Americans hate Donald Trump

Nice..that’s “classy”….this is kind of one of the reasons I push back on dems. You see, this video shows the general animosity these people have for trump, and it’s on a personal level.

If I actually thought the dems were really interested in justice…I might actually understand what they are trying to do, but what is happening to trump is born out of pure hate and contempt. They’re not really after justice, for them, it’s about winning and punishing your opponent.

That’s pretty much it, pure and simple.
TDS thread by a very sick poster!

Americans do not hate President Trump!

America LOVES President Trump!
Another reason why Americans hate Donald Trump: He was lying his ass off while raising people's hopes:

That is a lie. Why perpetuate lies? The fine people he was referring to were people there to protest a statue being taken down because it is our history. Glad that is settled.
AFTER they rioted. AFTER it was clear they were racists and antisemites chanting "Jews will not replace us!" Trump called them "fine people".

Their sick chant had nothing to do with any statues.

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