Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

Show me proof of the above.
You got it, twisted sister...

gunboats directed shells and intensive fire at Palestinian fishing boats working well within the limits of recognised Palestinian territorial waters;
And just so there is no confusion, seeing is believing...

[ame=]Israeli daily terror on Palestinians: Attacking Fishermen in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

How fucking evil can you possibly be, to shoot at people fishing?

Boats outside the limit are fired on to get back into the limit. It is quite simple. Believe me, if the Israelis wanted to attack the fishing boat they would do worse than what we see in the video.

The IDF’s Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip
Published on: June 26, 2011

The Israel Navy is steadfast in its commitment to lawfully enforce the maritime security blockade on the Gaza Strip, regardless of provocative attempts by international organizations to delegitimize Israel and its right to defend Israeli civilians from Hamas rocket attacks.

Below are a few commonly raised questions on the legality of Israel’s naval blockade.

Why did Israel impose a maritime blockade on the Gaza Strip?

According to international law, it is lawful for Israel to impose a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip because it is currently in a state of armed conflict with the Hamas terrorist organization, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip (see the law of blockade for more information). The Hamas terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and state of Israel.

Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the Hamas terrorist organization has launched thousands of rockets into major Israeli population centers, populated by one million Israeli civilians. During the last decade, Hamas has orchestrated a long series of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians. The Hamas terrorist organization continues to smuggle rockets into Gaza via the sea and underground tunnels.

What perimeters would turn the naval blockade into an unlawful act?

The naval blockade on the Gaza Strip will remain lawful so long as Israel does not bar access to the ports and coasts of neutral states. According to international law, Israel must also continue to publicize the blockade’s existence to both belligerents and neutral states.

What are the restrictions of a naval blockade?

According to international law, if a lawfully imposed naval blockade is in effect, neither civilian nor enemy vessels may enter the blockaded area. Therefore, according to international law, if a vessel violates or attempts to violate a naval blockade, a state may intercept it in international waters.

A vessel leaving a port with the intention of breaking a naval blockade, regardless of the cargo it carries, is considered to be a violator of international maritime law, according to The US Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations.

Are organizers of the 2011 Gaza flotilla violating international law?

Given that the 2011 Gaza flotilla organizers issued written and oral statements indicating their intention to violate the lawfully enforced naval blockade on the Gaza Strip—according to international law—Israel may take enforcement measures once the flotilla leaves its port.

What steps is Israel taking in order to prevent a confrontation with flotilla passengers?

Once the 2011 Gaza flotilla enters international waters, Israel Navy personnel will relay explicit warnings to the ship captains by reaffirming Israel’s right to enforce the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. If the flotilla persists in breaking international law, the Israel Navy will attempt to peacefully take control of the ships participating in the flotilla.

If needed, international law permits the use of force when boarding a ship that is attempting to break a naval blockade. Therefore, Israeli soldiers will respond in self-defense if attacked by passengers aboard the vessels.

Why must Israel enforce the blockade in international waters?

International law permits Israel to enforce the naval blockade 12 nautical miles beyond Israel’s coast, a zone where Israel can operate in order to defend its borders or uphold its laws (see U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea).

How does Israel assist the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

While Israel lawfully enforces the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, it ensures that approximately 250 to 280 truckloads enter Gaza Sunday through Thursday, delivering approximately 6,000 of tons of goods and materials through the Kerem Shalom land crossing. Due to a deficit in orders from the Gaza Strip, the crossings capacity for truckloads is never maximized by Palestinian officials.

What are international assessments of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

According to an April 2011 World Bank report, “education and health in…Gaza are highly developed, comparing favorably to the performance of countries in the region as well as globally.” In addition, Palestinians have experienced a recent reduction in unemployment.

Regarding the legality of the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, please refer to the Israeli Military Advocate General‘s website.

The IDF's Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

Holy bullshit, Batman!

Israeli propaganda site extraordinaire.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

Show me proof of the above.

Oh jees, and you pretend to know about this conflict.

If someone makes claims then they should provide links. You Israel haters tend to distort facts don't you. :lol:
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

The Oslo Agreement gave Gaza a 20 nautical mile limit.

And Gaza has broken the Oslo Agreement by attacking Israel. Attack Israel and you get squeezed.
The Arabs who initiated the 67 War ,
Israeli tanks rolling into Egypt, is not "arab initiation".

Lets see .... The Israelis have to respect " International Law" ( translation 67 Borders)
They don't "have" to, they "should" respect international law.

International laws are treaty's. Israel is a member state of the UN. As a member, they gave their word they would honor it's Charter. Since they became a member, they've consistently refused to do that. So their word, don't mean shit!

but the Arabs didn't?
How so? What didn't they honor in '67? I'm not saying they did, I just want to know what you based that comment on?

Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality .
Pointing out Israel's many violations of international law, has nothing to do with the Palestinian's.

Does anyone with half a brain cell believe that if they had won Israel would exist today?
One day, when you get to half a brain cell, you will realize the people who have them, use them. But until then, we can only wonder why you don't?

Just more proof that " International Law" does not exist
International law was created, in part, to prevent another Holocaust.

Being against international law, is shitting on all the victims of the Holocaust.
Sorry there, clueless.

I'm also in favor of allowing (demanding) that the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters be required to become self sufficient and not an endless welfare burden.
How can they become self sufficient, when the Israeli's restrict all trade coming in to (and out of) Gaza and all movement in the West Bank with over 500 check points and roadblocks? How the fuck can you do business under those conditions?

End the illegal and immoral blockade and they will be self sufficient.

Cutting and pasting rote lists is pointless.
You just call it pointless, because you're too big of a coward to deal with the fact that the whole world is against your narcissistic despotism.

Tell us how an Islamic terrorist franchise is going to manage the affairs of such a "stateworthy" people as "Palestinian" arabs?
By you leaving them the fuck alone.

Blockades are a means and methods to thwart Islamic terrorists. For as long as beggars and squatters embrace a Death Cult mentality, they will be treated as Death Cultists.
Wrong. It's to punish Gazan's, because they didn't vote for the puppet you wanted to run their government.
You spout lies off about Israel.
And just what lies were those?

The Arabs have initiated every single attack on Israel and the Israelis have simply responded in kind.
I've already debunked this and you haven't said shit in return.

You defend murderers and terrorists.
I defend the law.

You claim that Hamas having a charter that REQUIRES the murder of every Jew is unimportant.
Wrong. I claimed it was out-dated and no longer relevant.

You spout Hamas lies as if they were facts.
You spout Hamas charter as though it was relevant.

You ignore every offense Arabs have initiated against Israel and claim the response to that is the problem.
That's not true. I've consistently condemned the rocket attacks (which started in 2001) and pointed out the problem, started 37 years before that.

Need I go on?
Yes you should. Because you haven't said shit.

You condemn the Israelis for defending their Lives and Countries with detention but give a pass to Obama for the same thing.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
Nonsense. The Hamas Charter is an ideological proscription for Jew hatred and for the islamist concept of waqf.
After reading your posts, how could anyone not hate jews?

You are definitely someone who is worth hating!

The “occupation” meme is an excuse for Hamas to press their agenda of islamist fascism.
The "occupation", is not a debatable issue. It is the position of everyone in the free world.

Your baseless claim that "Israel breaks all the ceasefires" is just that: baseless.

Why do you post such lies and falsehoods?
Go to post #135 where I provide 3 examples that show you're full of shit!

I understand your feelings are hurt when your baseless claims are refuted. But lashing out like a child who has been scolded and sent for a time-out does nothing to prop up your failed arguments.
I don't have feelings you can hurt.

The imposition of misery and suffering is a hallmark of islamist fascism. The legacy of Hamas in Gaza'istan is one of failure and ineptitude. The Israeli withdrawal was widely seen as a "make or break" opportunity where the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters were given an opportunity to make choices about their future. They chose to Install islamist terrorists In government as opposed to a civil authority capable of managing state affairs. Make all the cheap excuses you want. Sometimes people get exactly what they deserve.
And when they erect street lights and the IDF comes in later and shoots out the lamps at the top, what do you call that?
The sky is blue.

Link? :lol::lol::lol:

I only ask for links if I dispute what is said. I agree the sky is blue. On the other hand it is often colors other than blue. :lol:

It is just that you ask for links for things that should be common knowledge for anyone who is following this conflict.

No, I ask for links if I dispute what is said. Thing is people on your side make claims that people think are true because they have been repeated so many times that they 'must' be true. However that is not always the case. I am not here to give you a hard time as I feel you are having a hard enough time as it is. I am here to debate and to dispute claims that are not true.
One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.
We're not talking about Israel proper!

We're talking about the "occupied territories" and it's the "entire" world that has condemned the occupation. There isn't one single country you can post, that recognizes Israel's right to that land.

So let's get this straight...
Israel occupies the Jordanian West Bank since 1967 and neither the US nor any other nation on earth can get them, SOMEHOW, to withdraw.
Israel occupies Gaza...

I'm starting to sense some level of hypocrisy on the part of those mightily nations that should have the where with all to force Israel to withdraw and somehow don't.

UNLESS...Israel won the war (just like the US took Texas, California and New Mexico from the Mexicans) and tough on the losers.


The West Bank did not belong to Jordan.

You need to get your facts straight.
I only ask for links if I dispute what is said. I agree the sky is blue. On the other hand it is often colors other than blue. :lol:

It is just that you ask for links for things that should be common knowledge for anyone who is following this conflict.

No, I ask for links if I dispute what is said. Thing is people on your side make claims that people think are true because they have been repeated so many times that they 'must' be true. However that is not always the case. I am not here to give you a hard time as I feel you are having a hard enough time as it is. I am here to debate and to dispute claims that are not true.

Israel Extends Zone for Fishing Off Gaza

JERUSALEM — Israel said Tuesday that it would permit Palestinians to fish up to six nautical miles off the Gaza coast, canceling the limit of three nautical miles that was imposed after Gaza militants fired rockets into Israel in March.

Four fishermen have been wounded by Israeli fire since November as they approached newly relaxed security perimeters, and more than 40 have been briefly detained by Israeli naval forces, according to Mr. Ayyash, but all were released the same day. Mr. Ayyash said that the Israelis had confiscated equipment from fishermen who were detained and had rarely returned it.
Ask a FUCKING Pro Palestinian a question about why the Arabs didn't have any respect for " International Law" and all you get back are Four letter Words.... FUCK YOU !

Which Arabs?

Which international law?

The Arabs who initiated the 67 War , Lets see .... The Israelis have to respect " International Law" ( translation 67 Borders) but the Arabs didn't? Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality . Does anyone with half a brain cell believe that if they had won Israel would exist today? Just more proof that " International Law" does not exist

In '67, israel struck first in egypt, jordan and syria.
It is just that you ask for links for things that should be common knowledge for anyone who is following this conflict.

No, I ask for links if I dispute what is said. Thing is people on your side make claims that people think are true because they have been repeated so many times that they 'must' be true. However that is not always the case. I am not here to give you a hard time as I feel you are having a hard enough time as it is. I am here to debate and to dispute claims that are not true.

Israel Extends Zone for Fishing Off Gaza

JERUSALEM — Israel said Tuesday that it would permit Palestinians to fish up to six nautical miles off the Gaza coast, canceling the limit of three nautical miles that was imposed after Gaza militants fired rockets into Israel in March.

Four fishermen have been wounded by Israeli fire since November as they approached newly relaxed security perimeters, and more than 40 have been briefly detained by Israeli naval forces, according to Mr. Ayyash, but all were released the same day. Mr. Ayyash said that the Israelis had confiscated equipment from fishermen who were detained and had rarely returned it.

So Gaza fires rockets into Israel, and Israel extends Gazan's fishing limits. That makes sense, not. :cuckoo:

Seems to me the Gazan fishermen try to push their luck with the extended zone to go beyond it and the Israeli coastguards are trying to push the fishermen back into the zone. I would imagine that goes on the world over with fishing zone limits. Perhaps Israel should get some fish from outside the zone and drop them inside the zone. Problem sorted.

Hey, this is a good system. I think Israel should sell it to the Gazan Authority.

[ame=]The Urban Fish Farm of the Future - YouTube[/ame]

Fish farming goes urban thanks to Israeli ingenuity [VIDEO] | ISRAEL21c

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