American's sound and fury on Immigration.

Just for the RWNJs who say they know exactly what "illegal immigration" is.

She was never an illegal immigrant.
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Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

Isn't fear of losing "your" stuff the argument you are making against repealing obamacare? And social security reform? And against balancing our budget? And pretty much every arguement you make against entitlement reform?
We have immigration laws that do NOT allow people to illegally enter our country. If the left doesn't like that they can lobby congress to change the laws. Which they have done, trouble is the American people have told their representatives in congress HELL NO.

So the left having failed to win the hearts and minds of the American people resort to ignoring our immigration laws. Is that how a society works, just ignore the laws you disagree with?
And all of them descendants of those who ethnically cleansed the continent.
Something something RACIST something something.

Can we just go ahead and assume the word "racist" in every leftist response? It will save time and have the same result.

Throw in "something something dark side something something complete" and you have emperor dialogue from Star wars
Illegals kill, rape, assault, rob American citizens which they could not do if they were deported the hell out of our country. How many American citizens need to be sacrificed so the left can feel compassion for illegals? How many mothers and daughters need be raped before that's one too many rapes by illegals?
Let's be honest.
The Dirty Corrupt Racist Democratic Party wants to import millions of third world welfare moochers for more voters.
Why won't the dumb liberal crackpots ever be honest about issues?
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs
lol well everyone already gets it, Left Wingers hate wasps
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

There's only one question to be considered, are we a nation of laws, or not?


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