Americans hate Donald Trump

I don't hate him, but I just don't get why so many conservatives like him so much....and some even idolize him. It makes no sense to me at all. I mean, other than the fact that he has claimed to be "fighting the deep state" which I guess if one believes is true, then that must be the reason they like and support him. :dunno: If I thought he was genuinely fighting the PTSB, then I would support him too, but I don't, so....I don't.
you have to be bigoted to understand.
You mean you have to love America, as opposed to hate the way douchebags like you do.
i havent read or watched any news reporting on this, i was only watching that Trump video.
Its apparent to me he's attempting to incite.

OTOH if he were a Democrat inciting riots across the country all summer of 2020 that would have been perfectly fine with you, and it was. Sadly that's not a hypothetical
Yes, people take offense to criminals trying to take over their country by coup and insurrection.
You apparently didn’t read the rest of my post. This has nothing to do with “justice” or the rule of law, this is pure self indulgence, it’s the “get trump train” at full speed. The order of the day from the left isn’t seeking justice for any crimes, it’s, win and punish your enemies at all cost.

This is fine, if that’s the game you want to play, at least be honest about what it is you’re after.
So I guess that New Yorkers who hate Trump were the ones holding up that big red 6 foot long sign saying Trump Or Death, you pinhead?
Do signs/slogans/banners actually do anything? Do they move along legislative policy? Put criminals in jails? Win elections?

Do rallies actually do anything? Or are they perfectly organized political sermons meant to cement the vote of the base they're tailored for?
Wasn't the question Weed. Guess you're trying to change the subject now since you were proven wrong.

NOT the topic, Weed. YOU said there were no supporters there, so WHO was waving the big 6 foot Trump sign then, asshole?
When did I say there's no supporters there, you fucking fraud? Why don't you fuck off and mind your magaturd business?
Idiot, the OP said that--- that is what this thread is BASED on, and you are right along in on the lie as usual.

Weed, clueless as a road kill dead cat.
So you have nothing, as usual. Nothing at all to contribute. Why don't you go play in traffic, and let adults talk.
There were zero supporters at his latest deposition in New York. There were plenty of patriotic Americans there, though.

The large demonstrations for Trump have declined and the demonstrations against Trump has increased.
Bad sign for Trump.

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