Americans I have a question for you how do you identify ancestrywise and why?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Lets say you are 1/2 British 1/2 German why do you identify as one or the other? Or if you are 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Slovak, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish. What do you identify as and why?
Lets say you are 1/2 British 1/2 German why do you identify as one or the other? Or if you are 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Slovak, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish. What do you identify as and why?

Although I am only 1/8 Massawomeck Native American, I tend to identify most with that fraction of my blood perhaps because the Massawomeck are an extinct people and their culture, as handed down to me by my great grandmother, has always seemed more unique and mystical than say, the German or Scottish parts of my heritage.
Although I am only 1/8 Massawomeck Native American, I tend to identify most with that fraction of my blood perhaps because the Massawomeck are an extinct people and their culture, as handed down to me by my great grandmother, has always seemed more unique and mystical than say, the German or Scottish parts of my heritage.

Ok, but it seems you did know your great grandmother and she raised you. So you do feel a connection to it. Many people dont know their great grandmother, because she died when they were born.
Lets say you are 1/2 British 1/2 German why do you identify as one or the other? Or if you are 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Slovak, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish. What do you identify as and why?
What would you identify as? I believe most would go by their Fathers identity.
I am one half Iroquios one quarter German Jew, one quarter Russian Jew. I identify as American.

Although I do say that my Iroquois ancestors had slaves and ate them. My Russian Jew grandmother was from Georgia. They had slaves but didn't eat them.

My father was a native German who moved to America in 1960. I never really knew him personally until I was 32 and we reconnected. In spite of having no contact with him my personality was always very German. I also always felt that there was something Jewish about me but could never pinpoint what it was. In the past year we found out that my polish great-grandfather and great-grandmother were actually both Russian Jews who converted to Catholicism in Poland before making it to America ahead of the Holocaust. So I am also one quarter Russian Jewish myself! (hi-ya, Cous!) One of my cousins did some impressive internet research that turned up documents confirming this. I am also Manx on my mother's father's side. I think I kind of identify with the German first, the Jewish second and the Manx last.

There's this thing called phenotype, which is the part of your jeans that gets expressed and manifests physically both internally and externally. Sure people can also choose how they want to identify but that becomes kind of an affectation. I think there is something more natural in us that is dominant and tends to express itself whether we like it or not. I've always taken special note how people with Jewish genes seem to retain a sort of jewishness even after it becomes very diluted through intermarriage. I think that might be one of the reasons why the Nazis freaked out so much. Other ethnicities seem to become more obscured through intermarriage but Jewish genes seem to hang on generation after generation. It was really cool learning at the ripe age of 49 that I am actually part Jewish! It seems to show through in my personality more than my looks. Being that I was raised in New York, admittedly Jewish culture has also rubbed off on me a bit. It's a little bit hard sometimes to say how much is learned and how much is inherent.
Ok, but it seems you did know your great grandmother and she raised you. So you do feel a connection to it. Many people dont know their great grandmother, because she died when they were born.

I was very lucky to have her in my life for twenty-five years.
What would you identify as? I believe most would go by their Fathers identity.
I identify as roma (gypsy), Im more then half, my mum is roma and my dad is one quarter roma, his dad was half roma. So Im 2/3 roma. Also thats how i grew up and was identified as roma, by everyone else, and because im closer that side of my family. I have very few contact to relatives who are not roma.
I identify as roma (gypsy), Im more then half, my mum is roma and my dad is one quarter roma, his dad was half roma. So Im 2/3 roma. Also thats how i grew up and was identified as roma, by everyone else, and because im closer that side of my family. I have very few contact to relatives who are not roma.
Ever had your DNA analyzed? I believed what my parents always said about their lineage. After one of my sister's and I had our DNA checked we found out they weren't lying. Damn near purebred English with a tiny bit of Jamaican and Mexican. How do you think I identify?
Ancestry has never been of any interest or importance in my life, primarily because I know nothing about my father's side of the family. Never met him. Don't know anything about his relatives. Don't know if he's still living.
Ever had your DNA analyzed? I believed what my parents always said about their lineage. After one of my sister's and I had our DNA checked we found out they weren't lying. Damn near purebred English with a tiny bit of Jamaican and Mexican. How do you think I identify?

I had my DNA analyzed by several DNA companies, and Im what I knew I am. No surprise. It makes sense. But DNA companies can estimate your ethnicity, not really excatly pin point it, I think, but if you have some background knowledge and with the DNA test you can confirm your ancestry. I did. I think you identify as English but Im not sure?
Lets say you are 1/2 British 1/2 German why do you identify as one or the other? Or if you are 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Slovak, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish. What do you identify as and why?
I have a few ethnicities but Irish is the most prominent percentage wise.
I'm just an American. So is every legal resident, really.

I dont know what just American is, or if it exists as ethnicity or race but it might become one. When someone says "Im just American" maybe he means he is this guy and looks like that with ancestries in the 1% of everything.


Americans I have a question for you how do you identify ancestrywise​

As an American, Choptank Tribe, Upper Waynesburg Hills Sector.

Actually, I'm half German and half Austrian-Pole (depending on where the border was at the time).
I had my DNA analyzed by several DNA companies, and Im what I knew I am. No surprise. It makes sense. But DNA companies can estimate your ethnicity, not really excatly pin point it, I think, but if you have some background knowledge and with the DNA test you can confirm your ancestry. I did. I think you identify as English but Im not sure?
According to my DNA profile I'm 86.7% English. Add a little bit of Irish and French, so I could identify as Western European. Is your surname common? I thought (and was told by my parents) that my surname was English. When I first went to stay in England I found out it wasn't a common name at all there. It is Prussian by definition and possibly originated from a Latvian word for Spruce.
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Ever had your DNA analyzed? I believed what my parents always said about their lineage. After one of my sister's and I had our DNA checked we found out they weren't lying. Damn near purebred English with a tiny bit of Jamaican and Mexican. How do you think I identify?
as a faggot

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