Americans who fought in Fallujah watch Al Qaeda make Comeback

Well, consumption and production daily may be around 85 million barrels, but those figures don't include supply that is stored or projected for the future.
Do you mean the oil supply that's stored inside of supertankers that cruise in circles off San Francisco, waiting for Wall Street's projected future?:doubt:

Saudi Arabia has lots of excess supply in store, as does the United States and many other countries. Private business's have excess supply as well. Countries and business keep excess supply for logistical, business and security needs.
Wall Street is manipulating supply in order to create an artificial market.

"Before most people were even aware there was an economic crisis, investment managers abandoned failing mortgage-backed securities and looked for other lucrative investments.

"What they settled on was oil futures.

"An oil future is simply a contract between a buyer and seller, where the buyer agrees to purchase a certain amount of a commodity -- in this case oil -- at a fixed price [source: CFTC].

"Futures offer a way for a purchaser to bet on whether a commodity will increase in price down the road.

"Once locked into a contract, a futures buyer would receive a barrel of oil for the price dictated in the future contract, even if the market price was higher when the barrel was actually delivered.

"As in all cases, Wall Street heard the word 'bet' and flocked to futures, taking the market to strange new places on the fringe of legality.

"In the 19th and early 20th centuries it bet on grain.

"In the 21st century it was oil.

"Despite U.S. petroleum reserves being at an eight-year high, the price of oil rose dramatically beginning in 2006.

"While demand rose, supply kept pace.

"Yet, prices still skyrocketed.

"This means that the laws of supply and demand no longer applied in the oil markets.

"Instead, an artificial market developed."

HowStuffWorks "How does oil speculation raise gas prices?"
Anyone who buys U2Edge and the other neo-cons' lies here needs to find a brain as well as a conscience.

No one has given any conclusive reason why Iraq had to be invaded.


At all.

Neo-cons, "because" is not a reason.

Posted by the far left Obama drone...
This is NOT a part of "normal market conditions"

"Today, speculators dominate the trading of oil futures. According to Congressional testimony by the commodities specialist Michael W. Masters in 2009, the oil futures markets routinely trade more than one billion barrels of oil per day.

"Given that the entire world produces only around 85 million actual 'wet' barrels a day, this means that more than 90 percent of trading involves speculators’ exchanging 'paper” barrels with one another.'"

It is apart of normal market conditions, but,, this may be a place where new regulations on “pure” speculators should be put in place to limit or block their impact on the market.
Trading one billion "paper" barrels of oil daily in a market that produces 85 million physical barrels of oil a day is not a normal condition. It's gambling with other peoples' money.

That is one of the most idiotic statements I've ever read.

But what else can one expect from a libturd? :dunno:

You idiots (and you really are) confuse 'speculation' with 'manipulation'.

Speculators smooth the Market and are the worst enemy of manipulators.

Read this libturds. But you won't. I know it and you know it.

dimocrap scum aren't interested in facts. You're only interested in furthering the lie.

In fact, you're so fucking stupid, you don't even know why you're pushing this lie. I do, but you don't.

All you know is that your masters want the big lie pushed and so you obey like the good little Nazis you are.

Read a little, stop being so fucking stupid....

Market Speculators: More Help Than Harm

Speculators get a bad rap, especially when oil prices spike or a currency's value is shattered. This is because the media often confuses the line between speculation and manipulation. Manipulation leads to overall economic damage, whereas speculation performs several important functions that keep our economy healthy. In this article, we'll look at the function of speculators in the market.
It is apart of normal market conditions, but,, this may be a place where new regulations on “pure” speculators should be put in place to limit or block their impact on the market.
Trading one billion "paper" barrels of oil daily in a market that produces 85 million physical barrels of oil a day is not a normal condition. It's gambling with other peoples' money.

That is one of the most idiotic statements I've ever read.

But what else can one expect from a libturd? :dunno:

You idiots (and you really are) confuse 'speculation' with 'manipulation'.

Speculators smooth the Market and are the worst enemy of manipulators.

Read this libturds. But you won't. I know it and you know it.

dimocrap scum aren't interested in facts. You're only interested in furthering the lie.

In fact, you're so fucking stupid, you don't even know why you're pushing this lie. I do, but you don't.

All you know is that your masters want the big lie pushed and so you obey like the good little Nazis you are.

Read a little, stop being so fucking stupid....

Market Speculators: More Help Than Harm

Speculators get a bad rap, especially when oil prices spike or a currency's value is shattered. This is because the media often confuses the line between speculation and manipulation. Manipulation leads to overall economic damage, whereas speculation performs several important functions that keep our economy healthy. In this article, we'll look at the function of speculators in the market.
Surely you've noticed how to spell CONservative?

Your link, Slave:

"Hug a Speculator

"Taken cumulatively, speculation helps us far more than it could ever hurt us by moving risk to those who can financially handle it. Despite the misunderstanding and negativity speculators have to face, the potential for outsized profits will continue to attract people, as long as governments don't regulate them into oblivion. With all the negativity aimed towards short-sellers and speculators, it's easy for us to forget that their activities maintain prices, prevent shortages and increase the amount of risk they undertake. I don't want to become a speculator, but it's important that we preserve speculative investing for the people who do – more than important, it's a necessity for a healthy market and vibrant economy. You don't have to become a speculator, or even hug the next one you see, just remember that the next time you pay $5 a gallon for gas, it's so we'll still have some left over for next week, year, decade and century."

Banning speculators from the world's commodity exchanges would drive down the cost of oil by as much as 40% and the price of gasoline by as much as $1 a gallon.

"Because of speculation, today’s oil prices of about $100 a barrel have become disconnected from the costs of extraction, which average $11 a barrel worldwide.

"Pure speculators account for as much as 40 percent of that high price, according to testimony that Rex Tillerson, the chief executive of ExxonMobil, gave to Congress last year.

"That estimate is bolstered by a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis."
Name a middle Eastern counrty thats better after Obama?





Oh, right Iran can develop nukes, they're better off

Oh, right Iran can develop nukes, they're better off

+ they get $4 billion in aid

The only reason Iran even wants nukes is twofold.

They want full control of their oil.

They do not want to be invaded.

That's it.

Right, and their public statements of wanting to wipe Israel off the map is just pillow talk, cuz swallow said so ............
The public statements of destroying the Great Satan (The US) is just more pillow talk.
"But a copy of the agency's secret history of the coup has surfaced, revealing the inner workings of a plot that set the stage for the Islamic revolution in 1979, and for a generation of anti-American hatred in one of the Middle East's most powerful countries.

"The document, which remains classified, discloses the pivotal role British intelligence officials played in initiating and planning the coup, and it shows that Washington and London shared an interest in maintaining the West's control over Iranian oil.

"The secret history, written by the CIA's chief coup planner, says the operation's success was mostly a matter of chance.

"The document shows that the agency had almost complete contempt for the man it was empowering, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi..."

"The operation, code-named TP-AJAX, was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments during the cold war - including the agency's successful coup in Guatemala in 1954 and the disastrous Cuban intervention known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961.

"In more than one instance, such operations led to the same kind of long-term animosity toward the United States that occurred in Iran."

History of Iran: A short account of 1953 Coup

Can you imagine "the...long term animosity toward" Iran most Americans would feel today if the Persians had overthrown Ike in 1953?

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