America's most hated woman prior to Pelosi.

Wrong the UN is a tool to be used or disregarded at will it is not law/

No, when Congress ratified the UN charter, it became US law.
And it says that it is illegal to use military force in any other country.
You can only use force in defense against an attack in progress, or if the UN rules in favor of an attack.
That is it.
No other use of force is legal.
So the whole war in Vietnam was illegal.
The war in Korea was legal, because the UN authorized it.
Hmmm...Rigby seems to forget that the Viet Minh were merely useful idiots to Stalin and Mao.

"As the United States poured men and money into South Vietnam, Chinese and Soviet involvement in Vietnam also increased. The world’s largest communist powers, the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, both lent material and support to North Vietnam. In doing so, they hoped to consolidate and expand communism in the Asian hemisphere, bog the United States down in a long, expensive conflict abroad and thus gain an advantage in the Cold War."


Ho Chi Minh first came to the US for help against the French.
He spent almost a decade here.
We turned him down.

To then claim Ho Chi Minh was a "communist", is just wrong.
He had no choice but to appeal to Russia and China.
But Stalin was dead by then.
Ho Chi Minh first came to the US for help against the French.
He spent almost a decade here.
We turned him down.

To then claim Ho Chi Minh was a "communist", is just wrong.
He had no choice but to appeal to Russia and China.
But Stalin was dead by then.
As I said he was a useful idiot to Stalin and Mao.

No, when Congress ratified the UN charter, it became US law.
And it says that it is illegal to use military force in any other country.
You can only use force in defense against an attack in progress, or if the UN rules in favor of an attack.
That is it.
No other use of force is legal.
So the whole war in Vietnam was illegal.
The war in Korea was legal, because the UN authorized it.

It isnot US law

The constitution defines when it is legal not the UN.


The in vietnam war was legal and moral.

These are proven facts
Obvious to whom? What do you base your idiotic opinions on? I was there and paying attention and neither of those things were obvious. I suspect that you were neither there nor paying attention. All you do is spout long debunked Communist propaganda.

If the government of south Vietnam was popular, then how come no real elections, why were Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire, why did so few join the army and those that did fought so badly? Why did we finally have Diem assassinated and replaced by Theiu and later Ky?

If we were the good guys, then why napalm, agent orange, free fire zones, forced relocation to "strategic hamlets", massacres like Mai Lai, etc.?
US is bound by charter that if they break the UN can do zero about? How does that make any logical sense?

When Congress ratified the UN charter, it became US law, so then US citizens breaking the UN charter should be arrested by the FBI and prosecuted for violating US law.
Where is the Cancel Culture when you need it? If she had called some homosexual actor a "fag" sixty years ago she would be forever banned, but having openly committed treason...not a problem.

Hollywood is not substantially different from when it hosted a small army of closet-commies in the early 50's.

Fonda did not commit treason, but Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon did.
Killing people in Vietnam was totally against US law.
No not the same and not bullcrap.

The aggressors in vietnam were the communists and we were asked tyo assist in accordance with the SEATO treaty

What the French and Vietnamese had negotiated was a 1955 election.
It was Diem who took control illegally and prevented the elections, with US backing.
So then the US took the side of the one who violated the peace accord.

It isnot US law

The constitution defines when it is legal not the UN.


The in vietnam war was legal and moral.

These are proven facts

No, Congress decides what is legal, as long as it is within the powers delegated to Congress by the Constitution.
And Congress does have the delegated power to decide what makes war legal or not, according to the Constitution.
So when Congress passed legislation to make war illegal except in defense from an attack, they made military intervention like Vietnam, totally illegal.
If the government of south Vietnam was popular, then how come no real elections, why were Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire, why did so few join the army and those that did fought so badly? Why did we finally have Diem assassinated and replaced by Theiu and later Ky?

If we were the good guys, then why napalm, agent orange, free fire zones, forced relocation to "strategic hamlets", massacres like Mai Lai, etc.?
The same thing cvan be said about the government of north vietnam.

Minh was not popular and never held elections he siezed power and consolidated it by mass murder of his enemies as mentioned.

He started the war against south vietnam which we had every legal right to assist.

There were no massacfes like My lai it was an isolated crime on the other hand mass murder such as the Hue city massacre was standard pracitice for the communists.
No, Congress decides what is legal, as long as it is within the powers delegated to Congress by the Constitution.
And Congress does have the delegated power to decide what makes war legal or not, according to the Constitution.
So when Congress passed legislation to make war illegal except in defense from an attack, they made military intervention like Vietnam, totally illegal.
They passed no legislation to make war illegal except in defense from attack.

You only apply your BS standards to us not to north vietnam which was the aggressor.
Hanoi Jane was misinformed. She thought American G.I's would abandon their posts and end the conflict when they found out that pampered Hollywood stars supported the V.C. It's interesting that Canadian born Donald Southerland would escape media scrutiny when he was on the same tour.
LBJ ordered it

LBJ did not have that authority, so people should have insisted he be arrested.
The same thing cvan be said about the government of north vietnam.

Minh was not popular and never held elections he siezed power and consolidated it by mass murder of his enemies as mentioned.

He started the war against south vietnam which we had every legal right to assist.

There were no massacfes like My lai it was an isolated crime on the other hand mass murder such as the Hue city massacre was standard pracitice for the communists.

No, you are totally and completely wrong.
Ho Chi Minh was wildly popular.
How else could he have survived against the Japanese, and how could he have beaten the French?
Ho Chi Minh did not start the war, the US did, by backing the military coup by Diem that prevented the promised 1955 elections.
Stopping the 1955 election was totally and completely illegal, and made the US criminals.

And EVERYONE I know who went to Vietnam, like my brother, said that the US always committed illegal massacres, illegal torture, illegal destruction of civilians homes, etc.
They passed no legislation to make war illegal except in defense from attack.

You only apply your BS standards to us not to north vietnam which was the aggressor.

When Congress ratifies a foreign treaty, like the UN Charter, it DOES become US law as well.
So Congress most certainly DID pass legislation making aggressive war illegal.

North Vietnam was NOT the aggressor.
It was their country, and there was supposed to be elections in 1955.
The US violated the international peace accord by helping Diem prevent these legally required elections.

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