Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

People who support the blockade, are lunatics.

People who condemn the blockade, are called "jew-haters".

Only one of the two statements above is true.

Do Zionists and their lunatic minions, actually think people will believe the following groups and organizations, are "all" jew-haters? Because everyone of the groups listed below, is calling for an end to the blockade.

The international aid and development signatories include:

Action Contre la Faim (ACH)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen
CARE International
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Christian Aid
Christian Peacemaker Team
A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)
Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH)
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)
Handicap International
Help Age International
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IKV Pax Christi
International Learning Center
Life for Relief and Development
Medicos del Mundo - España (MDM Spain)
Médecins du Monde France (MdM France)
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Medico International
Movement for Peace (MPDL)
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale
Save the Children
Secours Islamique France
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy (TdH Italy)
Terre des Hommes Lausanne (TdH Suisse)
Terre des Homme
The Carter Center
United Nations Association International Service (UNAIS)
War Child​

The United Nations signatories include:

United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, occupied Palestinian territory
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Women
World Health Organization (WHO)​
Or do they really think, they're right and the whole world is wrong?

Sorry there, clueless.

I'm also in favor of allowing (demanding) that the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters be required to become self sufficient and not an endless welfare burden.

Cutting and pasting rote lists is pointless. Tell us how an Islamic terrorist franchise is going to manage the affairs of such a "stateworthy" people as "Palestinian" arabs?

Blockades are a means and methods to thwart Islamic terrorists. For as long as beggars and squatters embrace a Death Cult mentality, they will be treated as Death Cultists.
People who support the blockade, are lunatics.

People who condemn the blockade, are called "jew-haters".

Only one of the two statements above is true.

Do Zionists and their lunatic minions, actually think people will believe the following groups and organizations, are "all" jew-haters? Because everyone of the groups listed below, is calling for an end to the blockade.

The international aid and development signatories include:

Action Contre la Faim (ACH)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen
CARE International
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Christian Aid
Christian Peacemaker Team
A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)
Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH)
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)
Handicap International
Help Age International
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IKV Pax Christi
International Learning Center
Life for Relief and Development
Medicos del Mundo - España (MDM Spain)
Médecins du Monde France (MdM France)
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Medico International
Movement for Peace (MPDL)
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale
Save the Children
Secours Islamique France
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy (TdH Italy)
Terre des Hommes Lausanne (TdH Suisse)
Terre des Homme
The Carter Center
United Nations Association International Service (UNAIS)
War Child​

The United Nations signatories include:

United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, occupied Palestinian territory
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Women
World Health Organization (WHO)​
Or do they really think, they're right and the whole world is wrong?

Sorry there, clueless.

I'm also in favor of allowing (demanding) that the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters be required to become self sufficient and not an endless welfare burden.

Cutting and pasting rote lists is pointless. Tell us how an Islamic terrorist franchise is going to manage the affairs of such a "stateworthy" people as "Palestinian" arabs?

Blockades are a means and methods to thwart Islamic terrorists. For as long as beggars and squatters embrace a Death Cult mentality, they will be treated as Death Cultists.

[ame=]Trade Not Aid Convoy to Gaza - Aloha Palestine - Samouni Project - Ken O'Keefe - YouTube[/ame]
People who support the blockade, are lunatics.

People who condemn the blockade, are called "jew-haters".

Only one of the two statements above is true.

Do Zionists and their lunatic minions, actually think people will believe the following groups and organizations, are "all" jew-haters? Because everyone of the groups listed below, is calling for an end to the blockade.

Or do they really think, they're right and the whole world is wrong?

Sorry there, clueless.

I'm also in favor of allowing (demanding) that the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters be required to become self sufficient and not an endless welfare burden.

Cutting and pasting rote lists is pointless. Tell us how an Islamic terrorist franchise is going to manage the affairs of such a "stateworthy" people as "Palestinian" arabs?

Blockades are a means and methods to thwart Islamic terrorists. For as long as beggars and squatters embrace a Death Cult mentality, they will be treated as Death Cultists.

[ame=]Trade Not Aid Convoy to Gaza - Aloha Palestine - Samouni Project - Ken O'Keefe - YouTube[/ame]

looney tunes - Google Search
Sorry there, clueless.

I'm also in favor of allowing (demanding) that the "Palestinian" beggars and squatters be required to become self sufficient and not an endless welfare burden.

Cutting and pasting rote lists is pointless. Tell us how an Islamic terrorist franchise is going to manage the affairs of such a "stateworthy" people as "Palestinian" arabs?

Blockades are a means and methods to thwart Islamic terrorists. For as long as beggars and squatters embrace a Death Cult mentality, they will be treated as Death Cultists.

[ame=]Trade Not Aid Convoy to Gaza - Aloha Palestine - Samouni Project - Ken O'Keefe - YouTube[/ame]

looney tunes - Google Search

He is doing what you say needs to be done.

Why do you think that is crazy?
End the occupation and you won't get rockets.

Yes, what is what we thought earlier.

Yitzhak Rabin said in 1993
: 'The nightmares that (the rightist party of) 'The Likud' sold us are known to everyone. They promised us rockets from Gaza. Gaza is in the hand of the Palestinian authorities, there were no rockets from Gaza, and there never will be..."

There is no one single Israeli soldier inside the Gaza strip. There is no one single settler in the Gaza strip.

At least 3 incidents in the last couple of months alone, happened, where the terrorists from Gaza launched rocket UNPROVOKED.

Israel is not occupying Gaza.

And the truth is still foreign on your lips.


Provide a Pro Palestinian with the truth and there is nobody home :cuckoo:

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Some Goyim can dish it out but can't take it when they get it back :cool:
You are a Pro Palestinian . The Arabs thought have thought about " International Law" and Humanity before 1967. Please explain why that doesn't pertain to them. FUCK YOU !!!!!
..."The Arabs thought have thought..."?

Dude, go back and take English 101 over again, because that shit is painful to read!

Ask a FUCKING Pro Palestinian a question about why the Arabs didn't have any respect for " International Law" and all you get back are Four letter Words.... FUCK YOU !

Which Arabs?

Which international law?
People who support the blockade, are lunatics.

People who condemn the blockade, are called "jew-haters".

Only one of the two statements above is true.

Do Zionists and their lunatic minions, actually think people will believe the following groups and organizations, are "all" jew-haters? Because everyone of the groups listed below, is calling for an end to the blockade.

The international aid and development signatories include:

Action Contre la Faim (ACH)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen
CARE International
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Christian Aid
Christian Peacemaker Team
A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)
Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH)
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)
Handicap International
Help Age International
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IKV Pax Christi
International Learning Center
Life for Relief and Development
Medicos del Mundo - España (MDM Spain)
Médecins du Monde France (MdM France)
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Medico International
Movement for Peace (MPDL)
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale
Save the Children
Secours Islamique France
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy (TdH Italy)
Terre des Hommes Lausanne (TdH Suisse)
Terre des Homme
The Carter Center
United Nations Association International Service (UNAIS)
War Child​

The United Nations signatories include:

United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, occupied Palestinian territory
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Women
World Health Organization (WHO)​
Or do they really think, they're right and the whole world is wrong?

The answer is yes, every one is a jew hating anti semitic nazi group.

Where's Habitat for Humanity?
Last edited:
And of course Obama using indefinite detention with no charges is not the same thing.
No, it is the same thing and I've never said anything different.

Just admit you hate Jews and be done with it.
What does that have to do with Obama and indefinite detention?

But I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone else who makes a baseless accusation like that, "Why do you think I hate jews?"

And so far, Lipbush is the only one who has even attempted to answer that question. How 'bout you? You got the stones to answer that one? Do ya, junior?

You spout lies off about Israel. The Arabs have initiated every single attack on Israel and the Israelis have simply responded in kind. You defend murderers and terrorists. You claim that Hamas having a charter that REQUIRES the murder of every Jew is unimportant. You spout Hamas lies as if they were facts. You ignore every offense Arabs have initiated against Israel and claim the response to that is the problem.

Need I go on?

You condemn the Israelis for defending their Lives and Countries with detention but give a pass to Obama for the same thing.
Moron, idiot and stupid to boot. EVERY single time Israel has attacked, fired on or bombed Gaza it has been in direct response to Palestinians FIRST attacking Israel. Israel has never initiated a single attack EXCEPT in response to Arab attacks.
Bullshit! Give me any rocket attack incident and I'll show you the Israeli military action just before it.

And the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001, the brutal occupation had been going on for 37 years before that. So don't give me this shit about the rockets coming first.

Hell even Hamas admits it, their excuse is they are allowed to retaliate AFTER a cease fire because that doesn't count.
Do you know what you just said? You just proved your own claim wrong!

How do you get to "AFTER a ceasefire"? Obviously, the ceasefire would've had to end. And how do ceasefires end? By one side to start shooting again. And since Israel has broken every ceasefire they've entered into, then Hamas is right! Everyone has a right to defend themselves, including Hamas. So when Israel breaks the ceasefire, Hamas has every legal right in the world, to shoot back.

And if they are shooting back, then the first part of your post is utter horseshit!
EVERY cease fire has ended because ARABS launch rockets into Israel AFTER the cease fire and then claim it was retaliation for something BEFORE the ceasefire you RETARD.
Moron, idiot and stupid to boot. EVERY single time Israel has attacked, fired on or bombed Gaza it has been in direct response to Palestinians FIRST attacking Israel. Israel has never initiated a single attack EXCEPT in response to Arab attacks.
Bullshit! Give me any rocket attack incident and I'll show you the Israeli military action just before it.

And the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001, the brutal occupation had been going on for 37 years before that. So don't give me this shit about the rockets coming first.

Hell even Hamas admits it, their excuse is they are allowed to retaliate AFTER a cease fire because that doesn't count.
Do you know what you just said? You just proved your own claim wrong!

How do you get to "AFTER a ceasefire"? Obviously, the ceasefire would've had to end. And how do ceasefires end? By one side to start shooting again. And since Israel has broken every ceasefire they've entered into, then Hamas is right! Everyone has a right to defend themselves, including Hamas. So when Israel breaks the ceasefire, Hamas has every legal right in the world, to shoot back.

And if they are shooting back, then the first part of your post is utter horseshit!
EVERY cease fire has ended because ARABS launch rockets into Israel AFTER the cease fire and then claim it was retaliation for something BEFORE the ceasefire you RETARD.

Baloney. You've been reading Algiernon.
Bullshit! Give me any rocket attack incident and I'll show you the Israeli military action just before it.

And the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001, the brutal occupation had been going on for 37 years before that. So don't give me this shit about the rockets coming first.

Do you know what you just said? You just proved your own claim wrong!

How do you get to "AFTER a ceasefire"? Obviously, the ceasefire would've had to end. And how do ceasefires end? By one side to start shooting again. And since Israel has broken every ceasefire they've entered into, then Hamas is right! Everyone has a right to defend themselves, including Hamas. So when Israel breaks the ceasefire, Hamas has every legal right in the world, to shoot back.

And if they are shooting back, then the first part of your post is utter horseshit!
EVERY cease fire has ended because ARABS launch rockets into Israel AFTER the cease fire and then claim it was retaliation for something BEFORE the ceasefire you RETARD.

Baloney. You've been reading Algiernon.

Hell the Arabs admit they do it and justify it with " a retaliation" claim from an attack that itself was retaliation and occurred before the ceasefire. Sop getting your news from the Arabs.
Hell the Arabs admit they do it and justify it with " a retaliation" claim from an attack that itself was retaliation and occurred before the ceasefire. Sop getting your news from the Arabs.
Unlike you, I can speak in specifics. I don't have to make general blanket statements that is nothing more than empty rhetoric.

I can prove what I say. You can't!

In regards to the ceasefire in November of 2012...
Israeli forces break Gaza ceasefire as Netanyahu outlines his political calculations

The ceasefire that brought to an end Israel’s eight-day blitzkrieg against Gaza is already under strain, after Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man on the border.
In regards to the ceasefire with Lebanon in 2006..,..

An outlaw state: Israel breaks ceasefire, threatens to assassinate Hezbollah leader

Israeli forces on Saturday carried out a flagrant violation of the ceasefire along the Lebanon-Israel border, as dozens of military commandos attacked the village of Boudai, near Baalbek in the Bekaa Valley of eastern Lebanon. The raid was the first full-scale breach in the ceasefire between Israeli and Hezbollah forces in south Lebanon which took effect on Monday, August 14.
In regards to the ceasefire with Hamas in 2008...
Chronology: Which Side Violated the Israel-Gaza Ceasefire?

The killing of six Palestinian militants in Gaza by Israeli forces in a ground incursion and air strikes on 4 November was followed by a barrage of dozens of Palestinian rockets on nearby towns and villages in the south of Israel.
There you go!

I gave you 3 examples to prove you are completely full of shit!
Here's another thing that is pretty fucked about the blockade. Israel won't let Palestinian children who need heart surgery leave Gaza.

October 16, 2008

The children...[ages 5 months, 1.2 years, 1.2 years, 1.5 years, 5 years, and 6 years] suffer from serious heart conditions including congenital heart defects commonly known as holes in the heart. All the children need urgent surgery that cannot be provided in Gaza, which lacks both the necessary medical facilities and specialists. The children were due to be operated on by a team of British heart specialists at Makassad Hospital in East Jerusalem during the week beginning 4 October 2008. They were not able to leave the Gaza Strip because the Israeli authorities refused permissions to their mothers/grandmothers to leave Gaza to accompany them. Soheb Wael Alqasas has already missed six appointments for his surgery in recent months because his mother and grandmother were repeatedly refused permits to accompany him to the hospital in Jerusalem.
That's pretty fucked!
..."The Arabs thought have thought..."?

Dude, go back and take English 101 over again, because that shit is painful to read!

Ask a FUCKING Pro Palestinian a question about why the Arabs didn't have any respect for " International Law" and all you get back are Four letter Words.... FUCK YOU !

Which Arabs?

Which international law?

The Arabs who initiated the 67 War , Lets see .... The Israelis have to respect " International Law" ( translation 67 Borders) but the Arabs didn't? Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality . Does anyone with half a brain cell believe that if they had won Israel would exist today? Just more proof that " International Law" does not exist
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

The Oslo Agreement gave Gaza a 20 nautical mile limit.
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

Show me proof of the above.

Oh jees, and you pretend to know about this conflict.
How many nations have militants firing rockets on their neighbors?
You speak as though this behavior is uncontrollable.
Well, if it IS uncontrollable, Israel should just sit by and allowed it's citizens to be attacked?
What kind of logic is that?
You speak of these rocket attacks as though they are in a vacuum, completely detached from Israeli military air strikes and a 47 year occupation that the entire world has condemned.

Gazan's have every legal right in the world, to resist the belligerent occupation of a foreign force. The only thing that makes the rocket attacks illegal, is that they are indiscriminant weapons.

You act like Israel can shoot at anyone they please and anyone who shoots back, is the one committing the crime.

One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.

Political recognition does not bestow legitimacy.

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