Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

The Anti-PC stance is always now used to justify being a jerk or being rude...anything anyone complains about now gets excused by the anti-PC crowd.

There there... :cryhug_1_:

Your cult used to get its way all the time. And it’s veil has been ripped away while free speech gets to now examine what you’re really made of. Poor you. Maybe move to another country where free speech isn’t allowed?

Oh look, another cute little statist that is totally clueless. At least you are in good company on this forum, it is filled with morons like you.

silhouette nailed you and described you and the PC crowd accurately, the truth hurts doesn't it?
Actually your study supports my claim. While 80% of the people are opposed to PC, if you were to ask those 80% of the people what is PC you would get a 1000 different answers.Like your example of the Thor movie, some people think using a black actor was being PC, when in reality that has nothing to do with being PC.
You gave an opinion, not state a factual claim.

PC is nothing but an opinion, that is the whole point, and that is a fact.

There is no definitive definition to what is PC, PC is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

bullshit, its not opinions, its silencing certain viewpoints that the masters find objectionable.

Here is one I left off my list

There are only two genders.

Thank you for your opinion on what is PC. I love it when you people make my point for me.

You are mistaken about genders, you are confusing gender with sex. There are two sexes, male and female.

Gender on the other hand is a literary term and not one of science.

where to you get this crap? gender and sex are synonymous. i.e. they mean the same thing. There are only two, male and female, anything else is either an aberration or a mental illness.

They are not synonymous, but over time their use became so.

Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. Somewhere along the line people became offended by hte word "sex" and substituted gender, even though it was not meant to be used that way.
The Anti-PC stance is always now used to justify being a jerk or being rude...anything anyone complains about now gets excused by the anti-PC crowd.

There there... :cryhug_1_:

Your cult used to get its way all the time. And it’s veil has been ripped away while free speech gets to now examine what you’re really made of. Poor you. Maybe move to another country where free speech isn’t allowed?

Oh look, another cute little statist that is totally clueless. At least you are in good company on this forum, it is filled with morons like you.

silhouette nailed you and described you and the PC crowd accurately, the truth hurts doesn't it?

There is no truth in the post, both of you are left of me and both of you do more to silence speech than I do.

That is the only truth in this post.
You gave an opinion, not state a factual claim.

PC is nothing but an opinion, that is the whole point, and that is a fact.

There is no definitive definition to what is PC, PC is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

bullshit, its not opinions, its silencing certain viewpoints that the masters find objectionable.

Here is one I left off my list

There are only two genders.

Thank you for your opinion on what is PC. I love it when you people make my point for me.

You are mistaken about genders, you are confusing gender with sex. There are two sexes, male and female.

Gender on the other hand is a literary term and not one of science.

where to you get this crap? gender and sex are synonymous. i.e. they mean the same thing. There are only two, male and female, anything else is either an aberration or a mental illness.

They are not synonymous, but over time their use became so.

Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. Somewhere along the line people became offended by hte word "sex" and substituted gender, even though it was not meant to be used that way.

check your Websters dude, you are totally wrong.
The Anti-PC stance is always now used to justify being a jerk or being rude...anything anyone complains about now gets excused by the anti-PC crowd.

There there... :cryhug_1_:

Your cult used to get its way all the time. And it’s veil has been ripped away while free speech gets to now examine what you’re really made of. Poor you. Maybe move to another country where free speech isn’t allowed?

Oh look, another cute little statist that is totally clueless. At least you are in good company on this forum, it is filled with morons like you.

silhouette nailed you and described you and the PC crowd accurately, the truth hurts doesn't it?

There is no truth in the post, both of you are left of me and both of you do more to silence speech than I do.

That is the only truth in this post.

wrong again, I want all viewpoints to have equal time in an unbiased forum. Leftists resist that because even they know that when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because it is based on emotion and not facts.
PC is nothing but an opinion, that is the whole point, and that is a fact.

There is no definitive definition to what is PC, PC is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

bullshit, its not opinions, its silencing certain viewpoints that the masters find objectionable.

Here is one I left off my list

There are only two genders.

Thank you for your opinion on what is PC. I love it when you people make my point for me.

You are mistaken about genders, you are confusing gender with sex. There are two sexes, male and female.

Gender on the other hand is a literary term and not one of science.

where to you get this crap? gender and sex are synonymous. i.e. they mean the same thing. There are only two, male and female, anything else is either an aberration or a mental illness.

They are not synonymous, but over time their use became so.

Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. Somewhere along the line people became offended by hte word "sex" and substituted gender, even though it was not meant to be used that way.

check your Websters dude, you are totally wrong.

Definition of gender
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a: a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms


Seems I am right after all!


Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.
Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.

The most ironic part of your post is that it is PC thinking that forced people to quit using the word “sex” and substitute gender even though they did not mean the same thing.

There is nothing rational about being a partisan sheep like you are.

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Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.

I have to say it is post like this that keeps me coming back to this forum.

One of the sheep say "check Webster's, you are wrong".

So, when I do so and prove I am 100% correct, the other sheep says something about "pc bs cult neo dictionaries"...the very dictionary the first sheep told me to check!

You just cannot make this shit up folks! This is better than any reality TV show!
Your article contains facts about how people feel about PC, not a single fact about what PC is. But hey, maybe I am wrong. What is the one, single, definitive definition of PC. If you can give me that and get everyone in the thread to agree with it, then I will be happy to admit I am wrong.
There aren't different definitions of political correctness. There are different ways we see what constitute PC. From the article;

It is obvious that certain elements on the right mock instances in which political correctness goes awry in order to win the license to spew outright racial hatred. And it is understandable that, in the eyes of some progressives, this makes anybody who dares to criticize political correctness a witting tool of—or a useful idiot for—the right. But that’s not fair to the Americans who feel deeply alienated by woke culture. Indeed, while 80 percent of Americans believe that political correctness has become a problem in the country, even more, 82 percent, believe that hate speech is also a problem.

It turns out that while progressive activists tend to think that only hate speech is a problem, and devoted conservatives tend to think that only political correctness is a problem, a clear majority of all Americans holds a more nuanced point of view: They abhor racism. But they don’t think that the way we now practice political correctness represents a promising way to overcome racial injustice.

First off, the article is based off of this study; which is prominently linked in the article. It outlines the scope of their research into PC which defines it.

I'll agree, what people call PC varies wildly but it still runs under the mantle of Political Correctness.
I'm going to go out o a short limb here and suggest that PC means different things to different people.A liberal might recognize that both L and R can be PC...but most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing".....that there are NO conservatives who are PC....silly cons.....
You are most likely correct. What is Politically Correct picks up different meanings, including political ideology, for a host of different reasons. As the article points out, there are many factors involved.

The origins of political correctness started with Lenin. It was a period of time when the Soviet government basically ran a thought Police Department. All things had to pass muster up to and including scientific theory or even viewpoints on social interaction. At that point it was very important for the average citizen to understand what was politically correct or he could easily vanish.

This was also the birthplace of Insidious over-reach of government into the scientific community approving only those scientific theories that furthered political gain.

Some have said that global warming has become the new lysenkoism for our modern society.

In time political correctness evolved to include any and all forced mantra sponsored by a lobbying group using false morality and the shaming/ blaming technique to enforce that particular viewpoint.

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...."According to the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditional or devoted conservatives, and their views are far outside the American mainstream. Some 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists, and their views are even less typical. By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages"
.... Source

Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.

Let me test you....
How do you feel about straight up asking Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers?
Does that scare the shit out of you or make you feel uncomfortable?
If you pretend you didn’t see this post I’ll understand.

Good point

Your article contains facts about how people feel about PC, not a single fact about what PC is. But hey, maybe I am wrong. What is the one, single, definitive definition of PC. If you can give me that and get everyone in the thread to agree with it, then I will be happy to admit I am wrong.
There aren't different definitions of political correctness. There are different ways we see what constitute PC. From the article;

It is obvious that certain elements on the right mock instances in which political correctness goes awry in order to win the license to spew outright racial hatred. And it is understandable that, in the eyes of some progressives, this makes anybody who dares to criticize political correctness a witting tool of—or a useful idiot for—the right. But that’s not fair to the Americans who feel deeply alienated by woke culture. Indeed, while 80 percent of Americans believe that political correctness has become a problem in the country, even more, 82 percent, believe that hate speech is also a problem.

It turns out that while progressive activists tend to think that only hate speech is a problem, and devoted conservatives tend to think that only political correctness is a problem, a clear majority of all Americans holds a more nuanced point of view: They abhor racism. But they don’t think that the way we now practice political correctness represents a promising way to overcome racial injustice.

First off, the article is based off of this study; which is prominently linked in the article. It outlines the scope of their research into PC which defines it.

I'll agree, what people call PC varies wildly but it still runs under the mantle of Political Correctness.

In other words, nobody can even agree on what is and is not PC....which means this statement was correct...

I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
...."According to the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditional or devoted conservatives, and their views are far outside the American mainstream. Some 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists, and their views are even less typical. By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages"
.... Source

Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.
constructive criticism helps, destructive criticism hinders. both can be "truth".
Like my old man always said:
PC was started by piece of shits for piece of shits...PC allows the piece of shits to pretend they aren’t the piece of shits they are as PC prohibits good people from calling the piece of shits out on their bullshit.
PC is just good manners. Why would you want to purposely insult people ?

No its not. PC has nothing to do with manners. Its about restraining free speech in order to silence various opinions that the elites find objectionable or contrary to their ability to control the masses.

In a country where the freedom of speech is number one in the bill of rights, we should be able to say whatever we believe regardless of whether it offends someone or some group. Here are a few examples of free speech.

Muslims have committed the vast majority of terrorist acts in the entire world
Islam treats women like cattle
Planned parenthood murders minority children in order to keep the black population under control
Democrats lie
Hillary Clinton is a criminal
Trump is a great president
Hollywood is full of idiots
Blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes
Illegal aliens should be deported
Gay marriage is an oxymoron

Have I offended everyone yet?
Not really. I think we make exceptions for stupid people. If you had aequate brain power I might point out the flaws in your rag bag collection. But you are just striving for attention so heres a pat on the head and have a good day.
Like my old man always said:
PC was started by piece of shits for piece of shits...PC allows the piece of shits to pretend they aren’t the piece of shits they are as PC prohibits good people from calling the piece of shits out on their bullshit.

What you do is not anti-PC, it is just good old fashioned racism.

You want Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers but you do not ask the same thing of white people.
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty.

In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
<snip/unsnip> As for the entertainment industry, I don't see why it has any role in this matter and gets blame. People make movies for profit, just like any other industry. Have a script, find funding, it goes through, actors are hired (they have their craft), production happens, the final result is released to the viewing audience, which is voluntary. it's an industry, it's a job, like any other thing.
Disney, through Marvel, has been pushing PC. I remember when the first Thor movie came out and there was an outcry that they portrayed Heimdall as being black (Idris Elba). Anyone familiar with Norse mythology, the Prose Edda and Marvel comics rendition of Heimdall, knew he was always shown as a Nordic white. While personally, I like to stick the the canon interpretation of books and comics, I had no problem with a black Heimdall but it was viewed in general as being PC. There is a long list to this. Would the Lord of the Rings been the same with the hobbits being black, latino or asian?

I don't keep up with comics and my knowledge of Norse mythology is very limited. However, any "magical" figure can be of any ethnicity. I'm not sure that it matters. BTW: I loved Ah-Choo in Robin Hood: Men In Tights. There is no reason to think of hobbits being anything but short creatures with furry feet. There never has been any reason to consider their race. The story would have worked if they were Asian. And I've loved Tolkien since I was 14.

But I know that he wrote those books to entertain his son, who was serving in the British military. I don't know where he lived in England, but I've visited Somerset, in England, that has villages known as "Wookie Hole,"and I can easily imagine a village of hobbits living there and being (white) English.

There is no reason not to tell classic stories in different ways unless ethnicity is clearly an issue. Even when it is, like the story of Jesus, look how many times he has been portrayed by an actor who clearly looks like he lives in Stockholm and has nowhere near the average looks of a Jewish man from Nazareth.

The entertainment industry is based on storytelling, taking it from sitting around the campfire to the big screen. This is the beauty of writing; of closing your eyes and letting your imagination continue the journey, that you for a little while are, or have been, someone else.

I don't see why "Hollywood" or writers have anything to do with politics. I cannot understand people who cannot distinguish between the actors and the characters and the roles that they play.

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