Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

I have no issue with Democrats. I have an issue with Leftists. Just as bad as the Alt Right. Until the media comes clean and admits it, there can be no peace.
You could cram the entire alt-right into a single county and there probably wouldn't be enough of them to elect a dog catcher....OTOH, the moonbat left has become the mainstream democrat voter.
I like how folks try to deny that the alt-right and the GOP are so different, they are not.

I vote GOP. I am Jew. Please explain how I am the same as the Alt Right. Thank you.
I have a better chance of getting a personal serenade from my newest favorite singer and not only has it been 20 years since his suicide, but cremating is what was done to his body.


God bless you and those who have loved him longer than me always!!!


P.S. My favorite is the one at the top of the picture.
Is that you Elvira?
No it isn't. I don't know anyone with the name either.

God bless you always!!!

When you accuse mainstream conservatives of being white supremacists, you are enraging them, and panicmongering any and all Americans who might believe you and see those "white supremacists" winning. and in power.

THis creates a huge divide with one side, looking at the other as though they are monsters, and the first side, fucking pissed as hell at the fucking nonsense they are taking from the other.

Why are you purposefully working to tear this nation apart?

Before getting into a hissy, might want to look at what I was replying to. Context matters. The post I was responding to referred to the Dem’s Taliban wing. I referred to the Pubs Neo Nazi wing. Not mainstream Republicans. A response of like to like.

Btw I totally agree with what you say. Now apply it to your side as well.

THe Republicans does not have a neo nazi wing. As demonstrated repeatedly, such people are not part of our Party.

The Dems sucking up to the likes of Farakhan, or Wright, or Antifa, is a real issue.

You show me a picture of Trump smiling with David Duke, and I will admit both parties have the same problem.

Who is sucking up to Farakan besides a handful who want the black vote.

Wright? Anyone even talking about him besides you?


Who refused to condemn the neonazi’s after they killed someone?

Both parties indulge extremists to a degree. You just seem to think you are the party of purity and hide it behind claims of authenticity anti-PC.

1. Your whole party needs the black vote to be relevant. And they suck up to Farakan and others like him.

2. Wright, and the way your party dealt with him, is relevant to this issue.

3. Yes, Antifa. They are violent political street thugs, and they receive various levels and types of support from the Demkkkocrats, from tactical support in street battles, to political cover to moral support.

4. Trump wanted to wait till he got the full report. And when he did, he was very harsh on the White Supremacists. Did you read the full transcripts of those press conferences or just the selected out of context quotes or actual lies of the media?

5. Both parties do have extremists. Yours are far worse, far more powerful, and more accepted and supported by the mainstream Democratic Party.
QUESTION, WHITE DUMB many people have democrats beat up, sucker punched at rallies, terrorized through marchings and killed with cars......when you can give me a number than let's talk, until then, great white pile of dog shit, shut the fuck up!!
More than can be counted. Ask the Confederates and those affected by Jim Crow.

BTW, did you know the angry black militant is played out? Pretend to be a transgender. Nobody cares about them, either.
Just one word.....TRUMP!!

You saw that press conference too? Yeah, I was also surprised by how conciliatory he was with the Press.

He is obviously open to a better relationship with liberals, if they ever give a single inch.
How can can he be open to a better relationship when he tweets insults and self aggrandizing lies on a daily basis? That is NOT the stuff of a good relationship.
How can can he be open to a better relationship when he tweets insults and self aggrandizing lies on a daily basis? That is NOT the stuff of a good relationship
You're bothered that we have a Republican president who actually fights back when you guys try to destroy everyone associated with him.
How can can he be open to a better relationship when he tweets insults and self aggrandizing lies on a daily basis? That is NOT the stuff of a good relationship
You're bothered that we have a Republican president who actually fights back when you guys try to destroy everyone associated with him.

If that is what you desire then stop the faux outrage when your opponents resort to the same tactics.
I have no issue with Democrats. I have an issue with Leftists. Just as bad as the Alt Right. Until the media comes clean and admits it, there can be no peace.
You could cram the entire alt-right into a single county and there probably wouldn't be enough of them to elect a dog catcher....OTOH, the moonbat left has become the mainstream democrat voter.
I like how folks try to deny that the alt-right and the GOP are so different, they are not.

I vote GOP. I am Jew. Please explain how I am the same as the Alt Right. Thank you.
This is how your the lack a brain, as do the Alt right, if your a stupid question
I have no issue with Democrats. I have an issue with Leftists. Just as bad as the Alt Right. Until the media comes clean and admits it, there can be no peace.
You could cram the entire alt-right into a single county and there probably wouldn't be enough of them to elect a dog catcher....OTOH, the moonbat left has become the mainstream democrat voter.
I like how folks try to deny that the alt-right and the GOP are so different, they are not.

I vote GOP. I am Jew. Please explain how I am the same as the Alt Right. Thank you.
This is how your the lack a brain, as do the Alt right, if your a stupid question

Love it. I lack a brain but yet I am outsmarting you. Leftists always get angry when challenged. Like petulant children. Want to find a safe space and cry?
How can can he be open to a better relationship when he tweets insults and self aggrandizing lies on a daily basis? That is NOT the stuff of a good relationship
You're bothered that we have a Republican president who actually fights back when you guys try to destroy everyone associated with him.
WHAT???? Everything attached to Trump we try to destroy?? Trump is the one destroying people, pal....and its anybody that gets in his way, including his own AG, his lawyer and friend Cohen, you name a person, he's attacked them...except his lovers, Putin and Kim.
You misuse the same few photo’s over and over to pretend they are “tight” with him. Group photos mean littleó

Has he run for office on the Dem ticket? Won? Support is measured in action.

Oh come on, if Trump was in a picture with David Dukle like that we would never see the end of it and you know it! :)

[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 20944776, member: 19170"By the way, I have to laugh at the first photo. Do you notice the distance between the three and the one...and the look they seem to be giving him?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the good minister Farakhan must have passed some gas, just look at that mischeiveous grin he has on his face.
You misuse the same few photo’s over and over to pretend they are “tight” with him. Group photos mean littleó

Has he run for office on the Dem ticket? Won? Support is measured in action.

By the way, I have to laugh at the first photo. Do you notice the distance between the three and the one...and the look they seem to be giving him?

When you accuse mainstream conservatives of being white supremacists, you are enraging them, and panicmongering any and all Americans who might believe you and see those "white supremacists" winning. and in power.

THis creates a huge divide with one side, looking at the other as though they are monsters, and the first side, fucking pissed as hell at the fucking nonsense they are taking from the other.

Why are you purposefully working to tear this nation apart?

Before getting into a hissy, might want to look at what I was replying to. Context matters. The post I was responding to referred to the Dem’s Taliban wing. I referred to the Pubs Neo Nazi wing. Not mainstream Republicans. A response of like to like.

Btw I totally agree with what you say. Now apply it to your side as well.

THe Republicans does not have a neo nazi wing. As demonstrated repeatedly, such people are not part of our Party.

The Dems sucking up to the likes of Farakhan, or Wright, or Antifa, is a real issue.

You show me a picture of Trump smiling with David Duke, and I will admit both parties have the same problem.

Who is sucking up to Farakan besides a handful who want the black vote.

Wright? Anyone even talking about him besides you?


Who refused to condemn the neonazi’s after they killed someone?

Both parties indulge extremists to a degree. You just seem to think you are the party of purity and hide it behind claims of authenticity anti-PC.

1. Your whole party needs the black vote to be relevant. And they suck up to Farakan and others like him.

2. Wright, and the way your party dealt with him, is relevant to this issue.

3. Yes, Antifa. They are violent political street thugs, and they receive various levels and types of support from the Democrats, from tactical support in street battles, to political cover to moral support.

4. Trump wanted to wait till he got the full report. And when he did, he was very harsh on the White Supremacists. Did you read the full transcripts of those press conferences or just the selected out of context quotes or actual lies of the media?

5. Both parties do have extremists. Yours are far worse, far more powerful, and more accepted and supported by the mainstream Democratic Party.
Dude...your extremists murder people...and Trump wont even denounce it :lol:
When you accuse mainstream conservatives of being white supremacists, you are enraging them, and panicmongering any and all Americans who might believe you and see those "white supremacists" winning. and in power.

THis creates a huge divide with one side, looking at the other as though they are monsters, and the first side, fucking pissed as hell at the fucking nonsense they are taking from the other.

Why are you purposefully working to tear this nation apart?

Before getting into a hissy, might want to look at what I was replying to. Context matters. The post I was responding to referred to the Dem’s Taliban wing. I referred to the Pubs Neo Nazi wing. Not mainstream Republicans. A response of like to like.

Btw I totally agree with what you say. Now apply it to your side as well.

THe Republicans does not have a neo nazi wing. As demonstrated repeatedly, such people are not part of our Party.

The Dems sucking up to the likes of Farakhan, or Wright, or Antifa, is a real issue.

You show me a picture of Trump smiling with David Duke, and I will admit both parties have the same problem.

Who is sucking up to Farakan besides a handful who want the black vote.

Wright? Anyone even talking about him besides you?


Who refused to condemn the neonazi’s after they killed someone?

Both parties indulge extremists to a degree. You just seem to think you are the party of purity and hide it behind claims of authenticity anti-PC.

1. Your whole party needs the black vote to be relevant. And they suck up to Farakan and others like him.

2. Wright, and the way your party dealt with him, is relevant to this issue.

3. Yes, Antifa. They are violent political street thugs, and they receive various levels and types of support from the Democrats, from tactical support in street battles, to political cover to moral support.

4. Trump wanted to wait till he got the full report. And when he did, he was very harsh on the White Supremacists. Did you read the full transcripts of those press conferences or just the selected out of context quotes or actual lies of the media?

5. Both parties do have extremists. Yours are far worse, far more powerful, and more accepted and supported by the mainstream Democratic Party.
Dude...your extremists murder people...and Trump wont even denounce it :lol:

Neo nazies are not ours. Trump condemned it repeatedly.

So, a good third of the nation is pissed off you vilified them unfairly.

And another third is terrified that "neo nazies" are in charge of the nation.

When people are stupid enough to believe you, and start fighting back, and kill people and get themselves killed?

The blood is on your hands.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Bullshit. Let the DemocrTs run wild. They are bleeding voters. Soros need to be arrested for crimes against humanity stemming from his Nazi collaboration days until now. And his wealth needs to be confiscated.
You don’t need photos,

Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke. Shouldn’t have been that hard to do...
Donald Trump Wavers on Disavowing David Duke

So you're going with just flat out fucking lying. How Nazi of you.

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."}

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

Okay, so you might be a fucking liar, but you have a free people to crush and enslave, so you have to bend the rules.

David Duke was elected into office as a Republican. (Was Farrakhan?)

Ohhh, more lying by the Nazi. :thup:

Early campaigns
Duke first ran for the Louisiana Senate as a Democrat from a Baton Rouge district in 1975. During his campaign, he was allowed to speak on the college campuses of Vanderbilt University, Indiana University, the University of Southern California, Stanford University, and Tulane University.[14] He received 11,079 votes, one-third of those cast.[15]

In October 1979, he ran as a Democrat for the 10th District Senate seat and finished second in a three-candidate race with 9,897 votes (26%).[16]

In the late 1970s, Duke was accused by several Klan officials of stealing the organization's money. "Duke is nothing but a con artist", Jack Gregory, Duke's Florida state leader, told the Clearwater Sun after Duke allegedly refused to turn over proceeds from a series of 1979 Klan rallies to the Knights. Another Klan official under Duke, Jerry Dutton, told reporters that Duke had used Klan funds to purchase and refurbish his home in Metairie. Duke later justified the repairs by saying most of his home was used by the Klan.

In 1979, after his first, abortive run for president (as a Democrat) and a series of highly publicized violent Klan incidents, Duke quietly incorporated the nonprofit National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in an attempt to leave the baggage of the Klan behind.

Duke allegedly conducted a direct-mail appeal in 1987, using the identity and mailing-list of the Georgia Forsyth County Defense League without permission. League officials described it as a fundraising scam.[17]

1988 presidential campaign
Main article: David Duke presidential campaign, 1988
In 1988, Duke ran initially in the Democratic presidential primaries. His campaign had limited impact, with the only exception—winning the little-known New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary.[18] Duke, having failed to gain much traction as a Democrat, then sought and gained the Presidential nomination of the Populist Party.[19] He appeared on the ballot for president in 11 states and was a write-in candidate in some other states, some with Trenton Stokes of Arkansas for vice president, and on other state ballots with Floyd Parker, a physician from New Mexico,[20] for vice president. He received just 47,047 votes, for 0.04% of the national popular vote.[21]}

Trump endorsed Corey Stewart.
Virginia Republicans just nominated an alt-right hero to run for Senate

Then there is Auther Jones...running for Illinois 3rd Congressional district.
Arthur J. Jones - Wikipedia

Stewart is a good man, pro-constitution - hence an enemy of you scumbag Nazis

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