Americans enjoy lower tax rates under Obama

LOL! Of course the cons would never be thankful for this since they are nothing but hypocrites.
so now we are suppose to be thankful for Obama..

they just shoved a monster bill down our throats when we could least afford it, but we should be THANKFUL

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Yeah... less people working and making less while doing it tends to create lesser average tax rates
so now we are suppose to be thankful for Obama..

they just shoved a monster bill down our throats when we could least afford it, but we should be THANKFUL


It's time you stop mooching and purchase health insurance.
Americans paid the lowest tax rates in 30 years to the federal government in 2009, in part because of tax cuts President Obama sought to combat the Great Recession, congressional budget analysts said Tuesday.

In 2009, Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years to federal government - The Washington Post

"A sharp decline in income — especially among the wealthiest Americans, who pay the highest tax rates— also played a role, "

Try reading the articles you link to
Deficit spending is deferred taxation.


Ahh, so all the deficit spending under President Bush was "deferred taxation"? Deferred to when, when Obama took office? Deferred to later dates than that?

so, you adimit that the trillions in deficit spending under Bush was TAXES? why didn't you say that back then?
Lawd, so Obama is claiming the "Bush" tax cuts as his now. Woooo Hoooo!! They guy is finally taking responsibility for something!! WTG Obama tax cuts saved us $$$$$$$$$$$$.
[ame=]O' Hail the Messiah Lord Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Our taxes are too low, they have to be raised.

But none of our pols have the balls to do it.

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