Americans HATE What Obama And Hillary Did In Regards To Russia....

another click bait link?

what is up with some of 'you people'?????????

What one country anywhere in the world do you consider to be the United States' greatest enemy today? [OPEN-ENDED]
Recent trend

2018 -- NK - 51% | Russia - 19% | China - 11% | Iran - 07%

2016 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 15% | China - 12% | Iran - 14%

2015 -- NK - 15% | Russia - 18% | China - 12% | Iran - 09%

2014 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 09% | China - 20% | Iran - 16%

2012 -- NK - 10% | Russia - 02% | China - 23% | Iran - 32%

2011 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 03% | China - 16% | Iran - 25%

2008 -- NK - 09% | Russia - 02% | China - 14% | Iran - 25%

2007 -- NK - 18% | Russia - 02% | China - 11% | Iran - 26%



dissatisfaction with government (all controlled by GOP)
another click bait link?

what is up with some of 'you people'?????????

What one country anywhere in the world do you consider to be the United States' greatest enemy today? [OPEN-ENDED]
Recent trend

2018 -- NK - 51% | Russia - 19% | China - 11% | Iran - 07%

2016 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 15% | China - 12% | Iran - 14%

2015 -- NK - 15% | Russia - 18% | China - 12% | Iran - 09%

2014 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 09% | China - 20% | Iran - 16%

2012 -- NK - 10% | Russia - 02% | China - 23% | Iran - 32%

2011 -- NK - 16% | Russia - 03% | China - 16% | Iran - 25%

2008 -- NK - 09% | Russia - 02% | China - 14% | Iran - 25%

2007 -- NK - 18% | Russia - 02% | China - 11% | Iran - 26%



dissatisfaction with government (all controlled by GOP)

According to new FBI Director Wray, CHINA, not Russia, is our biggest threat........

FBI director calls China 'the broadest, most significant' threat to the US and says its espionage is active in all 50 states

...but don't let his professional assessment get in the way of your cute polls....
According to new FBI Director Wray, CHINA, not Russia, is our biggest threat........

FBI director calls China 'the broadest, most significant' threat to the US and says its espionage is active in all 50 states

...but don't let his professional assessment get in the way of your cute polls....

The polls reflect what stupid people like you believe. It was a poll of the great unwashed mass

What the FBI Director says? All of a sudden you people support what the FBI says?

What the FBI Director says? All of a sudden you people support what the FBI says?
More importantly, suddenly you do NOT believe the FBI / FBI Director?

Personally, I would not trust the former Director of the FBI as far as your fat ass could throw him. As far as the new FBI Director goes, he has proven he is a 'company man' and has acted in small part to protect the FBI ... but as far as I am concerned, the 'jury is still out' on him. The fact that he has not completely FIRED Strzok (and recommended him for indictment though, is not promising).
What the FBI Director says? All of a sudden you people support what the FBI says?
More importantly, suddenly you do NOT believe the FBI / FBI Director?

Personally, I would not trust the former Director of the FBI as far as your fat ass could throw him. As far as the new FBI Director goes, he has proven he is a 'company man' and has acted in small part to protect the FBI ... but as far as I am concerned, the 'jury is still out' on him. The fact that he has not completely FIRED Strzok (and recommended him for indictment though, is not promising).
as a matter of fact, I never suggested Russia or China was the number one enemy. What I did was show how people polled thought.

So you too are clueless to how you argue from a bale of straw

go back. I dare you to go back and point out where I disagree with the FBI Director LOL
Yes we know the far left loved Russia until they were told to hate them.

Obama did his best to make sure that Putin was a power house on the world stage. Yet that is somehow Trumps fault.
as a matter of fact, I never suggested Russia or China was the number one enemy. What I did was show how people polled thought. So you too are clueless to how you argue from a bale of straw
Nice spin attempt. You sought to 'prove' that Russia is our #1 enemy, at least in the minds of a lot of people polled, people who have obviously been indoctrinated by the non-stop 24/7 fake news 'Russia, Russia, Russia' narrative that ignores the real evidence and real threats.

JB, one of the pieces of my background is 'polling', enough to know that any poll can be made to provide whatever result you are looking for. Its not that hard to do. That is why I completely ignore polls, where as many politicians - especially Democrats - like to try to govern by them. I am glad you find them so reliable, though.

(Speaking of polls - how's that 'Hillary Landslide Victory' coming? :p )
as a matter of fact, I never suggested Russia or China was the number one enemy. What I did was show how people polled thought. So you too are clueless to how you argue from a bale of straw

Nice spin attempt. You sought to 'prove' that Russia is our #1 enemy, at least in the minds of a lot of people polled, people who have obviously been indoctrinated by the non-stop 24/7 fake news 'Russia, Russia, Russia' narrative that ignores the real evidence and real threats.

JB, one of the pieces of my background is 'polling', enough to know that any poll can be made to provide whatever result you are looking for. Its not that hard to do. That is why I completely ignore polls, where as many politicians - especially Democrats - like to try to govern by them. I am glad you find them so reliable, though.

(Speaking of polls - how's that 'Hillary Landslide Victory' coming? :p )

so another troll who has no clue they argue from a bale of straw? already addressed but I'm feeling generous towards imbeciles today: win for you

I will tell you about analysis of polls that said Trump stood a chance - of winning the ec vote, while losing the popular vote.

you do know that is how reality works? people really said Trump stood a chance of winning one while losing the other?

The analysis of polls was flawed - and we know some analysts gave Trump a chance of winning. and even some more claimed Trump could win the ec vote while losing the popular vote - which is exactly what happened.
Hillary made a complete ass of herself and her Democrat vassals with her "reset" so now they gotta demonize Russia to make that smell a little sweeter. Not matter how much they perfume a turn it still stinks.

Anything to distract from the criticism of your Don the Con.

How predictably pathetic you are.

SOOOOOO fucking true.
O/P might want to ramp up to 2018.

Hey! Donald will be so happy he made the cover of Time again!

I like the way they leaned the combo more towards Putin since Putin does own Trump's sorry ass.

JB, one of the pieces of my background is 'polling', enough to know that any poll can be made to provide whatever result you are looking for. Its not that hard to do. That is why I completely ignore polls, where as many politicians - especially Democrats - like to try to govern by them. I am glad you find them so reliable, though.

Trump himself pays for polls.
Everyone does.

Most experts who analyze polls, are not the ones who designed and put out the polls. Campaigns and others can use push polls for deceptive reasons, but the polls we speak for are independent polling organisations. Everyone who claims polls are useless or rigged is a moron. Democrats? Do you know how much money the GOP and Lobbyists spend on polls?


you're a certified imbecile

Not this American. Obama and Hillary tried to protect this country. Even that was met my obstruction from the Republican Congress during Obama Presidency.
Hillary made a complete ass of herself and her Democrat vassals with her "reset" so now they gotta demonize Russia to make that smell a little sweeter. Not matter how much they perfume a turn it still stinks.
The Russians were seriously afraid of Hillary winning, so they went all out for Trump.

of course they also went after Hillary during the primaries, and as an added bonus tried to disrupt elections on a non partisan basis. BUT that does not negate the facts that even Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win.
Trump himself pays for polls.
Everyone does.

Most experts who analyze polls, are not the ones who designed and put out the polls. Campaigns and others can use push polls for deceptive reasons, but the polls we speak for are independent polling organisations. Everyone who claims polls are useless or rigged is a moron. Democrats? Do you know how much money the GOP and Lobbyists spend on polls?

Democrats and the non-fake news quote independent polls. Trump quotes the poll that makes him look best. It's never about playing fair with him, it's about winning an any cost.
Trump himself pays for polls. Everyone does.

SO? I am sorry I offended you sensitive, fragile nature, snowflake. I just pointed out factually how easily polls can be manipulated, which is why I personally don't put much stock into them. You do? Good for you.

No need to personally attack me because I don't agree with you, oh 'tolerant one'. :p
Trump hated it when Obama sent 35 Russians back to Russia for screwing with the election .. he apologized to Putin in his closed door meeting.

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