America's sick with homophobia

Here is the answer.

I really don't care what gays do.

Personally, I do not know any.

But, when this photo popped up, I almost puked, instinctively, and want to douche my eyes.

I didn't think about it, it was in the DNA.

Gay may be in the DNA too; frankly I don't care.

I just don't want to be exposed to it.
Why did you assume the picture was gay? Are you making the same mistake that illustrates my point?
On cold nights a brother is nice to have?
No joke. My brothers and I used to cuddle in the morning and this happened well into our teens. I guess somebody should have told us this was gay. As it turns out, none of us turned gay from that experience. I guess we lucked out.
No, I'm not talking about the term as it's popularly used, I'm talking about real homophobia, the fear of affectionate gestures between men.

In Asia, men who are friends walk hand in hand while talking. In Europe they greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. Here we fist bump. It got me wondering if fear of homosexuality fuels our obsession with it, whether it be affinity or angry opposition to it.

That's another thing the rest of the world has in common, a lack of passion on homosexuality either way. They have a live and let live attitude toward alternative lifestyle whereas here people are either pushing it in everyone's face or fighting against it. Fathers fear intimacy with their sons because it might turn them gay, friends dread a simple backrub because in our culture that kind of thing is always sexual.

I have to wonder if we really do have a problem with homophobia in America and why our culture is so terrified of the male to male affection that seems to come so naturally to the rest of the world.

What's wrong with us?

Ya.. having to see grown men engage in groping and kissing makes me physically il. So what?

What is it about faggots that makes them NEED MY APPROVAL???

I don't desire THEIR approval. I don't give a damn how their fucked up brain processes information. To me they might as well be aliens from Mars. They don't get it at the most basic level of human existence. I don't trust anything that comes out of their mouths. If every fag in the world got some disease and died I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. Their input in society is worse than useless. It is a poison. What I REALLY hope for is the discovery of the Gay Gene so proper human beings can abort these freaks before they get born. I keep hearing that gay isn't a "choice" it is genetic. Fine! Thank you you stupid fags for driving home THAT point. Now let's get busy weeding these fucked up people out.

I'm sorry, so you believe gays are not human? SMDT is a fucking idiot but dude, you went way overboard, you want to kill un born children because they could be gay? You need to take some time off for politics IMO.

Yes to Q #1

Yes to Q #2 except I don't think your reading Comp is up to speed. If they find a gene that for sure makes a human being want to fuck their own gender then yes. Kill em before they get to become embryos.
The pedophile arm of the "gay community" is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda.

yep...just like the pedophile arm of the 'straight community' is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda....
We're discussing real homophobia, not the fake kind promoted by the Left.
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

No, it exists to drink you dumb ass. I don't think a single person on planet earth thinks St Patrick's day is about celebrating being white.
So...the Irish aren't white?
We're discussing real homophobia, not the fake kind promoted by the Left.


The premise of this thread is funny, in a pathetic and sad way...

The group most active in sexualizing affection between people of the same gender points an accusing finger at normal people and says "see how sick you are!"... ironic.

Talk about projection. I remember a time when men embraced men and women embraced women with genuine and deep regard and affection...who would gladly die for each other in that devotion....and NONE of that had ANYTHING to do with sexuality.

Y'all are the ones who have INFUSED sexuality into every single nuance of human expression. Don't point the finger of blame at others who are now so habitually sick of this inference that they stay far away from members of their own gender lest the slightest indication of comeraderie or affection be INSTANTLY misinterpreted as "coming out of the closet".

I think this more than any other thing besides maybe the skyrocketing HIV crises in youth ages 13-24 since this despicable focus became a social fad is the most damaging of all. Now the last bastion of closeness without sex (with one's own gender) as a relief valve from the opposite gender has been destroyed. Now everything with everyone is "about sex".

Thanks LGBTs!
OP: I"m sure you'll find someone to have a sword fight with; don't worry.
Reminds me of the "sword fights" we boys used to have peeing in the same toilet. Being afraid of other guys definitely is a learned behavior. We didn't start out that way.

Do you think that's at the root of your homosexuality?
I guess losing a lot of "sword fights" might have done it.

I really don't remember "sword fights" being very common when I was a kid.
Everyone loses these sword fights. Pee gets everywhere. Used to drive our mother nucking futz.
I agree, it was odd to get attacked for promoting "the federal Government" be involved in marriage when it was beyond clear I was against it, but then that same person who attacked me advocates states control marriage. What's the fucking difference? So 2 dude married in Oregon are now just buds in California? How does that effect taxes? What gives the states the rights to say who can and can't be married. Pretty much the same arguments I made against the federal government doing the same stupid chit.
Well look at it this way. The state provides subsidies and tax advantages to marriage, and performs marriages. This is an artificial construct of the state, which puts married couples in a financially advantageous position as opposed to single people.

So, naturally if you create a state sanctioned 'marriage', then same sex couples, are going to want the same advantage.

But rather than push for keeping the state out of the marriage business, by removing the artificial construct of marriage, they insist that states pass laws against same-sex marriage - making a civil rights issue.

With the state out of marriage, it would be purely a religious and social issue, not one that is discrimination vs equality. In framing it as a state issue, it was only a matter of time till someone pointed out an inconsistency in the law, and challenged it.

So like I said multiple times... Thanks for repeating me after attacking me. I advocated no Government involvement in marriage, you attacked me as pushing Federal Government having power over marriage then YOU claimed it should be a states issue.... Now you are taking my position of no Government involvement. Do you not see how you keep creating "fights" created by your own ignorance and incoherent desire to be at odds with others.

And for the record being gay does not mean your dick has to be in someone guys ass (if you too are a guy.) Just like being strait does not mean you fuck pussy.... So yes, the picture of the 2 guys cuddling could easily be viewed at as gay, and in fact that would be the far far far far far more accurate opinion of what that picture displays. You are obsessied with redefining what is gay while not actually defining what is gay.
No. I am not supporting your position, in fact it isn't 'your position', as I have mentioned the alternative to marriage as enforced by government, before on this forum - last year in fact. So if you are going to push me on what I have said on this forum, ask me first, before making up shit.

Ooh not, not a year ago! How many lifetimes did it take you to finally catch on to such an incredibly old concept???
How long does it take to pull your head out of your ass each morning?

What I said, before this thread existed: Gay statists strike will submit Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

My head is not in my ass... ever.... Should I dare ask how long it takes you to pull your head out of your butt? How and why do you shove your head in your ass? Do you do this before betime or just wake up and it's in there?
If you think the cultural kiss on the cheek is a homosexual display it makes you an ignorant bigot. Most homosexuals in the United States are law abiding people who consider themselves fortunate to live in the most tolerant Country in the world. Beware of the homosexuals who continually push for acceptance of an abhorrent act. The pedophile arm of the "gay community" is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda.

It can be gay tho... There is a lot more to it than you simple minded haters make it out to be. I should not be forced to be kissed or kiss someone of any gender to prove anything to someone else. Yet in order to not be viewed as homophobic you bigots seem to have a very loosely, very undefined definition of what proves someone not gay but also not homophobic.

Again.... What physical action must I or others do with another of the same sex to prove I/we are not homophobic? I noticed you skipped right over that....

Same question, where is the answer from all you super elite smarties out there?
The premise of this thread is funny, in a pathetic and sad way...

The group most active in sexualizing affection between people of the same gender points an accusing finger at normal people and says "see how sick you are!"... ironic.

Talk about projection. I remember a time when men embraced men and women embraced women with genuine and deep regard and affection...who would gladly die for each other in that devotion....and NONE of that had ANYTHING to do with sexuality.

Y'all are the ones who have INFUSED sexuality into every single nuance of human expression. Don't point the finger of blame at others who are now so habitually sick of this inference that they stay far away from members of their own gender lest the slightest indication of comeraderie or affection be INSTANTLY misinterpreted as "coming out of the closet".

I think this more than any other thing besides maybe the skyrocketing HIV crises in youth ages 13-24 since this despicable focus became a social fad is the most damaging of all. Now the last bastion of closeness without sex (with one's own gender) as a relief valve from the opposite gender has been destroyed. Now everything with everyone is "about sex".

Thanks LGBTs!
This thread is actually about STRAIGHT people sexualizing what isn't sexual so that love is confused with sex and affection with being gay.
The pedophile arm of the "gay community" is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda.

yep...just like the pedophile arm of the 'straight community' is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda....
We're discussing real homophobia, not the fake kind promoted by the Left.

Its all homophobia.

And its all rooted in the same thing- fear of homosexuals, fear of being labeled homosexuals.

All the same thing.

Sad that you let what others think dictate how you and your brother treated each other.
What's wrong with us? Maybe it's the Bill of Rights. Americans have the Constitutional right to be disgusted by open displays of homosexuality and "alternate lifestyles" just as sissies have the Constitutional right to use the word "homophobe". Live with it or keep whining. Most normal people don't give a shit anyway.
The frequent misuse of the word homophobia has crowded out the legitimate use of it. This thread is playing out like a South Park episode, people getting carried away by different meanings of the same term and going off in different directions.
The pedophile arm of the "gay community" is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda.

yep...just like the pedophile arm of the 'straight community' is vocal and angry and their biggest fantasy is to recruit an innocent kid who falls for the propaganda....
We're discussing real homophobia, not the fake kind promoted by the Left.

Its all homophobia.

And its all rooted in the same thing- fear of homosexuals, fear of being labeled homosexuals.

All the same thing.

Sad that you let what others think dictate how you and your brother treated each other.
I didn't. I'm actually not homophobic in any sense of the word. I'm close to all the males in my life, both emotionally and abundance of physical contact. I'm proof that being close to my father, brothers, and sons does not turn anyone gay.
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

No, it exists to drink you dumb ass. I don't think a single person on planet earth thinks St Patrick's day is about celebrating being white.
Why are you so very defensive?
No, I'm not talking about the term as it's popularly used, I'm talking about real homophobia, the fear of affectionate gestures between men.

In Asia, men who are friends walk hand in hand while talking. In Europe they greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. Here we fist bump. It got me wondering if fear of homosexuality fuels our obsession with it, whether it be affinity or angry opposition to it.

That's another thing the rest of the world has in common, a lack of passion on homosexuality either way. They have a live and let live attitude toward alternative lifestyle whereas here people are either pushing it in everyone's face or fighting against it. Fathers fear intimacy with their sons because it might turn them gay, friends dread a simple backrub because in our culture that kind of thing is always sexual.

I have to wonder if we really do have a problem with homophobia in America and why our culture is so terrified of the male to male affection that seems to come so naturally to the rest of the world.

What's wrong with us?

Ya.. having to see grown men engage in groping and kissing makes me physically il. So what?

What is it about faggots that makes them NEED MY APPROVAL???

I don't desire THEIR approval. I don't give a damn how their fucked up brain processes information. To me they might as well be aliens from Mars. They don't get it at the most basic level of human existence. I don't trust anything that comes out of their mouths. If every fag in the world got some disease and died I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. Their input in society is worse than useless. It is a poison. What I REALLY hope for is the discovery of the Gay Gene so proper human beings can abort these freaks before they get born. I keep hearing that gay isn't a "choice" it is genetic. Fine! Thank you you stupid fags for driving home THAT point. Now let's get busy weeding these fucked up people out.

I'm sorry, so you believe gays are not human? SMDT is a fucking idiot but dude, you went way overboard, you want to kill un born children because they could be gay? You need to take some time off for politics IMO.

Yes to Q #1

Yes to Q #2 except I don't think your reading Comp is up to speed. If they find a gene that for sure makes a human being want to fuck their own gender then yes. Kill em before they get to become embryos.
WTF is wrong with you?
I'm seriously at a loss to answer that. This thread doesn't have an agenda. I really don't know why we're like this.

I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
There are many straight groups and organizations that march in Gay Pride parades...businesses, services such as the Red Cross, churches, temples, etc. politicians. They are not gay-identified groups....but they are welcome.

Got a link?
Pretty much every Gay Pride Parade and Festival I've been to in San Diego, San Francisco, Rochester, Long Beach, New York City, Los Angeles, and Palm Springs. How may Gay Pride Parades and Festivals have YOU been to?

I'll take that as a no.
How many Gay Pride Parades and Festivals have YOU been to?
I'm not angry, I think it's funny how much like a dictator you are and yet you prolly think you somehow espouse freedom. Yet here you are condemning people for freely not wanting to be gay.

Or how about this. What phisical action must I do with another male to prove I'm not homophobic?

Think REEEeeEeeeeEEeaalalllllly hard. You might just see how fucking stupid you have sounded in your thread.

Dude, you're an American. Americans need three feet of space. You're going to be fine.

Unless you're within three feet of SMDT.
I see it as a blowback from the Puritans.....

And I see people like you as blowback from the nazi's getting defeated.

Look, we both said something stupid, yay! Lets start a club, we can call it the Democratic party!
Why do you have to be so defensive? Haven't you notices that Northeasterners are much more reticent with their emotions and physical contact?

All I know is you keep making really racist comments but are prolly to racist to understand you keep making them because you believe your racist hate speech.

Tell us more about traits that are bad that apply only to a singular nationality. Maybe you can then after tell us how you would depose of these people you blindly hate, maybe cook them in ovens or build camps and stuff them all in there?
What are the "really racist comments" I have been making? Clarify that for me, because I'm not seeing it.
No, I'm not talking about the term as it's popularly used, I'm talking about real homophobia, the fear of affectionate gestures between men.

In Asia, men who are friends walk hand in hand while talking. In Europe they greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. Here we fist bump. It got me wondering if fear of homosexuality fuels our obsession with it, whether it be affinity or angry opposition to it.

That's another thing the rest of the world has in common, a lack of passion on homosexuality either way. They have a live and let live attitude toward alternative lifestyle whereas here people are either pushing it in everyone's face or fighting against it. Fathers fear intimacy with their sons because it might turn them gay, friends dread a simple backrub because in our culture that kind of thing is always sexual.

I have to wonder if we really do have a problem with homophobia in America and why our culture is so terrified of the male to male affection that seems to come so naturally to the rest of the world.

What's wrong with us?

Ya.. having to see grown men engage in groping and kissing makes me physically il. So what?

What is it about faggots that makes them NEED MY APPROVAL???

I don't desire THEIR approval. I don't give a damn how their fucked up brain processes information. To me they might as well be aliens from Mars. They don't get it at the most basic level of human existence. I don't trust anything that comes out of their mouths. If every fag in the world got some disease and died I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. Their input in society is worse than useless. It is a poison. What I REALLY hope for is the discovery of the Gay Gene so proper human beings can abort these freaks before they get born. I keep hearing that gay isn't a "choice" it is genetic. Fine! Thank you you stupid fags for driving home THAT point. Now let's get busy weeding these fucked up people out.

I'm sorry, so you believe gays are not human? SMDT is a fucking idiot but dude, you went way overboard, you want to kill un born children because they could be gay? You need to take some time off for politics IMO.

Yes to Q #1

Yes to Q #2 except I don't think your reading Comp is up to speed. If they find a gene that for sure makes a human being want to fuck their own gender then yes. Kill em before they get to become embryos.
WTF is wrong with you?

Living amongst the freaks masquerading as human beings has finally worn past thin. Wrong with me? I don't need to justify why I am straight. You have it backwards. Fags and the fag supporters need to justify why THEY are fucked up.
I was always pretty much a live and let live kind of guy until the faghadist started pushing their agenda in the schools, in scouting and other areas that had religious beginnings. Now I'm seriously thinking about insisting that they allow my hetro and proud float in the next gay pride parade. Or going all Al Sharpton on the sponsors of the gay pride parade and insisting they sponsor my heterosexual pride parade or threating a boycott.
Why don't you organize a straight pride day?

That would be an awesome parade.

You could have the divorce lawyer float, and the spousal abuse float, and the "married people have sex twice a year" float, and the $25,000 wedding float. Or you could just have people dress in outrageous and scant costumes, and have a good time, and some laughs

What you would find if you did not one gay couple coming out to tell you you're wrong, and not one complaint about how you're recruiting children to be straight.

Honestly because like being white we just don't need self glorification based on our sexuality or skin color.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?

No, it exists to drink you dumb ass. I don't think a single person on planet earth thinks St Patrick's day is about celebrating being white.
So there are no St Patricks Day Parades self glorifying being Irish?
Apparently, the Irish are not white.
The premise of this thread is funny, in a pathetic and sad way...

The group most active in sexualizing affection between people of the same gender points an accusing finger at normal people and says "see how sick you are!"... ironic.

Talk about projection. I remember a time when men embraced men and women embraced women with genuine and deep regard and affection...who would gladly die for each other in that devotion....and NONE of that had ANYTHING to do with sexuality.

Y'all are the ones who have INFUSED sexuality into every single nuance of human expression. Don't point the finger of blame at others who are now so habitually sick of this inference that they stay far away from members of their own gender lest the slightest indication of comeraderie or affection be INSTANTLY misinterpreted as "coming out of the closet".

I think this more than any other thing besides maybe the skyrocketing HIV crises in youth ages 13-24 since this despicable focus became a social fad is the most damaging of all. Now the last bastion of closeness without sex (with one's own gender) as a relief valve from the opposite gender has been destroyed. Now everything with everyone is "about sex".

Thanks LGBTs!
Where ever and whenever did you see men embrace men with genuine and deep regard and the U.S.?

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