America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Showdown over immigration: 'This is an invasion'

”The protesters -- who shouted "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!" -- confronted the buses a day after the town posted a notice on its website: "Murrieta Opposes Illegal Immigrant Arrival."

"This is a failure to enforce federal law at the federal level," Long said in a statement Monday about the pending arrival of the 140 immigrants at the U.S. Border Patrol station. "Murrieta continues to object to the transfer of illegal immigrants to the local border patrol office."

Who can deny that our federal government, and particularly President Obama and his Administration, is acting in defiance of our Constitution which states in crystal clear language?

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion”.

Not only is the Obama Administration acting in defiance of our Constitution by not protecting our borders against an ongoing invasion, but he and his Administration is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands who invade our borders each month!

Instead of erecting guarded and fenced-in tent-cities along our borders and detaining these invaders, and having daily grouped hearings for these invaders and a swift flight back to their country of origin, Obama and his Administration is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of invaders each month by meeting them at the border, greeting them, giving them food, shelter, clothing, medical and dental care, and after they are freshen up, Obama provides them with free passage to the interior of our country and destinations of their own choosing where they are set free to disappear into our nation’s population to spread infectious diseases to American citizens and their children, become a public burden on local communities, and will avoid deportation as they disappear without a trace.

The truth is, this is not a “humanitarian crisis” as we are being told by our detractors. It is a carefully planned and manufactured invasion of America which is using women and children as a distraction to accomplish a mission ___ the mission being to further weaken and destroy America from within.

If the House of Representative’s Leadership does not immediately exercise the remedy of impeachment which our founders put into the Constitution to specifically deal with the very kind of President and situation we now have, then they too become willing accomplices in this invasion of America’s borders and its attack on America’s general welfare.


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
Obama is clearly derelict of his US Constitution Article IV, Section 4 duties, and furthermore, by giving aid and comfort to the invaders, and threatening to use riot police to make War on the American people, is also in violation of US Constitution, Article III, Section 3; Treason.
America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

It's merely the 'battle cry' of a tiny minority of rightwing extremists.

The partisan right's attempt to contrive this into a 'controversy' will fail as did the Bundy fiasco.
America's cry? No the right-wing loonies cry yes. Nothing new, even before he took office the loons went nuts that a Black man would be President. The fringes (bitter white people) do not represent Educated America. When he was RE-ELECTED by the American people that really sent the Loons into overdrive. Every week they try to come up with the "crisis" that will bring him own. Just a bunch of neo-conferate bitter clingers who see the demographic shift underway and are scared shirtless, you can smell their paranoia and fear :eusa_whistle:
Why would Boner impeach a President that is carrying out what the Republican Party wants?

PNAC wants amnesty, Bush wanted amnesty, Obama wants amnesty.
America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

It's merely the 'battle cry' of a tiny minority of rightwing extremists.

The partisan right's attempt to contrive this into a 'controversy' will fail as did the Bundy fiasco.

Now that you have avoided the concerns stated in the OP, are you suggesting the following is not true?

"Obama and his Administration is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of invaders each month by meeting them at the border, greeting them, giving them food, shelter, clothing, medical and dental care, and after they are freshen up, Obama provides them with free passage to the interior of our country and destinations of their own choosing where they are set free to disappear into our nation’s population to spread infectious diseases to American citizens and their children, become a public burden on local communities, and will avoid deportation as they disappear without a trace."


"To lay with one hand the power of the government on the property of the citizen [a working person’s earned wage] and with the other to bestow upon favored individuals, to aid private enterprises and build up private fortunes [Obama’s Solyndra, Chevy Volt, Fisker, Exelon swindling deals] is none the less a robbery because it is done under forms of law and called taxation."____ Savings and Loan Assc. v. Topeka,(1875).
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America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

It's merely the 'battle cry' of a tiny minority of rightwing extremists.

The partisan right's attempt to contrive this into a 'controversy' will fail as did the Bundy fiasco.

Bundy "fiasco"? He was nearly elevated to right wingnut sainthood.
To get an idea of the gravity of the effects of this ongoing invasion of our borders in just one county back in 1995, in California, San Diego County CLICK HERE and scroll to page 93 for testimony given by JOAN ZINSER before the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, DECEMBER 13, 1995

Good morning Chairman Smith and other honorable members of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims. I am Joan Zinser, Deputy Director of the San Diego County Department of Social Services. I direct the department's Income Maintenance Bureau, which has responsibility for AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid eligibility determinations. I am here today to tell you about the effects of illegal immigration on the County's assistance programs, and to present information regarding impacts on other county-funded services.

Impacts on San Diego County

In 1993, illegal aliens in San Diego County were estimated to be 7.9% of the population, or a total of almost 220,000 illegal aliens in a county with a population of slightly over 2 1/2 million. A 1993 Calffornia State Senate report estimated that the State, local governments - primarily the County - and schools incurred $304 million in costs to provide services to illegal aliens. These costs were offset by only $60 million in taxes generated by illegal aliens - leaving a net impact of $244 million.

Welfare Costs. When a child is a US citizen, AFDC can be granted for the child but not the parent, if the parent is an undocumented immigrant. In 1992 there were 6,414 children born to undocumented immigrant parents in San Diego County hospitals. Each year, the illegal alien parents of nearly 2000 "citizen children" apply for and receive AFDC in San Diego County. The cumulative total of these "citizen child" cases continues to rise each year.

Public assistance is intended to support the citizen child, but is paid to the illegal alien parent and is, no doubt, used by the parent to support the entire family. Costs for providing AFDC to "citizen children" cases in San Diego totaled $37 million in 1993 for approximately 5430 AFDC cases.

Additional costs are incurred in Child Welfare Services. Combining costs for Out-of-Home and Family Maintenance services to families of illegal aliens results in an additional cost of $1.7 million.

Medicaid and Other Health-Related- Costs. Medicaid services are an increasingly large portion of the costs involved in illegal immigration. In 1992, Medicaid paid for 6,414 births illegal alien mothers. Although studies have shown that illegal aliens use fewer Medicaid services than do the age-equivalent members of the general population, significant costs remain. Delivery costs are greater for babies with mothers lacking adequate prenatal care and many medical conditions are treated more cost-effectively in their early stages. Infectious diseases are also a major concern of the County. San Diego county has historically carried large costs because of illegal aliens with these problems. Costs associated with providing emergency and pregnancy related needs to illegal aliens are paid for under "restricted Medi-Cal benefits." During the 1992 calendar year, an estimated $37 million was paid for "restricted Medi-Cal benefits." Other costs, including uncompensated care in hospitals, community clinics, and other health services elevated the 1993 total costs to over $50 million.

Criminal justice. A recent 90-day pilot project involved having INS Agents present in the county jails to interview those suspected of being an undocumented immigrant. Approximately 20% of the persons booked into the jails during that pilot were identified as being illegal aliens. With annual bookings of approximatel 105,000 persons a year, it is estimated that up to 21,000 were illegal aliens.

According to the San Diego County District Attorney, 8,521 felony crimes were committed by illegal aliens between 1987 and 1992. Illegal aliens commit an estimated 22% of felony crimes committed in the county. The number of misdemeanors committed during the same period in San Diego County by illegal aliens is estimated to be 17,000. In 1993, approximately 15. 1 % of the costs -accrued in dealing with crimes were spent on illegal aliens. Costs for illegal aliens to the legal system totaled $151 million in the County of San Diego for 1993.

Education. Recently, a video of students crossing the border and getting on a school bus in San Diego County in order to receive free education was shown nationwide. Locally, we have worked to make sure that this situation does not recur, but education of the children of illegal aliens is also a significant CDSt. It is estimated that $60 million was spent in San Diego County in 1993 for education of illegal aliens.


Absolute governments, (tho' the disgrace of human nature) have this advantage with them, they are simple; if the people suffer, they know the head from which their suffering springs [Our Obama Regime]; know likewise the remedy…..

___ Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.
Obama is clearly derelict of his US Constitution Article IV, Section 4 duties, and furthermore, by giving aid and comfort to the invaders, and threatening to use riot police to make War on the American people, is also in violation of US Constitution, Article III, Section 3; Treason.

Invading Armies generally don't start mowing lawns and cleaning people's houses once they arrives. You didn't think your argument through, did you?
America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

It's merely the 'battle cry' of a tiny minority of rightwing extremists.

The partisan right's attempt to contrive this into a 'controversy' will fail as did the Bundy fiasco.

I tend to agree with them. Does that make me a right wing extremest by default? :dunno:

Anyone who disagrees with a liberal would be a right wing extremist by default.
Obama is clearly derelict of his US Constitution Article IV, Section 4 duties, and furthermore, by giving aid and comfort to the invaders, and threatening to use riot police to make War on the American people, is also in violation of US Constitution, Article III, Section 3; Treason.

Invading Armies generally don't start mowing lawns and cleaning people's houses once they arrives. You didn't think your argument through, did you?

U.S. Frees 36,007 Illegal Aliens With Serious Criminal Convictions | Judicial Watch

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We?re All Victims | The Constitution Party

2012 Report: Released Illegal Immigrants Charged with 16,226 Crimes, 19 Murders in US
Obama is clearly derelict of his US Constitution Article IV, Section 4 duties, and furthermore, by giving aid and comfort to the invaders, and threatening to use riot police to make War on the American people, is also in violation of US Constitution, Article III, Section 3; Treason.

Invading Armies generally don't start mowing lawns and cleaning people's houses once they arrives. You didn't think your argument through, did you?

U.S. Frees 36,007 Illegal Aliens With Serious Criminal Convictions | Judicial Watch

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We?re All Victims | The Constitution Party

2012 Report: Released Illegal Immigrants Charged with 16,226 Crimes, 19 Murders in US

With the most common 'serious crime' being drunk driving, you're going to have a really hard time spinning that into an 'invading army'.

You think that may be why the American people aren't too receptive to this kind of nonsense?

With the most common 'serious crime' being drunk driving, you're going to have a really hard time spinning that into an 'invading army'.

You think that may be why the American people aren't too receptive to this kind of nonsense?

Barack Obama and Democrats do not see a "United States of America", but a "White States of America." They hate it, and want to do whatever they can to practice a racial war on White people in America. When a White person votes Democrat they might as well be putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger. Democratic Party is a racist organization.

With the most common 'serious crime' being drunk driving, you're going to have a really hard time spinning that into an 'invading army'.

You think that may be why the American people aren't too receptive to this kind of nonsense?


Laughing....Its okay, Mr. H. I didn't expect you to be able to offer much by way of rational retort.

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