Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

Will you then repudiate and stop supporting your Neo-Nazi wing?
There are fotos of top Democrats posing with Louis Farakan, who among Republicans ahve posed with David Duke?
You don’t need photos,

Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke. Shouldn’t have been that hard to do...
Donald Trump Wavers on Disavowing David Duke

Trump "disavowed" DUke before and after that one incident that you libs keep gong back to.

Where what he was blowing off an asshole question.

The proper response when some asshole libs asks you about white supremacy, is too punch them in the face.

Anything thing else, and you are supporting the propaganda that it is a legitimate question.

Why are you purposefully tearing this nation apart?

Flat out fucking lying seems to be the new way of these Nazicrats.
you're on the short list

Nothing about the list of who you Nazicrats will murder. Most white people, all evangelical Christians, anyone who supports the Constitution.
all those god fearing pos lying hypocritical evangelists??? Ever hear of checks and balances you traitorous pos?

I sure have Nazi, I've also heard of due process and the rights of the accused. along with freedom of speech and religion, Nazi.

You know, the things evil fucks like you are actively trying to destroy.

Never again.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.

The bloody deranged left: A woman resists Capitol security attempts to remove her from the Kavanaugh committee hearing even as she apparently menstruates all over her clothing and chair.

They don't arrest and jail these people, But it is time to start.
I like what Rush has espoused over the years. Trying to make nice with liberals is a losing proposition because they’re incapable of compromise, so when you’ve got ‘em down you put your foot on their throat to help keep them there.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
I like what Rush has espoused over the years. Trying to make nice with liberals is a losing proposition because they’re incapable of compromise, so when you’ve got ‘em down you put your foot on their throat to help keep them there.
Gotta love it After Republicans fuk you over they want to bury the hatchet ?? lol yeah in dems heads The repubs are the FOS party with the trump scum leading them
I like what Rush has espoused over the years. Trying to make nice with liberals is a losing proposition because they’re incapable of compromise, so when you’ve got ‘em down you put your foot on their throat to help keep them there.
Gotta love it After Republicans fuk you over they want to bury the hatchet ?? lol yeah in dems heads The repubs are the FOS party with the trump scum leading them

If we had lost, and one of us suggested burying the hatchet you would ridicule the idea of the weaker side asking for peace.

The Dominate Side, is the one to make such a suggestion, magnanimously to their weaker and defeated foe.

Your delusional spin on this, shows that you need to be defeated far more vigorously before you are ready to talk reasonably.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

THe rest of the world liked they way that America has been their bitch, on trade, immigration and defense.

Now, they see the possibility on the horizon, that they might have to start acting like grown ups, and they act out.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

THe rest of the world liked they way that America has been their bitch, on trade, immigration and defense.

Now, they see the possibility on the horizon, that they might have to start acting like grown ups, and they act out.
So, you like being laughed at? This is what happens when you elect a clown President. And no one is acting out, except some old, White Republicans.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

A variation on the Tywin Lannister quote:

"The Eagle does not concern himself with the opinions of the worms."
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

A variation on the Tywin Lannister quote:

"The Eagle does not concern himself with the opinions of the worms."
You have some life, you are always on here.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

A variation on the Tywin Lannister quote:

"The Eagle does not concern himself with the opinions of the worms."
You have some life, you are always on here.

Actually, no. I'm not. I've been a member here for 11.5 years. But I am not here 24/7 like you virulent LW loons.

Are you trying to stalk me? Cuz that is really creepy. SRSLY
I like what Rush has espoused over the years. Trying to make nice with liberals is a losing proposition because they’re incapable of compromise, so when you’ve got ‘em down you put your foot on their throat to help keep them there.
Gotta love it After Republicans fuk you over they want to bury the hatchet ?? lol yeah in dems heads The repubs are the FOS party with the trump scum leading them

If we had lost, and one of us suggested burying the hatchet you would ridicule the idea of the weaker side asking for peace.

The Dominate Side, is the one to make such a suggestion, magnanimously to their weaker and defeated foe.

Your delusional spin on this, shows that you need to be defeated far more vigorously before you are ready to talk reasonably.

The majority of the country is not with either branch of government. That doesn’t make the majority of the country illegitimate. There is some serious ugly coming for the minority that is illegitimately controlling government in the not to distant future.

This isn’t a game of winning and losing.
The majority of Americans don’t view their lives or the lives of their families as losers. What is happening right now is not normal and there will be no winners or losers. Just the comeuppance for those who think they will escape unscathed that has happened many times in the past.

Only the guilty see this as winning or losing.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

You must have a very short memory.

In 2010 the democrats shoved through Obamacare with 100% republican opposition and very questionable tactics and you said nothing.

The republics are finally pushing back.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Defending these despicable Republicans is not a step in burying the hatchet. America was once a great country, now it is fucked.

You liberals are what has fucked this country.
The is not the opinion of most of the world.

THe rest of the world liked they way that America has been their bitch, on trade, immigration and defense.

Now, they see the possibility on the horizon, that they might have to start acting like grown ups, and they act out.
So, you like being laughed at? This is what happens when you elect a clown President. And no one is acting out, except some old, White Republicans.

I like having a President who makes policies based on advancing AMERICAN interests.

If the laughter of fools is the price we pay, so be it.

Hey, has the EU put up it's own defense force, and told US to pull out of Europe? Or do they still want US to protect them, while they bitch about how bad we are?

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