America's Christian heritage is seen in the vision and purpose of our settlers, founding fathers, and founding documents. It is confirmed through the years by actions of our Presidents, Congress and the Supreme Court. It is also evident on the walls of our national monuments/buildings and in our national anthem, seal, pledge, motto, and hymns. now sounds disturbingly like the heritage foundation.
Finally, and perhaps most notoriously, is the spurious Henry quotation that "it cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!" Again, this is a perplexing case because Henry certainly was a devout Christian, but the quotation itself is of relatively recent origin.
< they say that at the top vs this in the body:
Patrick Henry
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that his great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
America's Christian Heritage is indisputable.

bing the provocateur, liar ...


In the autumn of 1620, a group of Europeans fleeing persecution for their faith by the English Crown took ship on the Mayflower, intent on establishing in the New World a perfect society where all people would be free to worship as they wished.

as jesus, crucified for their - religion of antiquity.

bing the indisputable - motivation to persecute and victimize the innocent being entrusted by their own corrupt christian propaganda ...

than the reason for the voyage to be free as they wish, the sinner attempts to suffocate their hopes using christianity instead.
America's Christian Heritage 240305 {post•85} ding Mar’23 Sachyz:“America's Christian Heritage is indisputable.” dvng 240305 Sachyz00085

That is why I want Saint Ding to know my interest in this thread is not about disputing that America has a Christian heritage.

I will reply with a repeat of POST Vachyz00079 slightly edited for clarity.

America's Christian Heritage 240303 {post•79} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vachyz: Today’s division does not have to be. •¥•

That is why I re-opened Saint Ding’s Sachyz00001 thread where it starts with “America's Christian Heritage is indisputable”. That is a rational, historically correct, fact that we all should agree upon. •¥¥•

So let’s start there shall we, as we look at the culprit that has been dividing us for 50 years: That is The right to life of baby fetus and the rise of white Christian nationalism as some not all work to that end. •¥¥¥•

White Christian Nationalism aligned with the Saving Baby Fetus Cult’s dominance over the Republican Party is overwhelming the Domestic Tranquility.

White Christian Nationalism has been the aggressor that transformed politics and voters from the rational and civil political debates that we should be having into a contest between the supernatural dark vs light forces of Christianity with one side self-described as good and and the other side as evil. •¥¥¥¥• nfbw 240303 Vachyz00079
Jesus true religion is no part of this world, especially not involved in politics--Thus those religions involved in politics are not christian in reality they are these-2Cor 11:12-15)
This world lives in darkness-99% are being mislead.
bing the provocateur, liar ...

View attachment 914938

as jesus, crucified for their - religion of antiquity.

bing the indisputable - motivation to persecute and victimize the innocent being entrusted by their own corrupt christian propaganda ...

than the reason for the voyage to be free as they wish, the sinner attempts to suffocate their hopes using christianity instead.
In 1492, Columbus said, “It was the Lord who put into my mind…..” From the opening line of his log, “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ….”, he recorded his desire to “bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens…. and bring the Word of God to unknown coastlands.”

St. Augustine
On September 8, 1565, Pedro Menendez de Aviles landed with a band of settlers to found St. Augustine, Florida, America's first settlement. The Spanish pioneers named this landing site Nombre de Dios, which means "Name of God". Here, the cross of Christianity was first planted in America.

America was founded as an enlightened multicultural Nation 200218 {post•44} ding Frb’20 Sawfaa: The prevention of religious oppression was limited to the federal government. The states were free to oppress until the cows came home dvng 200218 Sawfaa00044

America's Christian Heritage 240310 {post•189}

Separation of Church and State: Definition, History and More …..

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, argued that government compulsion of religion violated a person's natural right to shape their own life according to their convictions.

the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Known as the establishment clause, the opening lines of the First Amendment prohibit the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion (or nonreligion) over another.

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom We the General Assembly of Virginia do enact [Be it enacted by the General Assembly] that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities

Separation of Church and State: Definition, History and More …..

RELATED: What Is Christian Nationalism?

Jefferson immortalized the phrase in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. Concerned about their status as a religious minority, the Baptist community penned a letter to the president expressing fear about religious persecution. Jeffersoni responded, emphasizing that the First Amendment's free exercise and establishment clauses together built "a wall of separation between church and state."

The ‘free exercise’ phrase is what Saint Ding must not comprehend in Sawfaa00044
because we cannot be oppressed or punished by the state only for lawful and peaceful things we believe.

nfbw 240310 Vawfaa00189 to Sawfaa00044
Last edited:
Jamestown was settled in 1607 under the First Charter of Virginia which declared, " . . . by the Province of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory of His Divine Majesty, in propagating the Christian Religion . . . ". The first act performed by the settlers after they landed at Cape Henry was to erect a large wooden cross and hold a prayer meeting on publicly chartered land.

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, argued that government compulsion of religion violated a person's natural right to shape their own life according to their convictions.
"...I consider the government of the US. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment, or free exercise, of religion, but from that also which reserves to the states the powers not delegated to the U. S. Certainly no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the general government. It must then rest with the states, as far as it can be in any human authority. But it is only proposed that I should recommend, not prescribe a day of fasting & prayer. That is, that I should indirectly assume to the U. S. an authority over religious exercises which the Constitution has directly precluded them from...."

"...At times the Founding Fathers spoke of natural rights as being the gift of nature, but in practically every instance it was meant the gift of God which clothed us with a distinctive nature, as afore said. For instance, James Madison, who clearly acknowledged the Deistic source of right, wrote: "The equal right of every citizen to the free exercise of his religion according to the dictates of conscience is held by the same tenure with all our other rights. If we recur to its origin, it is equally the gift of nature .... -42 "The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth, "wrote George Mason.4 3 And George Washington admonished us that as a nation we should forever respect "the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."44 Carl Becker, outstanding scholar on Jefferson and the American Revolution, has concluded that to the Founding Fathers "the natural rights philosophy was essentially at one with the Christian faith."45..."

Let's find out.
What? Find out whether " now sounds disturbingly like the heritage foundation" or not by looking back at select "SETTLERS"? I may be nuts, but you've busted your own wacky gourd rails.
True or False: SETTLERS – America ’s First Settlements Were Christian Based
First response from Google's AI:
Those colonies were founded as outposts of a Christian nation. With American independence, however, the British monarchy lost control over its American subjects. Champions of American liberty then celebrated their religious as well as political independence.
So the "First" thing to notice is that your precious "SETTLERS" were British subjects, not (independent) Americans, Redcoat. They never founded or celebrated shit.
the vision and purpose of our settlers

240306 achyz 181

SETTLERS – America ’s First Settlements Were Christian Based 240306 achyz 283

In 1492, Columbus said, “It was the Lord who put into my mind…..” From the opening line of his log, “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ….”, he recorded his desire to “bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens…. and bring the Word of God to unknown coastlands.”

240309 achyz 181 C.Columbus Catholic Explorer/New World Genocidal Plunderer D.Barton Hero 240306 achyz

St. Augustine
On September 8, 1565, Pedro Menendez de Aviles landed with a band of settlers to found St. Augustine, Florida, America's first settlement. The Spanish pioneers named this landing site Nombre de Dios, which means "Name of God". Here, the cross of Christianity was first planted in America.

240306 achyz

Jefferson and James Madison, argued that government compulsion of religion violated a person's natural right to shape their own life according to their convictions.

the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Known as the establishment clause, the opening lines of the First Amendment prohibit the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion (or nonreligion) over another.

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom We

RELATED: What Is Christian Nationalism?

Jeffersoni responded, emphasizing that the First Amendment's free exercise and establishment clauses together built "a wall of separation between church and state."

The ‘free exercise’ phrase is what Saint Ding must not comprehend in Sawfaa00044
because we cannot be oppressed or punished by the state for lawful and peaceful things we believe.

nfbw 240310 Vawfaa00189 to Sawfaa00044

Jamestown was settled in 1607 under the First Charter of Virginia which declared, " . . . by the Province of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory of His Divine Majesty, in propagating the Christian Religion . . . ". The first act performed by the settlers after they landed at Cape Henry was to erect a large wooden cross and hold a prayer meeting on publicly chartered land.

240310 achyz 190

240310 achyz 191
For instance, James Madison, who clearly acknowledged the Deistic source of right, wrote: "The equal right of every citizen to the free exercise of his religion according to the dictates of conscience is held by the same tenure with all our other rights. If we recur to its origin, it is equally the gift of nature .... -42

"44 Carl Becker, outstanding scholar on Jefferson and the American Revolution, has concluded that to the Founding Fathers "the natural rights philosophy was essentially at one with the Christian faith."45..."

240310 achyz 191

America's Christian Heritage 240305 {post•105} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Sachyz: Does that mean the settlers who came under the Mayflower Compact were at the time one group of homogeneous “national” people “chosen” by the one and only Creator God on earth; nfbw 240305 Vachyz00104 to Sachyz00101

America's Christian Heritage 240305 {post•101} ding Mar’24 Sachyz: This thread is about establishing America’s Christian heritage. dvng 240307 Sachyz00101

America's Christian Heritage 240310 {post•193}

Saint Ding suffers the White Christian nationalists common rejection of the line of demarcation that splits the meaning of religious “settlers” that, struck with the thunderbolt of natural law, during the lives of the founding generation of the American Revolution.

Saint Ding is telling us that he would rather the American “Founding Generation” had lost and the free exercise of religious liberty never arrived to upset the great moral order of White European Christianity and the Mayflower Compact with the one and only true God and his blessed Kings of England.

Everything Jefferson and Madison wrote would have been burned.

nfbw 240310 Vachyz00193
Last edited:
Saint Ding suffers the White Christian Nationalists common rejection of the line of demarcation that splits the meaning of “Settlers” during the lives of founding generation of the American Revolution

Saint Ding is telling us that he would rather the American Founding Generation had lost and the free exercise of religious liberty never arrived to upset the great moral order of White European Christianity and the Mayflower Compact with the one and only true God and his bjessed Kings of England

Everything Jefferson and Madison wrote would have been burned.
Yep. Pretty much says it all.
salem - as the blessings of christianity ...

the o p is simply a provocateur and liar who as their senseless christianity more dwells on persecution and victimization of the innocent than any whole heated convictions than a quest to antagonize as their true objective.
salem - as the blessings of christianity ...

the o p is simply a provocateur and liar who as their senseless christianity more dwells on persecution and victimization of the innocent than any whole heated convictions than a quest to antagonize as their true objective.
And there is the question whether Saint Ding will render his vote in support of the ever more obvious axis of illiberal evil in Trump Orbin Putin with their version of Jesus Christ that gathered in Maralago this past weekend.

ding, you need to read prayerfully. Holy Father would say you are full of holey smoke,

We have an European religious heritage, the such that the FFs created a secular government.
What? Find out whether " now sounds disturbingly like the heritage foundation" or not by looking back at select "SETTLERS"? I may be nuts, but you've busted your own wacky gourd rails.

First response from Google's AI:

So the "First" thing to notice is that your precious "SETTLERS" were British subjects, not (independent) Americans, Redcoat. They never founded or celebrated shit.
So then we can't know by the veracity of the facts presented?
More proof of America's Christian heritage...

Plymouth RockMayflower
As shown on the attached copy of the Mayflower Compact, the Pilgrims in 1620 expressed the purpose of their difficult journey to America, "In the name of God, Amen. Having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith . . .."

Since when does Holy Father's disciples use Puritan proofs. Honey it does not matter if Lord Baltimore was given a colony for Catholics, Virginia for Episcopalians, or Plymouth for Puritans.

Their descendants created a secular government.

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