Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

...."According to the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditional or devoted conservatives, and their views are far outside the American mainstream. Some 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists, and their views are even less typical. By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages"
.... Source

Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.

I'm going to go out o a short limb here and suggest that PC means different things to different people.

A liberal might recognize that both L and R can be PC...
but most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing".....that there are NO conservatives who are PC....

silly cons.....

Give an example of cons being pc.
PC has become an albatross on this country. 20% of Americans cling to it tenaciously, assumingly from the far left. A certain amount of it is good for this country, too much is helping to tear this nation apart.


No amount of it is good for the country. In any amount, it is nothing but destructive and detrimental.
What politically-correct actually means is "lying in order to stay in good graces with the herd". And that lying becomes then lying to the self. This is how people become self-deluded. They lie socially until they begin to believe the lie is true.

Maybe the person's viewpoint is off-kilter. But they should share it, get checked if that's what's needed, and then decide on their own whether or not they were right or wrong. Blind obedience to a social rule gives us things like Nazi Germany and the LGBT cult teaching little kids in school that accomplishments are tied to ones' deviant sexuality. In other words, this social-lying can and almost always does get carried away to extremes.
Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes.
Kids say the funniest things

Have you even hit puberty yet, child? I cannot imagine an adult saying such a silly thing because they are old enough to remember a time before radical snowflakes got a hold of the word ender .

Actually my little party sheep, it was the snowflakes that got a hold of the word "sex" and substituted gender in its place.

Unlike you obviously are not, I am old enough to remember when the word sex was used until the "moral majority" had issues with it and the change was made.

gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. This is a fact of life and nothing you say can change it.

gender | Origin and meaning of gender by Online Etymology Dictionary

You might want to pay attention to the part that mentions that the usage as referring to male and female dates back to the early 15th century.

You must be awfully old if you remember a time when it didn't refer to the two different sexes.
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty. In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
To a certain point you are correct. While I still believe that part of PC is nothing but reminding people of common sense civility, it has also become a tool of ridged enforcement, in the wrong hands. It has become so ingrained in the culture war it has formed its own speech codes and mannerisms. Take the canard; "liberal bias in academia". I'd say 90% of the posters here at least confuse it with "liberal arts" which has nothing to do with it. But it has become so deep-seated within the ideological vernacular, it has reached a level of faith where they truly believe both are the same.

The problem is...we have lost the social consensus of what is good manners and acceptable behavior in a society. That is now labeled PC. Treating a person with dignity is rejected while rudeness, insults and abusive terms are rewarded in the name of opposing PC. When society fails to provide a social check on it, PC culture becomes strengthened.
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty. In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
To a certain point you are correct. While I still believe that part of PC is nothing but reminding people of common sense civility, it has also become a tool of ridged enforcement, in the wrong hands. It has become so ingrained in the culture war it has formed its own speech codes and mannerisms. Take the canard; "liberal bias in academia". I'd say 90% of the posters here at least confuse it with "liberal arts" which has nothing to do with it. But it has become so deep-seated within the ideological vernacular, it has reached a level of faith where they truly believe both are the same.

The problem is...we have lost the social consensus of what is good manners and acceptable behavior in a society. That is now labeled PC. Treating a person with dignity is rejected while rudeness, insults and abusive terms are rewarded in the name of opposing PC. When society fails to provide a social check on it, PC culture becomes strengthened.

:uhh: PC is rapidly going the way the Dodo, and properly so. Americans instinctively reject any form of mind control.

Soon to return: Manners.
What I'm not sure on, is I do believe that the PC zealots know at some level how dishonest they are. They know that what they're doing is not about what they claim. I'm not sure about religious fundamentalists.

What separates a fundamentalist from a non fundamentalist is reason, and some people are simply incapable of it in any real way. They do not question. They do not examine. They have no idea WHY they hold any of the views they hold, only that they are expected to hold them.

Fundamentalists are at the preconventional level of moral reasoning as created by Kohlberg where their only understanding of right and wrong relates to rewards and punishments. In the case of p.c., people are rewarded by their peeps if they say one thing and punished if they say another, and that is all they are capable of understanding. I've often wondered if people are simply hardwired to be conformist in varying degrees -- it would certainly serve a survival need, anyway -- and fundies are the ultimate expression of conformity. It makes little difference whether they are thumping a bible or virtual signaling with their little chests all puffed out as the nature of the beast is the same in both cases.
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P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty. In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
To a certain point you are correct. While I still believe that part of PC is nothing but reminding people of common sense civility, it has also become a tool of ridged enforcement, in the wrong hands. It has become so ingrained in the culture war it has formed its own speech codes and mannerisms. Take the canard; "liberal bias in academia". I'd say 90% of the posters here at least confuse it with "liberal arts" which has nothing to do with it. But it has become so deep-seated within the ideological vernacular, it has reached a level of faith where they truly believe both are the same.

The problem is...we have lost the social consensus of what is good manners and acceptable behavior in a society. That is now labeled PC. Treating a person with dignity is rejected while rudeness, insults and abusive terms are rewarded in the name of opposing PC. When society fails to provide a social check on it, PC culture becomes strengthened.

:uhh: PC is rapidly going the way the Dodo, and properly so. Americans instinctively reject any form of mind control.

Soon to return: Manners.
I hope...
PC isn't about manners; that's just the excuse in which it is cloaked. PC is about controlling the conversation and avoiding the actual topic by putting your target on the defensive. To wit:

"I don't like Obamacare"

"Black fathers are disproportionately absent from the home"

"I strongly disagree with your political opinion"

"Where are you from?"

"I don't know who to believe in this Kavanaugh story"

"Something needs to be done about the flow of illegals into this country"

"You look nice today!"

"I am appalled by this latest jihadist atrocity"

"I didn't like the way there was public nudity in that gay pride parade"

"She will be here later"

Are we really going to pretend this stuff doesn't happen regularly, and usually by essentially the same people?
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PC is rapidly going the way the Dodo, and properly so. Americans instinctively reject any form of mind control Soon to return: Manners.
Manners is something best taught at home.

PC is something best not taught at school.

A bit off-topic, but I've seen all kinds of parents out there.

Some refuse to discipline, yet abuse their children. :cuckoo:

They can't teach manners they don't have.
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty. In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
To a certain point you are correct. While I still believe that part of PC is nothing but reminding people of common sense civility, it has also become a tool of ridged enforcement, in the wrong hands. It has become so ingrained in the culture war it has formed its own speech codes and mannerisms. Take the canard; "liberal bias in academia". I'd say 90% of the posters here at least confuse it with "liberal arts" which has nothing to do with it. But it has become so deep-seated within the ideological vernacular, it has reached a level of faith where they truly believe both are the same.

P.C. may have begun as an attempt at common sense civility, but it has morphed into a monster that resembles fascism more than it does manners, where the noose people apply to others is ever tightening as the practitioners are having to find increasingly trifling matters in order to create a sense of outrage so they can feed their ego. It's really all about the need for reward when it gets down to it as the need to appear virtuous outweighs all else.

The first time I encountered the term politically correct was when I was working in Berkeley in the early eighties. Nobody needed to explain it to me because what it described was so obvious. It has only worsened in the decades since.
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PC is something best not taught at school.A bit off-topic, but I've seen all kinds of parents out there.Some refuse to discipline, yet abuse their children. :cuckoo:They can't teach manners they don't have.
Please and thank you are one of the easiest concepts to teach a child at home and yet I run into preschoolers and teens with no concept of the two
bullshit, its not opinions, its silencing certain viewpoints that the masters find objectionable.

Here is one I left off my list

There are only two genders.

Thank you for your opinion on what is PC. I love it when you people make my point for me.

You are mistaken about genders, you are confusing gender with sex. There are two sexes, male and female.

Gender on the other hand is a literary term and not one of science.

where to you get this crap? gender and sex are synonymous. i.e. they mean the same thing. There are only two, male and female, anything else is either an aberration or a mental illness.

They are not synonymous, but over time their use became so.

Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. Somewhere along the line people became offended by hte word "sex" and substituted gender, even though it was not meant to be used that way.

check your Websters dude, you are totally wrong.

Definition of gender
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a: a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms


Seems I am right after all!

View attachment 222546


nope you are wrong again. that definition is not the one commonly used today to define the various sexual deviations that the left wants us to accept. How does your definition work with "transgender" ? It doesn't. Gender and sex are synonymous in today's parlance.

why are you determined to make a fool of yourself on this?
Like my old man always said:
PC was started by piece of shits for piece of shits...PC allows the piece of shits to pretend they aren’t the piece of shits they are as PC prohibits good people from calling the piece of shits out on their bullshit.

What you do is not anti-PC, it is just good old fashioned racism.

You want Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers but you do not ask the same thing of white people.

stop the spin and lies, we want blacks and Mexicans to do less of those things because they do a disproportionate number of those things. Its not racist (and Mexican is not a race), its just telling it like it is and that is what you libs find offensive-----------the truth.
I'm going to go out o a short limb here and suggest that PC means different things to different people.A liberal might recognize that both L and R can be PC...but most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing".....that there are NO conservatives who are PC....silly cons.....
You are most likely correct. What is Politically Correct picks up different meanings, including political ideology, for a host of different reasons. As the article points out, there are many factors involved.

Political Correctness is not half the problem as identity politics.
Identity politics is dividing this nation into many factions, also known as tribalism.
All of this is encouraged by the establishment who very much want to keep Americans divided and fighting each other rather than paying attention to the real enemy: Corporatism. WHich has now wholly corrupted the federal government and the media.

View attachment 222545

so, corporations are inherently evil? evil and they want to destroy the country? without the country corporations could not exist and shareholders would lose their money. Your real issue is envy and jealousy of people who have more than you do. Why cant you admit that?

What, are you on drugs or something?
Please point to where I said all corporations are evil, and inherently so.
After not being able to do that, please convince me that our government is not corrupted by the larger corporations and their interest. To a point, that they absolutely now represent them more than us.

here is what you said
"All of this is encouraged by the establishment who very much want to keep Americans divided and fighting each other rather than paying attention to the real enemy: Corporatism. WHich has now wholly corrupted the federal government and the media."

feel free to correct it if you misspoke, otherwise own it.
PC is something best not taught at school.A bit off-topic, but I've seen all kinds of parents out there.Some refuse to discipline, yet abuse their children. :cuckoo:They can't teach manners they don't have.
Please and thank you are one of the easiest concepts to teach a child at home and yet I run into preschoolers and teens with no concept of the two

spent a lot of time down south in the early 1990's....

Being a yankee gentleman I would ALWAYS open doors for EVERYONE (M or F)....

Noticed a disturbing LACK of "why, thank you!" from the southerners......especially the OLDER women!.....
Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.

I have to say it is post like this that keeps me coming back to this forum.

One of the sheep say "check Webster's, you are wrong".

So, when I do so and prove I am 100% correct, the other sheep says something about "pc bs cult neo dictionaries"...the very dictionary the first sheep told me to check!

You just cannot make this shit up folks! This is better than any reality TV show!

How about a non-PC, non-online dictionary that can't be edited with the stroke of a keyboard?

Leave it to the PC crowd to confuse gender with genderless.

Notice the "masculine, feminine, and neuter" part.


Thank you for once again showing that gender is a literary term, and should not be used in place of the biological term “sex”.

Sent from my iPhone using
Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.

I have to say it is post like this that keeps me coming back to this forum.

One of the sheep say "check Webster's, you are wrong".

So, when I do so and prove I am 100% correct, the other sheep says something about "pc bs cult neo dictionaries"...the very dictionary the first sheep told me to check!

You just cannot make this shit up folks! This is better than any reality TV show!

How about a non-PC, non-online dictionary that can't be edited with the stroke of a keyboard?

Leave it to the PC crowd to confuse gender with genderless.

Notice the "masculine, feminine, and neuter" part.


Thank you for once again showing that gender is a literary term, and should not be used in place of the biological term “sex”.

Sent from my iPhone using

trans gender= a person with the genitals of one sex that thinks they are the other sex. Lesbian= a sexual female who prefers other females sexually. Gender and sex are the same thing in today's common language.
Like my old man always said:
PC was started by piece of shits for piece of shits...PC allows the piece of shits to pretend they aren’t the piece of shits they are as PC prohibits good people from calling the piece of shits out on their bullshit.

What you do is not anti-PC, it is just good old fashioned racism.

You want Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers but you do not ask the same thing of white people.

stop the spin and lies, we want blacks and Mexicans to do less of those things because they do a disproportionate number of those things. Its not racist (and Mexican is not a race), its just telling it like it is and that is what you libs find offensive-----------the truth.

The truth is a major inconvenience for Libs.

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