Americans hate Donald Trump

Laura Loomer Exposes Florida Nazis As Federal Assets Tied To Ukraine​

The crowd broke into many chants against her and former President Donald Trump. During their time speaking with reporters, one of the attendees of the rally named Christopher Pohlhaus strangely exclaimed his support for Ukraine.

Pohlhaus also voiced support for President Joe Biden."

“Biden’s better than Trump because he sends rockets to Ukraine"
Many Americans hate Trump -- and they shouldn't -- but the number of Americans who have placed him essentially in religious status aren't going away any time soon.

I don't know how, but he fills a huge hole for them. And I'm not even sure why that huge hole is there to begin with, although I have my guesses.
The "Atlantic" that spread another lie about Trump visiting WWII dead and saying something bad about them. John Bolton who hates Trump debunked that lie. So your story is garbage.

you can listen to Trump himself instead of relying on any media.
Its full of decisive dog whistles that are intended to galvanize people into more hate.
I don't hate him, but I just don't get why so many conservatives like him so much....and some even idolize him. It makes no sense to me at all. I mean, other than the fact that he has claimed to be "fighting the deep state" which I guess if one believes is true, then that must be the reason they like and support him. :dunno: If I thought he was genuinely fighting the PTSB, then I would support him too, but I don't, so....I don't.
As far as the American people hating Trump:

According to the latest polls .... he's beating all that matters is they hate Xiden and what the demafascit agenda has done to the country more then they hate Trump

Tell me why I should care
I doubt you do, but you seemed to care about Trump being booed back in 2020 at game five of the WS....I thought you might care about how the American people feel about the guy who's President now, who Trump is running again.

but I guess not....

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