America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham.

I never said I was fabulously wealthy, just that depending on one’s definition I could be called wealthy.

And I am further right than you on any topic you wish to name

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You DO understand that Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky are not "right," doncha sploogy?

I oppose all direct taxation. The reason as so well explained by Murray Rothbard (who you have never heard of, despite your lie that you are a Libertarian :lol:) is that direct taxation by necessity requires government to track and catalog individuals. Hence shall rise the preponderance of graft, as perquisites are sold to those with means at the expense of those without, as we see in our convoluted and corrupt tax code.

Absent the abolition of direct taxation, at the least a flat tax that applies the same percent of tax to all,with no deductions or shelters which begins at a reasonable threshold is called for.

Now show me how far right you are by demanding a heavily graduated tax structure to punish success... :eusa_whistle:

You fool no one, you are a far left troll.

Golfing Gator suddenly has something better to do....tick...tock.

Yep, was driving to pick up dinner! Sorry, food wins over you fools!
I never said I was fabulously wealthy, just that depending on one’s definition I could be called wealthy.

And I am further right than you on any topic you wish to name

Sent from my iPhone using

You DO understand that Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky are not "right," doncha sploogy?

I oppose all direct taxation. The reason as so well explained by Murray Rothbard (who you have never heard of, despite your lie that you are a Libertarian :lol:) is that direct taxation by necessity requires government to track and catalog individuals. Hence shall rise the preponderance of graft, as perquisites are sold to those with means at the expense of those without, as we see in our convoluted and corrupt tax code.

Absent the abolition of direct taxation, at the least a flat tax that applies the same percent of tax to all,with no deductions or shelters which begins at a reasonable threshold is called for.

Now show me how far right you are by demanding a heavily graduated tax structure to punish success... :eusa_whistle:

You fool no one, you are a far left troll.

I do not support a heavily graduated tax structure, you will not find a single post from me doing so. I support the flat tax and have 100 times on this board called out the tax code being used for social engineering and for getting rid of all "deductions". Owning a house, being married, going to school even having kids...none of it should be related to the tax code.

So, what do you have next?
I never said I was fabulously wealthy, just that depending on one’s definition I could be called wealthy.

And I am further right than you on any topic you wish to name

Sent from my iPhone using

You DO understand that Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky are not "right," doncha sploogy?

I oppose all direct taxation. The reason as so well explained by Murray Rothbard (who you have never heard of, despite your lie that you are a Libertarian :lol:) is that direct taxation by necessity requires government to track and catalog individuals. Hence shall rise the preponderance of graft, as perquisites are sold to those with means at the expense of those without, as we see in our convoluted and corrupt tax code.

Absent the abolition of direct taxation, at the least a flat tax that applies the same percent of tax to all,with no deductions or shelters which begins at a reasonable threshold is called for.

Now show me how far right you are by demanding a heavily graduated tax structure to punish success... :eusa_whistle:

You fool no one, you are a far left troll.

I do not support a heavily graduated tax structure, you will not find a single post from me doing so. I support the flat tax and have 100 times on this board called out the tax code being used for social engineering and for getting rid of all "deductions". Owning a house, being married, going to school even having kids...none of it should be related to the tax code.

So, what do you have next?

Certainly not to the "right" of me. Not as far left as I expected, but you do support direct taxation.
I do not support a heavily graduated tax structure, you will not find a single post from me doing so. I support the flat tax and have 100 times on this board called out the tax code being used for social engineering and for getting rid of all "deductions". Owning a house, being married, going to school even having kids...none of it should be related to the tax code.

So, what do you have next?

I support the first amendment.

I support the right to say any word I fucking well please. I generally don't use "N1gger" or "k1ke" as I view race as a false construct fabricated by scumbags in an attempt to divide people for the purpose manipulating the stupid to pit them one against another.

Now you are a racist, you spewed the mandatory Stalinist hatred of whites earlier, so I am sure you support "safe spaces" where hated whites are prohibited. No doubt you also support hate speech laws that put people in prison for failure to show proper respect to gay and transgender perverts and bend knee. Little doubt you also are a fan of "bake the cake Christian" dissolution of freedom of religion. Naturally as you seek to force Christiains to bow to their homosexual overlords you support laws to punish any who speak ill of Islam or Muslims, yes?
I never said I was fabulously wealthy, just that depending on one’s definition I could be called wealthy.

And I am further right than you on any topic you wish to name

Sent from my iPhone using

You DO understand that Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky are not "right," doncha sploogy?

I oppose all direct taxation. The reason as so well explained by Murray Rothbard (who you have never heard of, despite your lie that you are a Libertarian :lol:) is that direct taxation by necessity requires government to track and catalog individuals. Hence shall rise the preponderance of graft, as perquisites are sold to those with means at the expense of those without, as we see in our convoluted and corrupt tax code.

Absent the abolition of direct taxation, at the least a flat tax that applies the same percent of tax to all,with no deductions or shelters which begins at a reasonable threshold is called for.

Now show me how far right you are by demanding a heavily graduated tax structure to punish success... :eusa_whistle:

You fool no one, you are a far left troll.

I do not support a heavily graduated tax structure, you will not find a single post from me doing so. I support the flat tax and have 100 times on this board called out the tax code being used for social engineering and for getting rid of all "deductions". Owning a house, being married, going to school even having kids...none of it should be related to the tax code.

So, what do you have next?

Certainly not to the "right" of me. Not as far left as I expected, but you do support direct taxation.

I support paying for what we spend, whatever direction you wish to call that. I am against deficit spending except in the case of an extreme emergency for a short period with a plan to pay it back the following year.

I do not think my plan for combatting deficit spending falls either left or righty today's standards. My plan is a simple one, the POTUS submits his budget and congress approves it by April. Then the IRS adjust the taxes on every person equally to cover the cost of the spending asked for plus 10% to pay off the current debt. No more pushing it off to our kids and grandkids.

It is my belief that doing this will cause such an uproar when taxes go up that the next year spending will be decreased and decreased every year after that till we get to a sustainable amount. To me deficit spending is a bigger problem than the taxes themselves.
The problem with your claim is that in your mind "America's best" only includes white males.

The funniest part is that you actually think you are part of America's best when in reality you are nothing more than the scum found on the bottom of the rain barrel.

Your desperation is duly noted! :D
I never said I was fabulously wealthy, just that depending on one’s definition I could be called wealthy.

And I am further right than you on any topic you wish to name

Sent from my iPhone using

You DO understand that Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky are not "right," doncha sploogy?

I oppose all direct taxation. The reason as so well explained by Murray Rothbard (who you have never heard of, despite your lie that you are a Libertarian :lol:) is that direct taxation by necessity requires government to track and catalog individuals. Hence shall rise the preponderance of graft, as perquisites are sold to those with means at the expense of those without, as we see in our convoluted and corrupt tax code.

Absent the abolition of direct taxation, at the least a flat tax that applies the same percent of tax to all,with no deductions or shelters which begins at a reasonable threshold is called for.

Now show me how far right you are by demanding a heavily graduated tax structure to punish success... :eusa_whistle:

You fool no one, you are a far left troll.

I do not support a heavily graduated tax structure, you will not find a single post from me doing so. I support the flat tax and have 100 times on this board called out the tax code being used for social engineering and for getting rid of all "deductions". Owning a house, being married, going to school even having kids...none of it should be related to the tax code.

So, what do you have next?

Certainly not to the "right" of me. Not as far left as I expected, but you do support direct taxation.

I support paying for what we spend, whatever direction you wish to call that. I am against deficit spending except in the case of an extreme emergency for a short period with a plan to pay it back the following year.

I do not think my plan for combatting deficit spending falls either left or righty today's standards. My plan is a simple one, the POTUS submits his budget and congress approves it by April. Then the IRS adjust the taxes on every person equally to cover the cost of the spending asked for plus 10% to pay off the current debt. No more pushing it off to our kids and grandkids.

It is my belief that doing this will cause such an uproar when taxes go up that the next year spending will be decreased and decreased every year after that till we get to a sustainable amount. To me deficit spending is a bigger problem than the taxes themselves.

So you essentially seek to usurp the power of congress to control spending an hand it to the unelected IRS.

How Chomskyite of you.
I support the first amendment.

I support the right to say any word I fucking well please. I generally don't use "N1gger" or "k1ke" as I view race as a false construct fabricated by scumbags in an attempt to divide people for the purpose manipulating the stupid to pit them one against another.

Nothing to disagree with here. Except that I support my right to call you a racist for using the N word. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

Now you are a racist, you spewed the mandatory Stalinist hatred of whites earlier,

now you are just lying about very left of you!

so I am sure you support "safe spaces" where hated whites are prohibited. No doubt you also support hate speech laws that put people in prison for failure to show proper respect to gay and transgender perverts and bend knee. Little doubt you also are a fan of "bake the cake Christian" dissolution of freedom of religion. Naturally as you seek to force Christiains to bow to their homosexual overlords you support laws to punish any who speak ill of Islam or Muslims, yes?

You could not be more wrong about me. I think that any and all anti-discrimination laws imposed on private entities are unconstitutional. The Constitution tells the Govt they cannot discriminate, and for good reason.

But if you want to open a store that only caters to white males, I will 100% support your right to do so. I will also support my right to not shop there as I do not agree with your views.

I do not even think that medical personnel should be forced to provide service to those that cannot pay for it, so I can assure you I do not want a baker made to bake anything they do not want to.

Protected classes are a violation of the equal protection clause in my view as they give some more protection than others.

I do not support hate speech laws or even hate crimes, both give some more protection than others, going against the equal protection clause.
So you essentially seek to usurp the power of congress to control spending an hand it to the unelected IRS.

How Chomskyite of you.

Not at all, Congress still sets the spending levels and controls the spending, all I want is for them to be paid for.

Why do you want to make my kids and grandkids pay for your shit?

Tell me you are to the right and then support massive deficits, sorry that does not compute.
Not at all, Congress still sets the spending levels and controls the spending, all I want is for them to be paid for.

The IRS is an entity never mentioned in the Constitution. In fact it is to preform a duty prohibited in the Constitution. Yes, the 16th changed that, still the idea that an extra-constitutional deep state bureaucracy control the funding of the nation is typical of you Bolsheviks.

Why do you want to make my kids and grandkids pay for your shit?


Lie much, scumbag?

Tell me you are to the right and then support massive deficits, sorry that does not compute.

I support what?

Oh, you're just blatantly lying - again.
The problem with your claim is that in your mind "America's best" only includes white males.

The funniest part is that you actually think you are part of America's best when in reality you are nothing more than the scum found on the bottom of the rain barrel.
There’s immorality in both parties
The IRS is an entity never mentioned in the Constitution. In fact it is to preform a duty prohibited in the Constitution. Yes, the 16th changed that, still the idea that an extra-constitutional deep state bureaucracy control the funding of the nation is typical of you Bolsheviks.

The Marines are never mentioned in the Constitution, I guess you think they should not exist either.

And for the 3rd time I never said the IRS should control the funding, why do you keep lying about me? Is it because I have proven you were wrong about me? All of you accusations about me and my views have turned out to be 100% false, but since I still refuse to kiss the ass of your savior Trump, you will still keep on attacking me.

you are just one more schmuck that puts party before country.
The Marines are never mentioned in the Constitution, I guess you think they should not exist either.

Ah, DailyKOS talking points - how "conservative" of you...

Of course the Marines are mentions in our founding documents. The Constitution speaks of armed forces, but the Marines were a well known branch

And for the 3rd time I never said the IRS should control the funding, why do you keep lying about me? Is it because I have proven you were wrong about me? All of you accusations about me and my views have turned out to be 100% false, but since I still refuse to kiss the ass of your savior Trump, you will still keep on attacking me.

you are just one more schmuck that puts party before country.

Lying doesn't alter your demands that the IRS set the rate of taxation imposed on the subjects.
Ah, DailyKOS talking points - how "conservative" of you...

Of course the Marines are mentions in our founding documents. The Constitution speaks of armed forces, but the Marines were a well known branch

The military is mentioned, not the Marines specifically.

Lying doesn't alter your demands that the IRS set the rate of taxation imposed on the subjects.

The IRS is not setting the rate, the congress does that when they choose how much to spend. It is all about congress and the POTUS and how much they choose to spend. But you do not seem to care about the over spending by the Govt at all.

It is very telling that in this whole discussion you have not once voiced a single opposition to the crushing debt being left to my children and very statist of you not to give a shit about the debt.
The military is mentioned, not the Marines specifically.

You already tried that logical fallacy, it failed.

The IRS is not setting the rate, the congress does that when they choose how much to spend. It is all about congress and the POTUS and how much they choose to spend. But you do not seem to care about the over spending by the Govt at all.

I see, it's not the fault of the IRS if they set a 95% rate because congress spent too much... :eusa_whistle:

Do you even read your own absurd posts, Comrade?

It is very telling that in this whole discussion you have not once voiced a single opposition to the crushing debt being left to my children and very statist of you not to give a shit about the debt.

The debt is a red herring in this discussion

You will decry the Omnibus rape of America (as will I) but you will defend Obama's Porkulus as the savior of the economy...... (Your talking points are well known, you're not the first to come over from Alternet and recite them.)
I see, it's not the fault of the IRS if they set a 95% rate because congress spent too much... :eusa_whistle:

Exactaly, make peoplle pay for what we are spending. Why are you so against the concept? Do you live your life this way? Do you just keep building up more and more debt knowing that you will leave it to your kids?

The debt is a red herring in this discussion

You will decry the Omnibus rape of America (as will I) but you will defend Obama's Porkulus as the savior of the economy...... (Your talking points are well known, you're not the first to come over from Alternet and recite them.)

Now you are just lying about me again, a clear sign you have nothing and know you are a fucking statist. I have never defended Obama or have I ever said he saved shit.

But all you can do is lie about me to cover for the fact you want your shit and want my kids and grandkids to pay for it.

You claim to be to the right and then do not give a shit about our national debt.
Exactaly, make peoplle pay for what we are spending. Why are you so against the concept? Do you live your life this way? Do you just keep building up more and more debt knowing that you will leave it to your kids?

I'm just not a pro-dictatorship Stalinist as you are..

The IRS is an extra-constitutional, unelected entity. They have no authority to tax the American subjects.

Unlike you, I actually am a Libertarian, and I support the Bill of Rights.

Now you are just lying about me again, a clear sign you have nothing and know you are a fucking statist. I have never defended Obama or have I ever said he saved shit.

So you claim, but dollars to doughnuts if pushed, you will spew the claim that "Obama saved us from depression"

Your lies here notwithstanding.

But all you can do is lie about me to cover for the fact you want your shit and want my kids and grandkids to pay for it.

You claim to be to the right and then do not give a shit about our national debt.

I am simply not a Bolshevik hypocrite the way you are. You "care" about the debt insofar as you can use it as a club to attack Republicans.

To actually address the debt would require a balanced budget, which would infringe on the the Social programs you and your party hold sacred.

Are you willing to utterly stop SNAP? Of course not, you instead seek the IRS to confiscate the wealth of others. What of Medicare? My guess is you seek single payer health care, universal medicare., What of WIC? The Earned Income Tax Credit?

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