Americans underestimate their chances of needing long-term care as they get older



Americans in denial about long-term care - Vitals

The poll found most people expect family to step up if they need long-term care — even though 6 in 10 haven't talked with loved ones about the possibility and how they'd like it to work.

7 in 10 Americans will need long-term care at some point after they reach age 65, whether it's from a relative, a home health aide, assisted living or a nursing home. On average, they'll need that care for three years.

The harsh reality: Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, is the main payer of long-term care in the U.S., and to qualify seniors must have spent most of their savings and assets. But fewer than half of those polled think they'll ever need Medicaid — even though only a third are setting aside money for later care, and just 27 percent are confident they'll have the financial resources they'll need.


What will happen is euthanasia will become commonplace. You don't really think that Republicans, the "let him die" crowd, would actually want to take care of old and sick people? No one believes that.
Yes, I think this will be a huge problem, and it is a problem with a lot of seniors now, but denial is common place in this nation now. I was always one to think that if I had to pay more in taxes as a young person, and it was noted on my pay stub for this specific cause, then I would be willing to do so, as I knew that someday I would get old, and would need to be taken care of also.
Americans in denial about long-term care - Vitals

The poll found most people expect family to step up if they need long-term care — even though 6 in 10 haven't talked with loved ones about the possibility and how they'd like it to work.

7 in 10 Americans will need long-term care at some point after they reach age 65, whether it's from a relative, a home health aide, assisted living or a nursing home. On average, they'll need that care for three years.

The harsh reality: Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, is the main payer of long-term care in the U.S., and to qualify seniors must have spent most of their savings and assets. But fewer than half of those polled think they'll ever need Medicaid — even though only a third are setting aside money for later care, and just 27 percent are confident they'll have the financial resources they'll need.


What will happen is euthanasia will become commonplace. You don't really think that Republicans, the "let him die" crowd, would actually want to take care of old and sick people? No one believes that.

those fucking heartless Republicans......
Even if a third could afford to put aside money for future long term care, it still won't be enough to cover costs. It is so expensive that most seniors end up with no assets, property or savings shortly after needing long term care. They sign over their social security checks and the government picks up the rest of the bill.

This is going to change real soon in our future with the baby boomers. They won't even have this to fall back on. Hopefully they will allow us to get a pill that kills us so we do not have to suffer in total poverty.
Long term healthcare insurance should be part of everyone's financial planning.

Yes, it might be expensive, but the sooner you get it, the cheaper it is.
Americans in denial about long-term care - Vitals

The poll found most people expect family to step up if they need long-term care — even though 6 in 10 haven't talked with loved ones about the possibility and how they'd like it to work.

7 in 10 Americans will need long-term care at some point after they reach age 65, whether it's from a relative, a home health aide, assisted living or a nursing home. On average, they'll need that care for three years.

The harsh reality: Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, is the main payer of long-term care in the U.S., and to qualify seniors must have spent most of their savings and assets. But fewer than half of those polled think they'll ever need Medicaid — even though only a third are setting aside money for later care, and just 27 percent are confident they'll have the financial resources they'll need.


What will happen is euthanasia will become commonplace. You don't really think that Republicans, the "let him die" crowd, would actually want to take care of old and sick people? No one believes that.

The Democrats have that solved:

"Where have you heard this before: The elderly should be allowed to “hurry up and die” instead of costing the government money for end-of-life medical care?

If you’re from Colorado, you might have said former [Democrat] Gov. Dick Lamm, who was famously misquoted in 1984 as saying the elderly and terminally ill had a “duty to die.”
Death remarks rekindle memories of Colorado's "Gov. Gloom" a related story:

"Republicans Are Refusing To Appoint Members To Obamacare's Most Notorious Panel

One of the most politically intense fights over the Affordable Care Act was over the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, infamously dubbed a "death panel" by Republicans during the 2010 elections. "
Obamacare IPAB: Boehner, McConnell Refuse Appointments - Business Insider
According to the most recent report, about 70% of people 65 and above will need long term care but still there are others who opt to face the future without coverage. This shouldn't be that attitude of Americans especially now that the cost of care is becoming more expensive. Some would still argue that they can manage their expenses later on since they have investments and savings. Because of the inflation rate, their funds will most likely get depleted and they might find themselves in huge financial trouble. The call to action is there and the only problem is the way people react to this pressing concern. People should take control of their lives as early as possible, plan for long term care and secure their future financially through long term care insurance. There are also other payment options like life insurance and federal programs.
Americans are in denial about caring for themselves... today.

Obese, diabetic, clogged arteries, lethargic...

Not that that's an issue anymore thanks to the ACA.

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