . He only wants whites to be allowed into the us.
Democrats want to flood America with as many illegal aliens and unvetted refugees as possible.

Why? Because as soon as they get here they need ASSISTANCE, and who is the party of WELFARE and FOOD STAMPS? The DEMOCRATS of course. They see ALL these people as VOTES, votes to stay in power. They don't give a crap if they're screwing up America or not.
Zero option has been used before and veggies still were picked toilets cleaned and yards mowed
Here we go. America was born from immigration. We love immigration. Some of you may feel differently, but illegal aliens are problem, in there with child molesters or tax cheats or speeders. Let's don't sugar coat illegals and compare them with valid LEGAL immigrants. Please.
In fact, our immigration laws are not broken.

Our immigration process should be slow and thorough. We want quality, not quantity.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.

You're a fucking ignorant asshole.

Americans ARE immigrants. Except for the original ones that were wholesale slaughtered after YOUR ancestors got here.
1. Indians came from Asia aka they were not HERE originally you dolt
2. The FIRST inhabitants of North America were Europeans,try doing some research before making yourself look any dumber.
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.

You're a fucking ignorant asshole.
Managed to trigger you my little snowflake. :)
I don't think so, we want sensible controlled immigration on terms that fit ALL of us. I think I speak for most people on this. Most of US DON'T want wide open borders and a passive aggressive invasion from any country.
I am all for immigration as long as its people that belong here,people from Europe,Australia and South Africa Afrikaans.

You're a fucking ignorant asshole.
Some liberals stoop to such low tactics that make NAZIS blush. Meet the new fascism, liberal group think. Oh, no doubt they think they are the cutting edge of individualism. But instead? Blind conformism. Liberals are scary hateful people.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.
Immigration should be shut down for at least ten years. Get our people working before we bring in anymore.
If we did that democrats wouldn't win another election for... well... a LONG TIME.

They need the obama phone, EBT card carrying, welfare collecting, quota, subsidized housing living, slum dwelling, illegals and unvetted dependent refugees for votes.

Hell if we stopped all immigration for ten years and deported all the illegals, we might even clean up California and NYC.

One thing's for sure, America would start to look like America again.

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