America's long slide has turned into a free fall

Now there's a welcome post from good poster LennyPartiv who has offered this venue something of real interest (other than his Election Fraud fantagasms)......he has suggested an intelligence requirement for voters.
Which could be fun.

So, good poster Lenny, do you have a contemplated cut-off point for the requisite 'smartest'?
Do you do a test? Like the Standford-Binet? Wechsler? Woodcock-Johnson?
And what metric need be achieved with any of those tests?

Or, do you prefer an applicant for voting go before a panel of recognized 'smartest' people.....and they do a 'pass/fail' judgment?

Do you, Lenny, think you'd still be able to vote?
Why do you think that?


Good poster Donald H, what you assert sounds alarming.
Do you have an ETA on when this will come to fruition?

I ask because the bride and me would prefer to be up at the lake house when your Armageddon occurs.
Having a solid date would help us plan.
I'm sure you understand our motivation.

Thanks, in advance.

Now that's another interesting post. (this thread has got some chops)

OK, good poster BluesLegend, regarding this "split".....this "Left" / "Right" division you suggest.
Well, how would you do it?
Would you do it by state? Each state has it's own manned border wall around it?
Or would you prefer you do it by region? ..... Say a multi-state Heartland, for example those states with a Big 10 university has a wall (or fence) around it ?
And a multi-state region where Ivy League schools are now located?

Or would you suggest a division on how a particular state voted in the last election? Say, West Virginia has a wall around it; and Vermont another separate wall?

Or, to make it Trumpy....would you have your division based on how the states polled on Don Trump?
Would you go for the highest "approval" rating as the metric?
Or would you prefer the lowest "disapproval" rating?

Interesting stuff, poster BluesLegend.
Interested to see how you flesh out your suggestion.

Thanx in advance.
Easy, imprison the left's leadership and exile the rest to Antartica. They will be too busy with survival to stir up any more trouble.
Now there's a welcome post from good poster LennyPartiv who has offered this venue something of real interest (other than his Election Fraud fantagasms)......he has suggested an intelligence requirement for voters.
Which could be fun.

So, good poster Lenny, do you have a contemplated cut-off point for the requisite 'smartest'?
Do you do a test? Like the Standford-Binet? Wechsler? Woodcock-Johnson?
And what metric need be achieved with any of those tests?

Or, do you prefer an applicant for voting go before a panel of recognized 'smartest' people.....and they do a 'pass/fail' judgment?

Do you, Lenny, think you'd still be able to vote?
Why do you think that?


Good poster Donald H, what you assert sounds alarming.
Do you have an ETA on when this will come to fruition?

I ask because the bride and me would prefer to be up at the lake house when your Armageddon occurs.
Having a solid date would help us plan.
I'm sure you understand our motivation.

Thanks, in advance.

Now that's another interesting post. (this thread has got some chops)

OK, good poster BluesLegend, regarding this "split".....this "Left" / "Right" division you suggest.
Well, how would you do it?
Would you do it by state? Each state has it's own manned border wall around it?
Or would you prefer you do it by region? ..... Say a multi-state Heartland, for example those states with a Big 10 university has a wall (or fence) around it ?
And a multi-state region where Ivy League schools are now located?

Or would you suggest a division on how a particular state voted in the last election? Say, West Virginia has a wall around it; and Vermont another separate wall?

Or, to make it Trumpy....would you have your division based on how the states polled on Don Trump?
Would you go for the highest "approval" rating as the metric?
Or would you prefer the lowest "disapproval" rating?

Interesting stuff, poster BluesLegend.
Interested to see how you flesh out your suggestion.

Thanx in advance.
There may be some value in considering having all the state legislatures vote for that states' presidential electors.
Open vote counting by elected reps. Simple. No voter fraud.
Maybe lefties subconsciously wish for America's demise but it just ain't true. The United States remains the greatest country in the world. No other country has guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. People literally die trying to get to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Biden is just a hiccup in the history books and as long as that old stodgy document we know as the Constitution is still in place we are still O.K.
Well, all 8, dummy. Except for the one in 1980, they all started when Republicans were in charge.

1969, the Dems had 58 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
1973, the Dems had 56 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
1981, the Dems Controlled House.
1990, the Dems had 56 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
2007, the Dems had 51 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
2020, the Dems Controlled House.

That was my point.

Yes, your ignorance was very amusing.
Wrong metric. Every contraction and expansion you point out (which conveniently only begin just prior to 1973 oil embargo) coincide with energy contraction/expansion.
Democrats hate fossil fuel. Do the math.
Maybe lefties subconsciously wish for America's demise but it just ain't true. The United States remains the greatest country in the world. No other country has guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. People literally die trying to get to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Biden is just a hiccup in the history books and as long as that old stodgy document we know as the Constitution is still in place we are still O.K.
They want to bring America to Chaos then save it with a Socialist /Communist boot on it's throat
Maybe lefties subconsciously wish for America's demise but it just ain't true. The United States remains the greatest country in the world. No other country has guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. People literally die trying to get to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Biden is just a hiccup in the history books and as long as that old stodgy document we know as the Constitution is still in place we are still O.K.
No we are not "ok". Here is a brief list of democrat violations of that Constitution. When prosecutors don't prosecute, and cops are not supported, and violence is everywhere, who enforces the Constitution?

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG, leaving $85b of US equipment, Putin loved it.
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed, Putin loved it
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter (Putin owns Xiden)
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest" (Xi owns Xiden)
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over, a violation of Law
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF? Putin loves it.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $85 billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hyper-sonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
Maybe lefties subconsciously wish for America's demise but it just ain't true. The United States remains the greatest country in the world. No other country has guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. People literally die trying to get to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Biden is just a hiccup in the history books and as long as that old stodgy document we know as the Constitution is still in place we are still O.K.
It won't do to just continue to say that everything is fine, then just ignore the evidence to the contrary.
Granted, there are exaggerations, but there is a lot of proof of some real problems. Maybe the starkest indication of all not being fine in Mudville was the Jan.6th. coup attempt that failed to overturn government.

Was the presidency stolen from Trump? Half the country thinks it was! That can't be said to be a secure Constitution in place.

Americans are faced with either calling it a clown act or a legitimate coup attempt.
It won't do to just continue to say that everything is fine, then just ignore the evidence to the contrary.
Granted, there are exaggerations, but there is a lot of proof of some real problems. Maybe the starkest indication of all not being fine in Mudville was the Jan.6th. coup attempt that failed to overturn government.

Was the presidency stolen from Trump? Half the country thinks it was! That can't be said to be a secure Constitution in place.

Americans are faced with either calling it a clown act or a legitimate coup attempt.
Stacy Abrams disavowing the Georgia Election was kosher then
So, good poster Lenny, do you have a contemplated cut-off point for the requisite 'smartest'?
Do you do a test? Like the Standford-Binet? Wechsler? Woodcock-Johnson?
I'm sure we could find questions they consistently get wrong at failing school districts and put that on the voter test.
Stacy Abrams disavowing the Georgia Election was kosher then
Did she?

Was the election stolen from Trump?

IF that is true then has America been relegated to third world status?

Or was democracy saved and the rightful winner claimed the presidency?

I have no opinion because I don't care enough about which side is right. I see a danger in living in a country that has become a fascist regime, but I see avoidance of a nulcear war if Trump is reinstated in time.
The total insanity of defending the view that one party has all the right answers and the other party makes all the mistakes, you only have to go back 60 years(availibility of acess to information has increased 10 fold) to see that many mistakes have been made by both major ruling political partys.
1969, the Dems had 58 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
1973, the Dems had 56 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
1981, the Dems Controlled House.
1990, the Dems had 56 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
2007, the Dems had 51 seats in the Senate. Controlled House.
2020, the Dems Controlled House.

Here- let me fix it for you... -
1969- Nixon was president
1973 - Nixon was still president. Ford kept the fun times going.
1981- Reagan was president
1990 - Bush was president
2001 (You skipped that one) Bush was president
2008 - Bush was president.
2020- Trump was disgracing the presidency.
Actually, guy, I'm nearly 60... I've seen race riots three times in my lifetime. I've seen four wars, and eight recessions (seven of which started when Republicans were in charge, imagine that!)

Heck, even this gas crisis isn't shit. I remember the oil shocks of the 1970's, where people literally had to put locks on their gas caps to keep people from siphoning it out.
Now, the just drill the bottom of the gas tank and take it that way. The anti-siphoning devices worked to well. Recessions are cyclical and rarely have to do with who is the President, like the one coming up.

We are getting weaker as a nation, which has been happening since the beginnings of the sixties. If the world moves off the dollar, then we will be in a world of hurt.
Here- let me fix it for you... -
1969- Nixon was president
1973 - Nixon was still president. Ford kept the fun times going.
1981- Reagan was president
1990 - Bush was president
2001 (You skipped that one) Bush was president
2008 - Bush was president.
2020- Trump was disgracing the presidency.

Oh, only the President counts and the House and Senate have no input?


2001 (You skipped that one) Bush was president

I know, Clinton's recession started a month and a half into Bush's term

You had one out of eight, kinda. Congrats!
Now, the just drill the bottom of the gas tank and take it that way. The anti-siphoning devices worked to well. Recessions are cyclical and rarely have to do with who is the President, like the one coming up.

We are getting weaker as a nation, which has been happening since the beginnings of the sixties. If the world moves off the dollar, then we will be in a world of hurt.

I don't think drilling a hole through a metal container filled with a flammable liquid is a great idea, but you do you, son!

The real problem isn't that we are getting weaker, we are actually in a far better position than we were in the 1960's as far as material comfort, technology and quality of life.

The real problem is the rest of the world has caught up and we have failed to address our problems as a society.
Oh, only the President counts and the House and Senate have no input?

As a wise man said, "The Buck Stops here".

The president controls the Fed, he controls fiscal policy...

There's a reason why Republicans bring us recessions... because the One Percenters know that when they turn on the Working Class, the GOP won't do anything about it.

And that's what recessions are, BTW... the Investor Class making class warfare on the working class.

If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.
As a wise man said, "The Buck Stops here".

The president controls the Fed, he controls fiscal policy...

There's a reason why Republicans bring us recessions... because the One Percenters know that when they turn on the Working Class, the GOP won't do anything about it.

And that's what recessions are, BTW... the Investor Class making class warfare on the working class.

If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.

As a wise man said, "The Buck Stops here".

A simpleton would say that.

The president controls the Fed, he controls fiscal policy...

Controls The Fed? Controls fiscal policy? LOL! Your ignorance is on display again.

And that's what recessions are, BTW... the Investor Class making class warfare on the working class.

LOL! You're funny.
I don't think drilling a hole through a metal container filled with a flammable liquid is a great idea, but you do you, son!

The real problem isn't that we are getting weaker, we are actually in a far better position than we were in the 1960's as far as material comfort, technology and quality of life.

The real problem is the rest of the world has caught up and we have failed to address our problems as a society.
I never said it was brilliant, it is happening in our area quite a bit, moron, learn to comprehend what the words mean Instead of being a knee jerk imbecile.
Personally, I don't buy the "long side" hysterics for a nano-second. It is nonsense. The very same nonsense that has been caterwauled about in all the decades that I've been adult enough to notice. In fact, in my view, these ChickenLittles have predicted 14 of the last two depressions.

More importantly, this poster below (JoeB) gives us the most traction-full insight for this thread.
He posted this:

  • "......we are actually in a far better position than we were in the 1960's as far as material comfort, technology and quality of life.
  • The real problem is the rest of the world has caught up........

Indeed, life is better, much better than in past decades. Those who think the "good old days" were gooder than these days are indulging in delusional nostalgia of a vaguely remembered make-believe world.

As JoeB perceptively points out our 'better position' is still better.....but the gap has narrowed between rich & fat America and many other countries/economies/cultures.

So what some here think is a long "slide" really relativism.
We are 'better'......but so are many others too.


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