Americans must go back to villages


Apr 4, 2014
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:

Sure (interesting idea, too), but it takes money (buying a gun, buying property, buying other farming tools, money to move) & education (learning how to hunt, learning how to farm, learning to be patient).

How is a person out of a job and tight on resources going to attain those things?

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Realizing the thread is in jest, where I live there are better opportunities for young professionals in the smaller cities than in urban areas.
Realizing the thread is in jest, where I live there are better opportunities for young professionals in the smaller cities than in urban areas.

I dunno, bendog. It's actually an interesting concept. If you can't find a job (and have no obligations like paying student loans), why not pack up and live off the grid (if you want to, of course)? That's one less person the "system" has to worry about taking care of, and that's one less person that generates mounds of trash, waste, etc.
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Sure (interesting idea, too), but it takes money (buying a gun, buying property, buying other farming tools, money to move) & education (learning how to hunt, learning how to farm, learning to be patient).How is a person out of a job and tight on resources going to attain those things?.
You will get farm jobs or work on fishing boats (big boats) :eusa_clap:
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:

That's the tea party vision of the future!!! Going back to the past!:badgrin:

What is so awful about choosing to live independently on the land, being self sufficient, and not generating mounds and mounds of waste due to being dependent on packaged foods, etc?

Don't get your angle here, Mathew.

That's the tea party vision of the future!!! Going back to the past!:badgrin:
Watch Discovery channel, National geographic, history channel, Animal planet for good and interesting jobs in rural USA and Europe.
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:

That's the tea party vision of the future!!! Going back to the past!:badgrin:

Please point out to all of us just where the Tea Party vision for the future is going back to the past. I've provided the Tea Party Platform for you to point out your assumption.
Tea Party Movement Platform

Maybe you have another fact filled source ~ Please share...Or STFU about what you know nothing about :lol::lol::lol:
Realizing the thread is in jest, where I live there are better opportunities for young professionals in the smaller cities than in urban areas.

I dunno, bendog. It's actually an interesting concept. If you can't find a job (and have no obligations like paying student loans), why not pack up and live off the grid (if you want to, of course)? That's one less person the "system" has to worry about taking care of, and that's one less person that generates mounds of trash, waste, etc.

Well, I didn't mean any disrespect. What I'm seeing in terms of younger people and economic growth is a little like the early Reagan years when things began to turn around. One small biz worker owner sells something, and buys from another, who buys from another ......

That's inspite of what I see as a disincentive in placing a mandate on employees to purchase comperehensive HC insurance. I'm not argueing the govt has no role, but that elitist liberals (like Obama and Pelosi) are not really economic progressives, and they don't really value individual actions.

I think the thread has a central truism in that we may be on the verge of some decentralization because technology is making it possible for small to compete with big.
There are lots of jobs for Americans is rural USA. They can survive from farming work, hunting and fishing till they get jobs.

USA has vast land mass. :eusa_whistle:

We don't want you and your stinking politics polluting our slice of paradise after you've fucked up your own place. Stay where you are. You Built That...

Whatcha mean?
What part don't you understand??
Cities vote Dem over and over again ruining the place where they Live. Why do you think No One wants to move to Detroit?? Destroyed by Democrats running the place for decades.
We out in the "hills" take care of the land, the animals, the environment and we get along with our neighbors with very little crime. We vote republican.
Democrats figure out that their city stinks then want to bring their stinking politics voting for the same Democrats they are running from. Otherwise known as Californicating because Californians are notorious for bringing with them what they are leaving.
We Don't Want It ~
We don't want you and your stinking politics polluting our slice of paradise after you've fucked up your own place. Stay where you are. You Built That...

Whatcha mean?
What part don't you understand??
Cities vote Dem over and over again ruining the place where they Live. Why do you think No One wants to move to Detroit?? Destroyed by Democrats running the place for decades.
We out in the "hills" take care of the land, the animals, the environment and we get along with our neighbors with very little crime. We vote republican.
Democrats figure out that their city stinks then want to bring their stinking politics voting for the same Democrats they are running from. Otherwise known as Californicating because Californians are notorious for bringing with them what they are leaving.
We Don't Want It ~

But why push for constant conflict and separateness?

Wouldn't the world be a much better place if some of those Urban Democrats could come out to the county, get to know the people, learn to hunt, learn their perspective on things, and then go from there?

Let's move towards solution/harmony because whether you like it or not if the Democrats are truly "destroying themselves" it would be in YOUR best interest to halt that activity because eventually the destruction WILL reach you and your family if it remains unchecked.
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[Wouldn't the world be a much better place if some of those Urban Democrats could come out to the county, get to know the people, learn to hunt, learn their perspective on things, and then go from there?
Better hunt down democrats :lol:

City people don't have a clue.

Good luck finding jobs in rural communities, where the feds restrict fishing, farming, the rearing of livestock and logging.
Whatcha mean?
What part don't you understand??
Cities vote Dem over and over again ruining the place where they Live. Why do you think No One wants to move to Detroit?? Destroyed by Democrats running the place for decades.
We out in the "hills" take care of the land, the animals, the environment and we get along with our neighbors with very little crime. We vote republican.
Democrats figure out that their city stinks then want to bring their stinking politics voting for the same Democrats they are running from. Otherwise known as Californicating because Californians are notorious for bringing with them what they are leaving.
We Don't Want It ~

But why push for constant conflict and separateness?

Wouldn't the world be a much better place if some of those Urban Democrats could come out to the county, get to know the people, learn to hunt, learn their perspective on things, and then go from there?

Let's move towards solution/harmony because whether you like it or not if the Democrats are truly "destroying themselves" it would be in YOUR best interest to halt that activity because eventually the destruction WILL reach you and your family if it remains unchecked.

We want to blend in. It's the liberals that ruin the county and then the state. There is NOT a Problem with a Dem area turning Red. When they do turn red they prosper. The BIG Problem is a Red county turning Blue with an influx of City folks bringing the same politics with them that destroyed the place they are trying to flee from. They Created the reason they no longer wish to live where the are. Look at CA and NY...Everyone is fleeing from once very wealthy states now with taxes so High most can't afford to live there. Who votes for those taxes?? Hint ~ It's Not Republicans~~~
Don't Bring the politics with you....We don't want the stinking Politics brought to us. We want to keep what We Built..A Nice place that's desirable place to live and raise a family. A place that's not all fucked up by people looking for freebies. We "Hill" people do work hard and have a strong work ethic. We tend to be church goers with strong family ties and morals. Why would any dem want to move here?? Because it's pristine...We work at it..

Want to move out here and learn how we live and prosper?? 1st leave your politics at the border. Vote along with the community so it stays clean and desirable..
That's all we ask...Any & all are welcome just remember they are coming here so go along with the neighbors. Not a lot to ask.. NO Most move and bring their dirty votes with them.
Democrats are cheering that they may turn Texas Blue from all the New Californians moving there...Californicating up the place...
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