Americans Own Over 415 Million Firearms

The agenda includes confiscation but democrats won't admit it.
And we all know why.



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"consisting of approximately 171 million handguns, 146 million rifles, and 98 million shotguns." There are also estimates of AR-15 ownership and ownership of magazines that hold over 10 rounds (which some state laws classify as "large-capacity").​

Ok, who’s the slacker?

And all of these guns has nothing to do with the crime rate and 30,000 homicides a year.

I blame video games myself. LOL

Again….. please explain why Japan, China, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do….while having extreme gun control…

Until you answer that question you have nothing intelligent to add to this conversation…

Then, explain how it is that you blame normal Americans, who own guns but do not use them to commit any crime, for the crime rate when the democrat party has wrecked local police and continues to release violent gun offenders from prison over and over again…
Yeah, you're blaming everything except the availability of guns. Other nations have gangs. Somehow they don't have massive numbers of folks shooting each other.

What is the lone difference between our gangs and their gangs? Hmmm....

You see where I'm going with this?
I doubt it.

Other nations…. In Europe in particular….murdered 15 million men, women and children from 1939-1945…

These murder victims are more victims than the number of gun murders in the United States….over our entire 246 year history…

And our gun murder victims are majority criminals murdered by criminals while the European victims were innocent human beings…

You have to explain that…

Keep in mind… took Americans with guns to make the Europeans stop murdering their civilians…
Amazing that owning all of those guns does not keep you safe.

Doesnt even keep your kids safe in schools.

Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings……

The Americans who used their guns to save lives would say yes they made them safer…

In Britain, a woman has no ability to stop a violent criminal from beating, raping and murdering her……

Do you think those women in Britain feel safer?
The Branch Dividians incident in Waco Texas is an example of what can happen when a federal law enforcement agency needs a bust during budget time and the legal oversight is non existing. The issue came to the attention of the federals when Branch Dividian members sent for (legal) brochures that delt with the restoration of junk British demilitarized old rusty WW2 weapons. The feds assumed that the Dividians were in the process of converting rusty junk into functional fully automatic weapons on the basis of some brochures so the search warrant was authorized by a friendly judge. They could have picked up Koresh at the local 7-11 but the ATF was looking for a Hollywood entry. After the war was over there wasn't a single relic much less a functional fully automatic weapon that would have justified the search warrant but the media was on the side of the Clinton administration and the 80 men women and children killed by tanks and poison gas were written off. Think about Waco when considering how federal law enforcement can kill you if you resist confiscation.
Are "leftists" the ones buying the guns?

There are more 1st time gun buyers so yeah.

We already have all we need.

Maybe not all we want, but absolutely all we need.

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