Americans still blame Bush for their economic woes

Poll: George W. Bush still gets blamed for economic woes - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, more than a third of those surveyed said George W. Bush deserved a great deal of the blame for economic woes and a third said he should get a moderate amount of it. Not quite another third called that unfair, saying Bush warranted not much or none of the responsibility.

The 71% saying Bush should get blamed was a modest decline from the 80% who felt that way about a year ago, in July 2009.

What about President Obama?

In the July 2009 poll, a third, 32%, said he should shoulder a great deal or moderate amount of the blame

I suppose there is some revelance to this poll?

Unfortunately, for Obama, he is not, and will not, be running against Bush in 2012.
No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.

Yeah I'll never forget that one but the image of him looking bewildered and scared, while reading My Pet Goat while the nation was under attack on 9/11 is burned in my memory even deeper.

I remember, before the 2000 election, SNL did a skit with Bush standing in the oval office, which was on fire, and apologizing to the American people for the wars and the recession and whatnot. I wonder if they could have known how absolutely prophetic they were being.

Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

another prophetic announcement
Obama has helped the economy with the stimulus.

This is proven fact.

Brainwashed to the core. The Debt Pressure alone created by the Stimulus will cost us far more than they tiny bit of momentary GPD growth and 200,000 a piece mostly Temporary Jobs it created.

Truth does matter just not to you.
Poll: George W. Bush still gets blamed for economic woes - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, more than a third of those surveyed said George W. Bush deserved a great deal of the blame for economic woes and a third said he should get a moderate amount of it. Not quite another third called that unfair, saying Bush warranted not much or none of the responsibility.

The 71% saying Bush should get blamed was a modest decline from the 80% who felt that way about a year ago, in July 2009.

What about President Obama?

In the July 2009 poll, a third, 32%, said he should shoulder a great deal or moderate amount of the blame

That's strange. In August it was 48% Obama and 47% Bush according to Rasmussen. What happened to make Obama shine?

I tend to rely on an independent group over a slanted survey by one of Obama's supporters.

According to yours' Democraps are 20-1 against Bush while 4-1 with Republicans against Obama. It's easy to get a desired result when you keep the sampling small (about 1000) and stay inside heavy Democrap districts. But the facts of the survey aren't listed nor is the survey itself.
I heard a pundit defend Obama and say. I do not care who got Elected. They were not going to be able to get in front of the Run Away train going down hill, and stop it right away. Basically saying we need to cut Obama some slack because the problem was so big nobody could have "fixed" it yet.

What that pundit ignores is Obama has not only not stopped the problem. He has loaded more weight on the out of control train, thereby making it harder to stop.
No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.

Yeah I'll never forget that one but the image of him looking bewildered and scared, while reading My Pet Goat while the nation was under attack on 9/11 is burned in my memory even deeper.

I remember, before the 2000 election, SNL did a skit with Bush standing in the oval office, which was on fire, and apologizing to the American people for the wars and the recession and whatnot. I wonder if they could have known how absolutely prophetic they were being.

Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

another prophetic announcement

Hahaha....I can't believe you actually thought that was a real story!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Oh...I you're gonna say "I was just kidding and you're too stupid to realize it!!"
I heard a pundit defend Obama and say. I do not care who got Elected. They were not going to be able to get in front of the Run Away train going down hill, and stop it right away. Basically saying we need to cut Obama some slack because the problem was so big nobody could have "fixed" it yet.

What that pundit ignores is Obama has not only not stopped the problem. He has loaded more weight on the out of control train, thereby making it harder to stop.

Obama is the nut-case throwing the logs in the fire.
IMO, certainly the amounts and for that both parties are to blame. The stimulus did nothing of the sort, other than giving new spending powers to the Fed, putting your unborn baby under a pile of debt, his/her kids too.

Your cartoon insinuates that the crisis is defined by the deficit. Nonsense. The deficit is a product of the crisis, not the other way around. Trying to balance the budget during a severe recession is what Hoover did.

IMO Neither party "Did this." It was the private sector that "Did it;" The government's role was not identifying and correcting the problem in time; And it is classically the right that wants the "Hands off" approach to just about everything. Even now, I hear ridiculous chatter that fixing the problem entails fewer restrictions, lowering taxes, and firing thousands of government employees will serve as some sort of magic bullet to fix the problem.

Curing sunburn by lying back out in the sun. Love that analogy.

Fair enough. Tell me what Hoover did that was substantially different than what FDR later did and expanded upon. It wasn't trying to balance the budget. Your post shows a serious lack of historical facts.

Even Milton Friedman himself would tell you that Hoover's initial response was to try to balance the budget. Anything he did that remotely resembles FDR did not take place until much later, under tremendous pressure from economists the world over telling him his approach was making the problem worse.

In Hoover's defense, he really had no other established recourse to the situation; Keynes' philosophies were still in their infancy, and a crisis of this magnitude had never before been seen.

Keep in mind further that our deficits today are much lower as a percentage of GDP than they were in the WWII years. We got out of it just fine; Not by gutting the government and throwing consumers to the wolves, like I hear around here so much; But by investing in our infrastructure and growing out of the problem.
It's Bushs fault...go cry about it and tell us Americans are too dumb to realize it. I'll remember to quote it and put it into one of the future "Obama thinks were too dumb to realize how good his policies are" threads.
No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.

Yeah I'll never forget that one but the image of him looking bewildered and scared, while reading My Pet Goat while the nation was under attack on 9/11 is burned in my memory even deeper.

I remember, before the 2000 election, SNL did a skit with Bush standing in the oval office, which was on fire, and apologizing to the American people for the wars and the recession and whatnot. I wonder if they could have known how absolutely prophetic they were being.

Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

another prophetic announcement

Hahaha....I can't believe you actually thought that was a real story!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Oh...I you're gonna say "I was just kidding and you're too stupid to realize it!!"

are you really this stupid? Of course I know the onion is satire, but it quite interesting that their article came so close to being true
The stimulus and the bailouts have accomplished what they were supposed to do, though not as successfully as was hoped. Consider what the consequences would have been if the frozen markets of 9/30/08 had remained so until finance developed trust again. Anyone with even a tiny amount of sense understands that it would have been catastrophic. Especially in a highly urbanized world, where our sustenance is dependent on markets.

The president isn't your problem. Your bankers distrust of your ability to pay off your debt is your problem.
This is only because people don't understand that it's the congress and not so much the President. And we all know who has run congress for most of the last 50 years.

For like the millionth time.

The stimulus and the bailouts have accomplished what they were supposed to do, though not as successfully as was hoped. Consider what the consequences would have been if the frozen markets of 9/30/08 had remained so until finance developed trust again. Anyone with even a tiny amount of sense understands that it would have been catastrophic. Especially in a highly urbanized world, where our sustenance is dependent on markets.

The president isn't your problem. Your bankers distrust of your ability to pay off your debt is your problem.


THANK YOU. Pointing at political parties and counting the days each was in office is an exercise in futility. The root and cause of the problem are there, out in the open for anyone to see. It was a private sector problem. The government's only failing was in NOT STOPPING IT. And I'm sorry to conservative holdouts - It was predominantly CONSERVATIVE POLICY that dictates non-intervention.

This is not a closely guarded secret, people. It's right there for anyone to see, who is willing to see it.
Your cartoon insinuates that the crisis is defined by the deficit. Nonsense. The deficit is a product of the crisis, not the other way around. Trying to balance the budget during a severe recession is what Hoover did.

IMO Neither party "Did this." It was the private sector that "Did it;" The government's role was not identifying and correcting the problem in time; And it is classically the right that wants the "Hands off" approach to just about everything. Even now, I hear ridiculous chatter that fixing the problem entails fewer restrictions, lowering taxes, and firing thousands of government employees will serve as some sort of magic bullet to fix the problem.

Curing sunburn by lying back out in the sun. Love that analogy.

Fair enough. Tell me what Hoover did that was substantially different than what FDR later did and expanded upon. It wasn't trying to balance the budget. Your post shows a serious lack of historical facts.

Even Milton Friedman himself would tell you that Hoover's initial response was to try to balance the budget. Anything he did that remotely resembles FDR did not take place until much later, under tremendous pressure from economists the world over telling him his approach was making the problem worse.

In Hoover's defense, he really had no other established recourse to the situation; Keynes' philosophies were still in their infancy, and a crisis of this magnitude had never before been seen.

Keep in mind further that our deficits today are much lower as a percentage of GDP than they were in the WWII years. We got out of it just fine; Not by gutting the government and throwing consumers to the wolves, like I hear around here so much; But by investing in our infrastructure and growing out of the problem.

What did Hoover do, with the two years he had the problem? That is what I was asking, like I said, it certainly wasn't all about balancing a budget, as it wasn't.
Your cartoon insinuates that the crisis is defined by the deficit. Nonsense. The deficit is a product of the crisis, not the other way around. Trying to balance the budget during a severe recession is what Hoover did.

IMO Neither party "Did this." It was the private sector that "Did it;" The government's role was not identifying and correcting the problem in time; And it is classically the right that wants the "Hands off" approach to just about everything. Even now, I hear ridiculous chatter that fixing the problem entails fewer restrictions, lowering taxes, and firing thousands of government employees will serve as some sort of magic bullet to fix the problem.

Curing sunburn by lying back out in the sun. Love that analogy.

Fair enough. Tell me what Hoover did that was substantially different than what FDR later did and expanded upon. It wasn't trying to balance the budget. Your post shows a serious lack of historical facts.

Even Milton Friedman himself would tell you that Hoover's initial response was to try to balance the budget. Anything he did that remotely resembles FDR did not take place until much later, under tremendous pressure from economists the world over telling him his approach was making the problem worse.

In Hoover's defense, he really had no other established recourse to the situation; Keynes' philosophies were still in their infancy, and a crisis of this magnitude had never before been seen.

Keep in mind further that our deficits today are much lower as a percentage of GDP than they were in the WWII years. We got out of it just fine; Not by gutting the government and throwing consumers to the wolves, like I hear around here so much; But by investing in our infrastructure and growing out of the problem.

Yep..but that doesn't stop the hyperbole coming from conservative and propaganda coming from FOX.

What Republicans were prescribing..that we let big institutions and companies fail..flies in the face of every reputable economist..including Friedman.
This is only because people don't understand that it's the congress and not so much the President. And we all know who has run congress for most of the last 50 years.

For like the millionth time.


Who pays the bills? Who approves the spending? Who controls the money?

Yeah..sure..that'a responsible. Close down the government.

Hmm..when was that last time that happened?

And doing it while two wars are on-going.

That makes good sense.


Cute cartoon. Do you believe record deficits were avoidable, and if so, how?

We're not reaching back 10 years here. I'm talking from 1/2009 onward.

IMO, certainly the amounts and for that both parties are to blame. The stimulus did nothing of the sort, other than giving new spending powers to the Fed, putting your unborn baby under a pile of debt, his/her kids too.

That would have happened anyway, with or without the stimulus. So what would you have done? Destroy America with the greatest depression ever known to man & drug the entire globe down with you? Surely you have a solution................
Fair enough. Tell me what Hoover did that was substantially different than what FDR later did and expanded upon. It wasn't trying to balance the budget. Your post shows a serious lack of historical facts.

Even Milton Friedman himself would tell you that Hoover's initial response was to try to balance the budget. Anything he did that remotely resembles FDR did not take place until much later, under tremendous pressure from economists the world over telling him his approach was making the problem worse.

In Hoover's defense, he really had no other established recourse to the situation; Keynes' philosophies were still in their infancy, and a crisis of this magnitude had never before been seen.

Keep in mind further that our deficits today are much lower as a percentage of GDP than they were in the WWII years. We got out of it just fine; Not by gutting the government and throwing consumers to the wolves, like I hear around here so much; But by investing in our infrastructure and growing out of the problem.

What did Hoover do, with the two years he had the problem? That is what I was asking, like I said, it certainly wasn't all about balancing a budget, as it wasn't.

Ok, it wasn't "All about" balancing a budget. It was a refusal to bring deficit spending to the table; Deficit spending that was desperately needed at that point in time. He was all about what he called Volunteerism- Predominantly asking more powerful financial institutions to prop up less powerful ones, and urging private and public entities not to lay off workers or cut wages.

It wasn't until 1932 - In the full throws of global depression and 24% unemployment - That he initiated deficit-funded public works projects. That's the only thing he did (Shortly before his loss to FDR) that remotely resembles FDR's approach.

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