Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

I think that there are a few shrines of PC sensitivity that are important in a civil culture. Do not overdo PC or lack any PC and you might just get along with most people. Far extreme PC is not basic human decency.
no, in other words you are not smart enough to understand the things that you posted
I can see you are trying to save face here. My advice; Read everything before you post. Maybe you'll actually understand the topic.

I have no need to save face, you copy and paste said just what I have been saying this whole time. Your article supports the idea that there is no clear view of what PC is, hell this thread supports the idea that PC is in the eye of the beholder as we have all sort of views on what it is and you do not agree with most of them.
Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes.
Kids say the funniest things

Have you even hit puberty yet, child? I cannot imagine an adult saying such a silly thing because they are old enough to remember a time before radical snowflakes got a hold of the word ender .
P.C. is all about ultra-conformity and the suspension of critical thought and intellectual honesty. In that regard, it is really little different than religious fundamentalism.
To a certain point you are correct. While I still believe that part of PC is nothing but reminding people of common sense civility, it has also become a tool of ridged enforcement, in the wrong hands. It has become so ingrained in the culture war it has formed its own speech codes and mannerisms. Take the canard; "liberal bias in academia". I'd say 90% of the posters here at least confuse it with "liberal arts" which has nothing to do with it. But it has become so deep-seated within the ideological vernacular, it has reached a level of faith where they truly believe both are the same.
Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes.
Kids say the funniest things

Have you even hit puberty yet, child? I cannot imagine an adult saying such a silly thing because they are old enough to remember a time before radical snowflakes got a hold of the word ender .

Actually my little party sheep, it was the snowflakes that got a hold of the word "sex" and substituted gender in its place.

Unlike you obviously are not, I am old enough to remember when the word sex was used until the "moral majority" had issues with it and the change was made.

gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. This is a fact of life and nothing you say can change it.
That's what QUEER-O's pollsters told him, before Michael Robinson had a sex change to become "Michelle" Obama....

I think that there are a few shrines of PC sensitivity that are important in a civil culture. Do not overdo PC or lack any PC and you might just get along with most people. Far extreme PC is not basic human decency.

Please give us an example of a shrine of PC sensitivity that you speak of.
Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes.
Kids say the funniest things

Have you even hit puberty yet, child? I cannot imagine an adult saying such a silly thing because they are old enough to remember a time before radical snowflakes got a hold of the word ender .

Actually my little party sheep, it was the snowflakes that got a hold of the word "sex" and substituted gender in its place.

Unlike you obviously are not, I am old enough to remember when the word sex was used until the "moral majority" had issues with it and the change was made.

gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. This is a fact of life and nothing you say can change it.

ShankinGator is that you speaking like only a LefTard would again?
BUT, BUT, swear you’re not a LefTard...right?
Americans never liked PC...
It has been one of the things that has eroded this nation...
Gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes.
Kids say the funniest things

Have you even hit puberty yet, child? I cannot imagine an adult saying such a silly thing because they are old enough to remember a time before radical snowflakes got a hold of the word ender .

Actually my little party sheep, it was the snowflakes that got a hold of the word "sex" and substituted gender in its place.

Unlike you obviously are not, I am old enough to remember when the word sex was used until the "moral majority" had issues with it and the change was made.

gender is a literary term that was never meant to be used to differentiate between the two sexes. This is a fact of life and nothing you say can change it.

ShankinGator is that you speaking like only a LefTard would again?
BUT, BUT, swear you’re not a LefTard...right?

I speak the truth, I am sorry if you think that the truth is the territory of the left only, but that says way more about you than it does me.

But I have to give you credit for admitting that your "side" does not deal in the truth. The only thing you have wrong is that the left does not either.
Anyone who regularly wants to control, intimidate, punish, shut down, shout down or influence the freedom of expression of another is an illiberal authoritarian.

And those who stand by, defend and/or enable the above are the same thing.

There is nothing more liberal than defending freedom of expression. PC zealots are not liberals, they're regressive leftists.

Still waiting for Stormy Mac to tell us what great truth Political Correctness keeps him from saying out loud.

Oh, that's right. He won't.
My OP stated 80% of all Americans strongly dislike PC. Since the right consists of about 43% (+/-) of all Americans, it stands to reason that the rest are either independents or members of the left. One of the universal concerns for both sides is that PC has gone overboard. In this video by Bill Mahar, he rips into the democrats;

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s political satire program “Real Time,” explained on Friday night why Democrats keep losing elections - political correctness. In an epic rant, Maher unleashed on the “left,” which he claimed appears weak due to their obsession with being politically correct, while the right - Donald Trump in particular- come off as “strong.

He added, “I think it’s our problem, and I don’t know why more mainstream liberals don’t denounce the political correctness that they must know in private conversations is insane.” “I mean, NPR will not use the term ‘homeless,’ people ‘affected by homelessness,’” Maher said, citing another example of political correctness run rampant. ”
PC has become an albatross on this country. 20% of Americans cling to it tenaciously, assumingly from the far left. A certain amount of it is good for this country, too much is helping to tear this nation apart.
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My OP stated 80% of all Americans strongly dislike PC.

Yes, if you give something a derisive name, then most people will be against it.

But I will bet if you ask,"How many of you think racism or misogyny or homophobia is bad?", you'd get similar results. Even the racist doesn't like to admit he is a racist.

And no, I don't take Islamophobic Bill Maher as a serious authority on anything. I haven't since ABC fired him for calling our servicemen cowards.

PC has become an albatross on this country. 20% of Americans cling to it tenaciously, assumingly from the far left. A certain amount of it is good for this country, too much is helping to tear this nation apart.


The only thing "tearing this country apart" is the asshole in the White House validating the bigots, and the otherwise decent people who go along with it because their stock portfolios are doing well.

Once the stock market crashes, all those people will be denouncing Trump's bigotry to the high heavens, like little kids who ate too much candy and got sick.
Gender is what equipment you have to reproduce with. You can try to cite your pc bs cult neo dictionaries all day long. But rationale people know the difference. Once again you will discover this when people vote in a couple weeks.

I have to say it is post like this that keeps me coming back to this forum.

One of the sheep say "check Webster's, you are wrong".

So, when I do so and prove I am 100% correct, the other sheep says something about "pc bs cult neo dictionaries"...the very dictionary the first sheep told me to check!

You just cannot make this shit up folks! This is better than any reality TV show!

How about a non-PC, non-online dictionary that can't be edited with the stroke of a keyboard?

Leave it to the PC crowd to confuse gender with genderless.

Notice the "masculine, feminine, and neuter" part.

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<snip/unsnip>Once the stock market crashes, all those people will be denouncing Trump's bigotry to the high heavens, like little kids who ate too much candy and got sick.
As I said, there is also the 20% of the far left whom with whitened knuckles and gritting teeth, grasp on to PC like the far right clings to their bibles. Tump is a symptom to a far larger problem here and part of that problem is PC.
I'm going to go out o a short limb here and suggest that PC means different things to different people.A liberal might recognize that both L and R can be PC...but most cons believe that PC is a "liberal thing".....that there are NO conservatives who are PC....silly cons.....
You are most likely correct. What is Politically Correct picks up different meanings, including political ideology, for a host of different reasons. As the article points out, there are many factors involved.

Political Correctness is not half the problem as identity politics.
Identity politics is dividing this nation into many factions, also known as tribalism.
All of this is encouraged by the establishment who very much want to keep Americans divided and fighting each other rather than paying attention to the real enemy: Corporatism. WHich has now wholly corrupted the federal government and the media.

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so, corporations are inherently evil? evil and they want to destroy the country? without the country corporations could not exist and shareholders would lose their money. Your real issue is envy and jealousy of people who have more than you do. Why cant you admit that?

What, are you on drugs or something?
Please point to where I said all corporations are evil, and inherently so.
After not being able to do that, please convince me that our government is not corrupted by the larger corporations and their interest. To a point, that they absolutely now represent them more than us.

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