Americans head to mexico for jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
By Frank Lake on April 24, 2012
MEXICO CITY – Americans, in the hundreds of thousands, are crossing the border into Mexico -looking for work.
There were ZERO jobs created in the United States last week. Unemployment remains over 9.1% and if you consider all the Americans that have stopped looking for work, the number is closer to 20%.
The answer for a large group of Americans: Mexico.

Mexico Unemployment Rate
Mexico Unemployment Rate was recorded at 4.93 in August of 2012. Historically, from 2000 until 2012, Mexico Unemployment Rate averaged 3.67 Percent reaching an all time high of 5.93 Percent in May of 2009 and a record low of 2.22 Percent in November of 2002. The unemployment rate can be defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. This page includes a chart with historical data for Mexico Unemployment Rate
Mexico Unemployment Rate

So why are they coming here by the millions? Freebies, Automatic Birthright Citizenship and lucrative crime benefits.

Chris Matthews; “Let people come in with work permits.”
Is he retarded? We don’t need to make it easier for more people to enter this country to do jobs Americans do not have. We have 12.5 million Americans unemployed. We have college graduates that can not even find jobs at Wal-Mart or McDonalds are going to Mexico to look for work. Asia, India and China.
And Obama give work permits to millions who are in the country illegally and stop deportation for only violent criminals. What the hell do they not understand about we do not have jobs for American much less for those in the country illegally. So what do Obama do? Put them on food stamps, medical care and welfare via anchor babies that is multiplying like flies to get the free stuff.
Americans looking for work in Mexico? I don't think so. Plus the article mentions Illegals headed BACK to Mexico, not Americans.
Mexicans are not taking "jobs Americans do not have". They are taking jobs Americans do not want.

Only shortsighted, ignorant, biased fools believe otherwise.

Evidence? Simple. Just take a look at our unemployment rate prior to the recession. We had the same number, if not more, of illegal aliens in this country then as we do now, and yet we had virtually full employment.

Thus, the 12.5 million unemployed Americans were not thrown out of work by Mexicans.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash a few years ago? THAT is what threw all those people out of work. If you really want to, you can thank Bush for that, but you have to thank Obama for them STILL being out of work after all these years.

When we had full employment, we had the same number of illegals. So this not only screams the fact they are not taking our jobs, it also screams that our government is not meeting the immigrant labor DEMAND with an immigrant labor SUPPLY.

Every prosperous society has a large immigrant labor force.

And so, since our government is not meeting that demand, illegal immigrants are filling that vacuum created by our government.

Every illegal immigrant problem you can name is the direct result of our idiotic government immigration quota system.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crops, and the goverment policy only provides 10 legal immigrants, he is going to hire 40 illegals to bring in the harvest. He has no choice. It isn't like some suburbanite white guy is standing there jumping up and down to pick oranges for him at ten bucks an hour.

So punishing the farmer for hiring 40 illegals is treating the symptom and not the disease.

Whichever party stops being so fucking stupid first is going to have a lock on the Hispanic citizen vote forever.

Bush got it. But he was jammed up by idiots in his own party.

Too bad. Romney would be way ahead in the polls today if the GOP hadn't fucked themselves in the ass over this particular brand of unwhites.

Hispanics are natural born Republicans. Deeply religious, hard working, family orienteted. But the dumbshits who have hijacked the party think all darkies from across the border are job-stealers, gangstas, or rapists.

It just does not get any dumber than that.


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Mexico is a lot like the old Soviet Union, they report a 5% unemployment, but that is only for the favored castes. Mestizos are probably closer to 80% unemployment. It's incredibly corrupt, not just the cartels, but the government - when there is a difference between the two.

Mexico has the 14th largest economy in the world, a far more wealthy nation that Denmark, Norway, or Israel. Yet the majority of the population live in abject poverty. The Indians are treated like dirt, and race determines how for you can go. If you're not white, you won't get far in Mexico.
Mexicans are not taking "jobs Americans do not have". They are taking jobs Americans do not want.


Mexicans are taking jobs that teens and minorities once held. Fast food, paper routs, even mowing lawns is now out of reach to Americans, thanks to you leftists and your promotion of illegal immigration.

The "entry level job" is a thing of the past, due to illegals. Since such jobs are a stepping stone to Americans, companies often prefer illegals, who take such jobs as permanent positions.

The big lie is that Americans won't do these jobs. But these were the jobs that young people once had, that taught youth the responsibilities associated with employment. That door is slammed tight, thanks to the left and the promotion of illegal aliens.
Mexicans are not taking "jobs Americans do not have". They are taking jobs Americans do not want.

Only shortsighted, ignorant, biased fools believe otherwise.

And why don't they want those jobs? I mean, isn't the American dream to work under the table for pennies on the dollar and under substandard and often illegal conditions? That's right, it's not. There's no such thing as a job that Americans won't do. They simply won't settle for sub-standard conditions. Only shortsighted, ignorant, biased fools believe otherwise.
Mexicans are not taking "jobs Americans do not have". They are taking jobs Americans do not want.


Mexicans are taking jobs that teens and minorities once held. Fast food, paper routs, even mowing lawns is now out of reach to Americans, thanks to you leftists and your promotion of illegal immigration.

The "entry level job" is a thing of the past, due to illegals. Since such jobs are a stepping stone to Americans, companies often prefer illegals, who take such jobs as permanent positions.

The big lie is that Americans won't do these jobs. But these were the jobs that young people once had, that taught youth the responsibilities associated with employment. That door is slammed tight, thanks to the left and the promotion of illegal aliens.

First, I am a paleo-conservative.

Second, the unemployment figures prior to the recession do not lie, son. No matter how hard you jam your fingers into your eyes.


Third, I am not promoting illegal aliens, dumbass. I am promoting the exact opposite. I am promoting increasing the legal work permits so they meet the labor demand.


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Mexicans are not taking "jobs Americans do not have". They are taking jobs Americans do not want.

Only shortsighted, ignorant, biased fools believe otherwise.

Evidence? Simple. Just take a look at our unemployment rate prior to the recession. We had the same number, if not more, of illegal aliens in this country then as we do now, and yet we had virtually full employment.

Thus, the 12.5 million unemployed Americans were not thrown out of work by Mexicans.

Perhaps you heard of the economic crash a few years ago? THAT is what threw all those people out of work. If you really want to, you can thank Bush for that, but you have to thank Obama for them STILL being out of work after all these years.

When we had full employment, we had the same number of illegals. So this not only screams the fact they are not taking our jobs, it also screams that our government is not meeting the immigrant labor DEMAND with an immigrant labor SUPPLY.

Every prosperous society has a large immigrant labor force.

And so, since our government is not meeting that demand, illegal immigrants are filling that vacuum created by our government.

Every illegal immigrant problem you can name is the direct result of our idiotic government immigration quota system.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crops, and the goverment policy only provides 10 legal immigrants, he is going to hire 40 illegals to bring in the harvest. He has no choice. It isn't like some suburbanite white guy is standing there jumping up and down to pick oranges for him at ten bucks an hour.

So punishing the farmer for hiring 40 illegals is treating the symptom and not the disease.

Whichever party stops being so fucking stupid first is going to have a lock on the Hispanic citizen vote forever.

Bush got it. But he was jammed up by idiots in his own party.

Too bad. Romney would be way ahead in the polls today if the GOP hadn't fucked themselves in the ass over this particular brand of unwhites.

Hispanics are natural born Republicans. Deeply religious, hard working, family orienteted. But the dumbshits who have hijacked the party think all darkies from across the border are job-stealers, gangstas, or rapists.

It just does not get any dumber than that.



Bulcrap. My friend has worked as a maid for nearly 40 years now. She's been pushed out of 3 jobs by the Hispanics, they come in and take over and when hours need to be cut, they cut the hours on the Americans.

Many companies prefer to hire illegals with fake papers because they can pretend they didn't know they were illegal and then threaten them with immigration any time they get out of hand.

The last time I went berry picking I was 18. The bus driver left me standing there and took everyone else at the busstop, all of whom were immigrants, either Asian or Hispanic. He didn't do it because he knew all the others and not me either because I brought my Thai sister in law with me and he took her and it was the first time he met her. BTW, she swore she'd never go back. I spent my summers picking berries growing up but as the immigrants came in, the farmers started treating them like crap because they could always call immigration if they complained.

Some business actually hire illegals and then call immigration when it comes time to pay them.

Look at the business in the last few years that were mostly staffed by illegals that were raided. Thousands of Americans standing in line to get those jobs.

They are not taking jobs Americans won't do, they are taking jobs away from Americans and keeping our wages artificially low. Many of them are now returning home now that they've wrecked our economy but don't worry, when it's fixed, they will be back to wreck it again.
Like I said, whichever party comes to its senses first will have a lock on the elections for the next 50 years.

I obviously wish that was the GOP, but based on what I see, I am not optimistic.

First, I am a paleo-conservative.

Not so much - more of a Neocon.

Second, the unemployment figures prior to the recession do not lie, son. No matter how hard you jam your fingers into your eyes.

Again, you are attempting to alter reality.

{The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery}

Unemployment For Young Americans Jumps To 52.2 Percent

Illegals have utterly destroyed the job opportunities once had by Americans looking for an entry level job.
Bulcrap. My friend has worked as a maid for nearly 40 years now. She's been pushed out of 3 jobs by the Hispanics, they come in and take over and when hours need to be cut, they cut the hours on the Americans.

Many companies prefer to hire illegals with fake papers because they can pretend they didn't know they were illegal and then threaten them with immigration any time they get out of hand.

The last time I went berry picking I was 18. The bus driver left me standing there and took everyone else at the busstop, all of whom were immigrants, either Asian or Hispanic. He didn't do it because he knew all the others and not me either because I brought my Thai sister in law with me and he took her and it was the first time he met her. BTW, she swore she'd never go back. I spent my summers picking berries growing up but as the immigrants came in, the farmers started treating them like crap because they could always call immigration if they complained.

Some business actually hire illegals and then call immigration when it comes time to pay them.

Look at the business in the last few years that were mostly staffed by illegals that were raided. Thousands of Americans standing in line to get those jobs.

They are not taking jobs Americans won't do, they are taking jobs away from Americans and keeping our wages artificially low. Many of them are now returning home now that they've wrecked our economy but don't worry, when it's fixed, they will be back to wreck it again.

You are actually proving my point that every illegal immigrant problem you can name is the direct result of our idiotic government immigration quota system.

First, I am a paleo-conservative.

Not so much - more of a Neocon.

You could not be more wrong. However, the name I have for people like you is UnConservatives.

Second, the unemployment figures prior to the recession do not lie, son. No matter how hard you jam your fingers into your eyes.

Again, you are attempting to alter reality.

{The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery}

Unemployment For Young Americans Jumps To 52.2 Percent

Illegals have utterly destroyed the job opportunities once had by Americans looking for an entry level job.

The only reality being altered is by you.

You literally have to be retarded to blame darkies for unemployment and not the economic collapse.

Like I said, whichever party comes to its senses first will have a lock on the elections for the next 50 years.

I obviously wish that was the GOP, but based on what I see, I am not optimistic.


Comes to it's senses and opens the border completely? Pushing the standard of living drastically down for Americans as they have to compete with third world peasants for every job?

I take it you own a business and want cheap labor, but you're willing to utterly destroy the nation to get it?
Like I said, whichever party comes to its senses first will have a lock on the elections for the next 50 years.

I obviously wish that was the GOP, but based on what I see, I am not optimistic.


Comes to it's senses and opens the border completely? Pushing the standard of living drastically down for Americans as they have to compete with third world peasants for every job?

I take it you own a business and want cheap labor, but you're willing to utterly destroy the nation to get it?


The UnConservatives like you are ruining any chances of sanity ever returning to the GOP.

Immigration is our nation's lifeblood. There were idiots like you a hundred years ago whining about Europeans coming here and spoke of them like so many head lice.

Your kind of stupidity is nothing new under the sun.
The only reality being altered is by you.

You literally have to be retarded to blame darkies for unemployment and not the economic collapse.


Again, what you post is complete bullshit. Clearly you personally benefit from illegal immigration, thus you support it. But you've destroyed the job market for young Americans. And yes, you might be able to save a smidgen on labor costs, but at the cost of the prosperity of the nation. Lifetime earning are sharply reduced by your self-serving and short sighted policies.
If the only job you can get is as a maid, or some other low-skilled menial job, that is not a Mexican's fault.

That is YOUR fault.

The only reality being altered is by you.

You literally have to be retarded to blame darkies for unemployment and not the economic collapse.


Again, what you post is complete bullshit. Clearly you personally benefit from illegal immigration, thus you support it. But you've destroyed the job market for young Americans. And yes, you might be able to save a smidgen on labor costs, but at the cost of the prosperity of the nation. Lifetime earning are sharply reduced by your self-serving and short sighted policies.

Show me the long lines of unemployed Americans trying to get migrant work.

Bulcrap. My friend has worked as a maid for nearly 40 years now. She's been pushed out of 3 jobs by the Hispanics, they come in and take over and when hours need to be cut, they cut the hours on the Americans.

Many companies prefer to hire illegals with fake papers because they can pretend they didn't know they were illegal and then threaten them with immigration any time they get out of hand.

Indeed. I recently witnessed a similar scenario first hand, with a friend of mine being the one who suffered. Earlier this year he was hired at my job as the supervisor for the overnight cleaning crew. In fact, he was actively recruited for the job, because things hadn't been going well and there was a need for change, and this friend of mine was known for the quality of his contracting work.

Anyway, when he came in he realized that the biggest problem was the fact that the illegals who were doing the job were lazy and sloppy in their work, undisciplined deciding if and when they would come into work at their own free will, and unable or unwilling to learn how to do the job right. A few were even caught smoking pot by the loading dock. He got rid of some of them, but was subsequently overruled when they were inexplicably rehired. He decided to then just hire more people and give the hours to those who would work. He brought in people who were hard working and dedicated. Problem was, he was hiring Americans. Black, white, whatever. He was hiring for work ethic. He kept getting alot of grief for the people he was hiring, and was told to stop giving the illegal workers a hard time, and literally was told to "let them do whatever they want." Shortly afterward, he was told to cut back on the hours for the Americans. Alot of them ended up quitting because they came for full time jobs, and were being cut back to less than half time.

For months he struggled to get things going the way they should have been going, despite all the obstacles being put in front of him that basically boiled down to him being forced to rely on illegals for his labor force. You'd think that for his success even despite extremely difficult demands he'd be valued, right? Nope. As soon as everything was going well, he was fired in favor of another illegal to do his job at half the price. This is the kind of labor environment in which we're living nowadays. Corporate greed reigns supreme yet again.

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