America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham.

I'm just not a pro-dictatorship Stalinist as you are..

The IRS is an extra-constitutional, unelected entity. They have no authority to tax the American subjects.

The IRS does not tax anyone, the IRS is simply the agency that collects the taxes that Congress puts on us all.

Unlike you, I actually am a Libertarian, and I support the Bill of Rights.

Oh horseshit. you support unlimited debt, for that alone you will never be a Libertarian

So you claim, but dollars to doughnuts if pushed, you will spew the claim that "Obama saved us from depression"

Your lies here notwithstanding.

Feel free to find even one post of me saying such a thing. This is pretty pathetic, you cannot admit you were wrong so you will just keep making up more and more lies about me.

I am simply not a Bolshevik hypocrite the way you are. You "care" about the debt insofar as you can use it as a club to attack Republicans.

To actually address the debt would require a balanced budget, which would infringe on the the Social programs you and your party hold sacred.

My party is the Libertarian party and they do not support any such things. Unlike you I am not beholden to nor have my head up the ass of Trump. You are just one more fucking Trump zealot that wants your cake and want my kids and grandkids to pay for it. you are just as much a leach as a welfare queen.
The problem with your claim is that in your mind "America's best" only includes white males.

The funniest part is that you actually think you are part of America's best when in reality you are nothing more than the scum found on the bottom of the rain barrel.

But to be fair, trump never misses a chance to tell he's not the president of all Americans.

Just wait till his "base" actually hears and understands that includes most of them.

View attachment 193427

Blacks and Wetbacks are the hands-down kings of incestual rape...Look it up.
Wetbacks in Mehico are all about the boys club where teen daughters are swapped around.


Utter bullshit.

Your name is very appropriate.

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