Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

I don't usually respond to such noobs, but the mandate of the USA has never been about proving democracy can work because democracy was exactly what the Founders broke away from in England and were sick of and did not want to see emulated here again!

The mandate as laid down by Ben Franklin was to protect, preserve and prove a Representative Republic of LAWS could work, because only a society governed by laws is truly free, not mob rule.
Your Elitist Constitution Established an American House of Lords
You have both, but you refuse to use them. It’s called the “election”. You can vote the liars and the grifters out of office, but you keep reading reelecting them. Even worse, you keep, believing the lies and the grifts.

As long as you keep voting for those who are trying to line the pockets of their billionaire donors, and not working on behalf of the American people, you’re going to continue to have problems.
A Republic Is Tyranny

Electing is entirely different from voting. It's like choosing who's going to eat your dinner for you, while you go hungry.
Anyway, this thread is an object lesson in why the US is rated as a flawed democracy.

In 2016, The Economist newspaper included the US among the "flawed democracies". It is considered a "deficient democracy" by the Germany-based Democracy Matrix and a "backsliding democracy" by the European think tank International IDEA. Both domestically and internationally, this corrosion is usually associated with the Republican Party

(is still a continent and not a country - except you speak about [the United States of] America)

has many more than just two political parties.

But all this people - except "Democrats" and "Republicans" - have to decide nothing because of your British system "The winner takes it all".

Worry about your own country.

As far as as I heard would be happy the very most democracies in the world if they had such a stable and also such a dynamic political system as we have in Germany.
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Germany and Europe aren't our 'enemies' - E wr heard of NATO?

Stalin and Russia were seen as 'necesary evils' as 'allues' - 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

Kindergarten politics.

Europe should havenevet been divided up as 'spoils' after WWII. Every sovereign nation Hitler gobbled up should have been restored as their own independent nations.

The UN has proved to be a clusterfuck.

Question: Do you have any idea what you try to speak about?
A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
With the opposite being an Autocracy, you're better off keeping the current system.

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