Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

You are a phony.In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.
That's your opinion. Next time, please try keeping to the topic to avoid your confusion. There is no rule here that says one must respond to every question and quite frankly, I just don't have the time to answer stupid questions that are off topic, especially ones involving sealioning. I hope this helps.
Seems you are right. The OP is unable to address your question.
Please note, the question is "off topic." The entire point of this site is discussing news and politics. In the sub-forum I posted this in, that is what is expected. My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion. Get it? There are other sub-forums here that allow for that but I did not post there. You might want to read the rules and regulations here governing where and how to post post topics.

Thanks for your attention, and remember, reading is fundamental.


You are a phony.

In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".

Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.


How does her desire not to entertain a silly, off-topic question (in a threat she started) make her a phony?

A phony what EXACTLY?

So, everyone whom does not answer EVERY question put to them in a chat forum is a phony - is that it?

To claim that "My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion" when she posted the article is asinine. Is she posting articles for discussion or as a public service?

She is the kind of phony that when confronted with a difficult question claims that her role isn't to discuss but merely "inform".

Too fking funny.

Talk about an absolute nothing burger topic. Nobody cares. Nobody.

On the contrary this is why Trump won. It is why liberals are wandering in the cultural wilderness now. You're losing minorities and youth and you call this a nothingburger.
Seems you are right. The OP is unable to address your question.
Please note, the question is "off topic." The entire point of this site is discussing news and politics. In the sub-forum I posted this in, that is what is expected. My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion. Get it? There are other sub-forums here that allow for that but I did not post there. You might want to read the rules and regulations here governing where and how to post post topics.

Thanks for your attention, and remember, reading is fundamental.


You are a phony.

In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".

Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.


How does her desire not to entertain a silly, off-topic question (in a threat she started) make her a phony?

A phony what EXACTLY?

So, everyone whom does not answer EVERY question put to them in a chat forum is a phony - is that it?

To claim that "My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion" when she posted the article is asinine. Is she posting articles for discussion or as a public service?

She is the kind of phony that when confronted with a difficult question claims that her role isn't to discuss but merely "inform".

Too fking funny.


You did not answer my question.


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

also pho·ney (fō′nē)
adj. pho·ni·er, pho·ni·est
Not genuine or real; sham or counterfeit: a phony credit card; a phony beard.
2. Spurious, deceptive, or false: a phony excuse.
3. Fraudulent, deceitful, or dishonest:'


How EXACTLY does her not answering an off-topic 'test' make her 'not genuine, a sham or counterfeit'?

Does it make her subject phony? Her personality? Her question? What?

And remember - if you do not answer - than YOU are a phony, right?
You are a phony.In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.
That's your opinion. Next time, please try keeping to the topic to avoid your confusion. There is no rule here that says one must respond to every question and quite frankly, I just don't have the time to answer stupid questions that are off topic, especially ones involving sealioning. I hope this helps.

I just learned a new word today 'sealioning'. Cool.
It's always the same. Lefties loved them some PC til they found out Americans hated it. Now they're all going to pretend they hated it all along--like it hasn't been their cultural bread and butter for better than 20 years. Pull my other leg sweetie.
Predicable. Rather than discuss the issue or topic, this poster (as per usual) attacks the poster. This is a discussion forum discussing issues. Now, if you're so emotionally wrapped up in personalities, perhaps you need to take a break and refocus yourself on civil discussion.

I've never really addressed PC before so this is new territory for me. I share some of the dislike of political correctness with many of those who lean right. Also, as I stated, being forced into doing anything is an anathema to me, which is natural for most people. One of the reasons which prompted me to post this was "Sci-Fi". I'm big into Science Fiction and hollywoods ham fisted approach to forcing PC into movies and comics have it's affectionados arguing senselessly about it.
Interesting food for thought. We don't have any specific definition of exactly what "PC" means, and this comes at a time when there is not only a myriad of political factions, but also a tendency to fling baseless accusations at other groups of Americans and greatly exaggerate differences. As I said on another thread, what five people do is not indicative of what a group encompassing thousands or millions does, and I see these things greatly exaggerated on USMB and the like.

What I find off-putting is the tendency to compartmentalize by race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc., and aim accusations at whole groups. It is one thing to offer one's suggestions for better solutions to problems facing the nation, but quite another to put out a charade that just says that we would be better off if "they" weren't here or "they" did something else, or "they" would just shut up.

As for the entertainment industry, I don't see why it has any role in this matter and gets blame. People make movies for profit, just like any other industry. Have a script, find funding, it goes through, actors are hired (they have their craft), production happens, the final result is released to the viewing audience, which is voluntary. it's an industry, it's a job, like any other thing.
Seems you are right. The OP is unable to address your question.
Please note, the question is "off topic." The entire point of this site is discussing news and politics. In the sub-forum I posted this in, that is what is expected. My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion. Get it? There are other sub-forums here that allow for that but I did not post there. You might want to read the rules and regulations here governing where and how to post post topics.

Thanks for your attention, and remember, reading is fundamental.


You are a phony.

In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".

Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.


How does her desire not to entertain a silly, off-topic question (in a threat she started) make her a phony?

A phony what EXACTLY?

So, everyone whom does not answer EVERY question put to them in a chat forum is a phony - is that it?

To claim that "My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion" when she posted the article is asinine. Is she posting articles for discussion or as a public service?

She is the kind of phony that when confronted with a difficult question claims that her role isn't to discuss but merely "inform".

Too fking funny.


You did not answer my question.


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

also pho·ney (fō′nē)
adj. pho·ni·er, pho·ni·est
Not genuine or real; sham or counterfeit: a phony credit card; a phony beard.
2. Spurious, deceptive, or false: a phony excuse.
3. Fraudulent, deceitful, or dishonest:'


How EXACTLY does her not answering an off-topic 'test' make her 'not genuine, a sham or counterfeit'?

Does it make her subject phony? Her personality? Her question? What?

And remember - if you do not answer - than YOU are a phony, right?

Not genuine or sincere is another definition. And if you prefer I can state that the poster is not sincere in her interest to engage in a discussion initiated by her posting an article for discussion. I stand by the fact that she is a phony.

PC is often associated with dealing with uncomfortable questions or subject areas. The question asked in post #6 was perfectly legitimate and on-topic.

It's always the same. Lefties loved them some PC til they found out Americans hated it. Now they're all going to pretend they hated it all along--like it hasn't been their cultural bread and butter for better than 20 years. Pull my other leg sweetie.
Predicable. Rather than discuss the issue or topic, this poster (as per usual) attacks the poster. This is a discussion forum discussing issues. Now, if you're so emotionally wrapped up in personalities, perhaps you need to take a break and refocus yourself on civil discussion.

I've never really addressed PC before so this is new territory for me. I share some of the dislike of political correctness with many of those who lean right. Also, as I stated, being forced into doing anything is an anathema to me, which is natural for most people. One of the reasons which prompted me to post this was "Sci-Fi". I'm big into Science Fiction and hollywoods ham fisted approach to forcing PC into movies and comics have it's affectionados arguing senselessly about it.

Really. You've never said or implied that conservatives are racist sexist xenophobic homophobe blah blah blah...??? On no evidence whatsoever? I don't believe it. As I have said this has been the Lefts bread and butter for better than 20 years and now they will all pretend they were never a part of it--now that it's toxic.

No. Denied. Rejected.
Real fam, a school banned clapping at sports events because it can be distracting for some students, and is instead telling people to use jazz hands when attending events...thoughts?

That is right, jazz hands everyone!!! Clapping is offensive to some people.

Just when you thought third wave feminism was beyond ridicule, this happens.... cause clapping can trigger anxiety.

MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM — A student union has decided to ban clapping, whooping and cheering and replaced it instead with — wait for it — jazz hands.

According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people? At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.

Just in case you need a little dance to help you all out.

...."According to the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditional or devoted conservatives, and their views are far outside the American mainstream. Some 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists, and their views are even less typical. By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages"
.... Source

Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.

I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
<snip/unsnip> As for the entertainment industry, I don't see why it has any role in this matter and gets blame. People make movies for profit, just like any other industry. Have a script, find funding, it goes through, actors are hired (they have their craft), production happens, the final result is released to the viewing audience, which is voluntary. it's an industry, it's a job, like any other thing.
Disney, through Marvel, has been pushing PC. I remember when the first Thor movie came out and there was an outcry that they portrayed Heimdall as being black (Idris Elba). Anyone familiar with Norse mythology, the Prose Edda and Marvel comics rendition of Heimdall, knew he was always shown as a Nordic white. While personally, I like to stick the the canon interpretation of books and comics, I had no problem with a black Heimdall but it was viewed in general as being PC. There is a long list to this. Would the Lord of the Rings been the same with the hobbits being black, latino or asian?
<snip/unsnip>According to the BBC, student reps from the University of Manchester actually voted to replace clapping with the British Sign Language equivalent — a wave of both hands, so jazz hands. Apparently clapping can trigger students with autism, sensory issues and deafness. Hold up — clapping bothers deaf people? At lively events such as debates, panels and talks, no more will students be subjected to the harsh sounds of audible clapping. According to the student union’s liberation and access officer Sara Khan, who proposed the idea, said clapping can “discourage” people from events. Khan said, “I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I’ve seen that clapping, whooping and talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be.” Khan said the union was looking to be more inclusive.Just in case you need a little dance to help you all out.
Speaking of the BBC, their switch from a male to a female time lord brought out howls of protests alleging PC.
I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.`
That's precisely where I'm stuck, as well.

Political Correctness is intellectually dishonest, counter-productive and cowardly. It is leveraged to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

More and more people see that now, and it's nice to see the pushback. Unfortunately, part of that pushback also gave us Trump.

PC is anti-freedom of expression, authoritarian, regressive and illiberal in the extreme.
Last edited:
Please note, the question is "off topic." The entire point of this site is discussing news and politics. In the sub-forum I posted this in, that is what is expected. My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion. Get it? There are other sub-forums here that allow for that but I did not post there. You might want to read the rules and regulations here governing where and how to post post topics.

Thanks for your attention, and remember, reading is fundamental.


You are a phony.

In post #8 you give your opinion of the previous poster's premise that "most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing"". You responded to that assertion in saying: "You are most likely correct".

Funny however that you are unable to venture an opinion regarding the question asked of you in post #6.


How does her desire not to entertain a silly, off-topic question (in a threat she started) make her a phony?

A phony what EXACTLY?

So, everyone whom does not answer EVERY question put to them in a chat forum is a phony - is that it?

To claim that "My opinion on the article is NOT the topic of discussion" when she posted the article is asinine. Is she posting articles for discussion or as a public service?

She is the kind of phony that when confronted with a difficult question claims that her role isn't to discuss but merely "inform".

Too fking funny.


You did not answer my question.


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

also pho·ney (fō′nē)
adj. pho·ni·er, pho·ni·est
Not genuine or real; sham or counterfeit: a phony credit card; a phony beard.
2. Spurious, deceptive, or false: a phony excuse.
3. Fraudulent, deceitful, or dishonest:'


How EXACTLY does her not answering an off-topic 'test' make her 'not genuine, a sham or counterfeit'?

Does it make her subject phony? Her personality? Her question? What?

And remember - if you do not answer - than YOU are a phony, right?

Not genuine or sincere is another definition. And if you prefer I can state that the poster is not sincere in her interest to engage in a discussion initiated by her posting an article for discussion. I stand by the fact that she is a phony.

PC is often associated with dealing with uncomfortable questions or subject areas. The question asked in post #6 was perfectly legitimate and on-topic.


Well, I will give you credit for a better answer than I thought you would give.

Here is the 'question' you are speaking of:

'Let me test you....
How do you feel about straight up asking Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers?
Does that scare the shit out of you or make you feel uncomfortable?'

'politically correct


Definition of politically correct

: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated'


Politically Correct is a belief - not an action. What BrokeLoser is asking her to do is to comment about what she would feel about asking people (whom I assume BrokeLoser was insinuating were poor) a potentially dangerous question. You go up to poor people and ask those questions - you could get killed (no matter what 'race' they are).
That is nothing whatsoever to do with PC. He did not ask if she thought that was a PC thing to do or not.

Furthermore, you do not know her history with the guy. Maybe she has no respect for him. And what if this thread gets 500 posts and 100 questions directed at her? To expect her to answer EVERY, SINGLE one of them is ridiculous. As she said, she is busy.

My point is that you are making a summary judgement about someone on the basis of one question asked her. And I think that is wrong.
It occurs to me that a militant anti pc stance could be construed as being anti-freedom of expression, authoritarian and illiberal. It could just as easily be used to control a conversation.. Just an observation. One that I have been witness to.
I'm going to go out o a short limb here and suggest that PC means different things to different people.A liberal might recognize that both L and R can be PC...but most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing".....that there are NO conservatives who are PC....silly cons.....
You are most likely correct. What is Politically Correct picks up different meanings, including political ideology, for a host of different reasons. As the article points out, there are many factors involved.

"PC" is thought control, A LA "Newspeak" in Orwell's 1984.

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