Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

Anyone who regularly wants to control, intimidate, punish, shut down, shout down or influence the freedom of expression of another is an illiberal authoritarian.

And those who stand by, defend and/or enable the above are the same thing.

There is nothing more liberal than defending freedom of expression. PC zealots are not liberals, they're regressive leftists.
Like my old man always said:
PC was started by piece of shits for piece of shits...PC allows the piece of shits to pretend they aren’t the piece of shits they are as PC prohibits good people from calling the piece of shits out on their bullshit.

What you do is not anti-PC, it is just good old fashioned racism.

You want Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers but you do not ask the same thing of white people.

See, that’s what you weird Lefties do...dub anyone brave enough to be blunt a racist...that shit has worked for a number of years but good people are tired of being told what they can and can’t say.
Have you ever seen the data...welfare dependency and incarceration data? Blacks and Mexicans push off the chart in both categories...Shouldn’t we use Whites and Asians as the benchmark for what’s acceptable maybe?
The Media, and Entertainment industry does NOT REFLECT most of America. We are not a country of SJW's.
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The Anti-PC stance is always now used to justify being a jerk or being rude...anything anyone complains about now gets excused by the anti-PC crowd.

There there... :cryhug_1_:

Your cult used to get its way all the time. And it’s veil has been ripped away while free speech gets to now examine what you’re really made of. Poor you. Maybe move to another country where free speech isn’t allowed?

Oh look, another cute little statist that is totally clueless. At least you are in good company on this forum, it is filled with morons like you.

silhouette nailed you and described you and the PC crowd accurately, the truth hurts doesn't it?

Well,the popular vote wins AGAINST THE PC CULTURE.

What’s the next move by the PC fucks?
I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
The study I posted was from October 10, 2018. Obviously many people know what PC is and is far from meaningless.

Actually your study supports my claim. While 80% of the people are opposed to PC, if you were to ask those 80% of the people what is PC you would get a 1000 different answers.

Like your example of the Thor movie, some people think using a black actor was being PC, when in reality that has nothing to do with being PC.
Political correctness is dictated by Progressives to control other people they disagree with. So fuck progressives and their political correctness.
It occurs to me that a militant anti pc stance could be construed as being anti-freedom of expression, authoritarian and illiberal. It could just as easily be used to control a conversation.. Just an observation. One that I have been witness to.

The Anti-PC stance is always now used to justify being a jerk or being rude...anything anyone complains about now gets excused by the anti-PC crowd.
Political correctness is not moral in anyway, it’s for fucked in the head progressives
Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.

So if you call it something unkind like "Political Correctness", it gets a bad rap.

But if you call it "acting decently" and "not being a bigot", most people get behind that.

The reality is, most intelligent people filter what they say every day, not because Mac1958's Evil PC Police are out there ready to send them to PC Jail, but because- lo and behold- you never know how someone is going to take something.
Political correctness is evil to its core
Your article contains facts about how people feel about PC, not a single fact about what PC is. But hey, maybe I am wrong. What is the one, single, definitive definition of PC. If you can give me that and get everyone in the thread to agree with it, then I will be happy to admit I am wrong.
There aren't different definitions of political correctness. There are different ways we see what constitute PC. From the article;

It is obvious that certain elements on the right mock instances in which political correctness goes awry in order to win the license to spew outright racial hatred. And it is understandable that, in the eyes of some progressives, this makes anybody who dares to criticize political correctness a witting tool of—or a useful idiot for—the right. But that’s not fair to the Americans who feel deeply alienated by woke culture. Indeed, while 80 percent of Americans believe that political correctness has become a problem in the country, even more, 82 percent, believe that hate speech is also a problem.

It turns out that while progressive activists tend to think that only hate speech is a problem, and devoted conservatives tend to think that only political correctness is a problem, a clear majority of all Americans holds a more nuanced point of view: They abhor racism. But they don’t think that the way we now practice political correctness represents a promising way to overcome racial injustice.

First off, the article is based off of this study; which is prominently linked in the article. It outlines the scope of their research into PC which defines it.

I'll agree, what people call PC varies wildly but it still runs under the mantle of Political Correctness.

In other words, nobody can even agree on what is and is not PC....which means this statement was correct...

I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
Political correctness has one mission to control people other people disagree with
In other words, nobody can even agree on what is and is not PC....which means this statement was correct...I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
In other words, you didn't read the entire article. Thanks for your opinion.
Typical of the left's schemes PC isn't about not offending people, PC is about shutting down any opposition to the liberal narrative.
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty.
In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
Interesting take. It is certainly a fundamentalism, as its adherents are committed at every level.

What I'm not sure on, is I do believe that the PC zealots know at some level how dishonest they are. They know that what they're doing is not about what they claim. I'm not sure about religious fundamentalists.
Typical of the left's schemes PC isn't about not offending people, PC is about shutting down any opposition to the liberal narrative.

Originally it was about conformity to the higher authorities....but yes today I think your brief definition pretty much covers it.

In other words, nobody can even agree on what is and is not PC....which means this statement was correct...I do not think anyone even knows what PC means anymore, like most everything else it was overused and is now meaningless.
In other words, you didn't read the entire article. Thanks for your opinion.

no, in other words you are not smart enough to understand the things that you posted

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