Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

So let's get this straight...
Israel occupies the Jordanian West Bank since 1967 and neither the US nor any other nation on earth can get them, SOMEHOW, to withdraw.
Israel occupies Gaza...

I'm starting to sense some level of hypocrisy on the part of those mightily nations that should have the where with all to force Israel to withdraw and somehow don't.

UNLESS...Israel won the war (just like the US took Texas, California and New Mexico from the Mexicans) and tough on the losers.
That will be coming.

We didn't let Hitler keep Poland and we're not going to let Israel keep the OPT.

You bring up a subject and use it to attack Israel it is then fair game for a response or responses. Also since this is not a fascist board I am free to bring up relevant ideas, complaints statements or facts.

YOU chose to bring up indefinite detention. I simply pointed out that your buddy Obama does the same and you do not claim he is a "fucking Nazi".
Go back and read it, numbnuts, it was "administrative" detention.

But in case you are wondering, I do consider it the same thing as "indefinite" detention and have condemned both on many occasions.

So you agree Obama is a "fucking Nazi"?
One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.
We're not talking about Israel proper!

We're talking about the "occupied territories" and it's the "entire" world that has condemned the occupation. There isn't one single country you can post, that recognizes Israel's right to that land.

So let's get this straight...
Israel occupies the Jordanian West Bank since 1967 and neither the US nor any other nation on earth can get them, SOMEHOW, to withdraw.
Israel occupies Gaza...

I'm starting to sense some level of hypocrisy on the part of those mightily nations that should have the where with all to force Israel to withdraw and somehow don't.

UNLESS...Israel won the war (just like the US took Texas, California and New Mexico from the Mexicans) and tough on the losers.
International law says the border with West Bank (which Israel occupies, not Gaza) is the '67 "green line" border.

After the war, Israel has followed a program of stealing the land of individuals and groups of West Bank Palestinians and carrying ethnic cleansing. Today, they have West Bank essentially divided in two parts - a northern portion and a southern portion. And, they are continuing with this program. International law says that even if borders change, property ownership does not change. And, obviously, ethnic cleansing is illegal besides being morally reprehensible. Even Israel holds that many of its settlements in West Bank are illegal. The Bush "road map" plan signed by Israel called for Israel to remove illegal settlements. However, Israel has not only refused to remove these settlements but has facilitated their growth.

The issue with Gaza is that Israel has had a long standing blockade of trade with Gaza, preventing citizens from exporting their goods to other countries as well as preventing them from buying goods from abroad. It is also a blockade of travel, preventing kids from attending universities outside Gaza, preventing meetings between West Bank and Gaza leadership, preventing visitation even from family. The Bush administration helped establish this blockade in 2007. It has been devastating to the people of Gaza as it chokes their economy and blocks the import of needed materials to rebuild after the military attacks from Israel, which continue to leave people living in makeshift shelters in starvation conditions.
Bombing bomb factories that are disguised as residential homes really is disgusting.
Why fire at a fisherman who just entered your waters?
I don't know; maybe because they're always screaming, "Death to the Jews!" In the street?

I have an idea! If Gazans don't enter Israel, they won't get shot at!
Gazan's are being shot at in their own territorial waters, you piece of shit!

How many times has that happened? Besides the one incident you've shown in that obviously made up fabricated propaganda video ?
So let's get this straight...
Israel occupies the Jordanian West Bank since 1967 and neither the US nor any other nation on earth can get them, SOMEHOW, to withdraw.
Israel occupies Gaza...

I'm starting to sense some level of hypocrisy on the part of those mightily nations that should have the where with all to force Israel to withdraw and somehow don't.

UNLESS...Israel won the war (just like the US took Texas, California and New Mexico from the Mexicans) and tough on the losers.
That will be coming.

We didn't let Hitler keep Poland and we're not going to let Israel keep the OPT.


You really don't know how military occupations work, do you ?
Since when do the victors of a war give back land they won, without a peace treaty ?
Occupations don't end until HOSTILITIES END.

And don't give me that crap that "the occupation is causing the hostilities" because like I said, FIRST hostilities must end.
Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "British human rights organization Amnesty International condemned the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip in a statement released on Monday, demanding Israel "immediately lift its blockade" on the besieged coastal enclave...

Oh, Amnesty International "demands" it. Well, that changes everything.

Oh wait, I meant to say "that means nothing."
Oh, Amnesty International "demands" it. Well, that changes everything.

Oh wait, I meant to say "that means nothing."
That's what I think. Enough of the demands, lets just send in the marines and kick some serious Zionist ass!

Let's see if they still think they're all that (and a bucket of chicken), after we make them our "little dog bitches".
Oh, Amnesty International "demands" it. Well, that changes everything.

Oh wait, I meant to say "that means nothing."
That's what I think. Enough of the demands, lets just send in the marines and kick some serious Zionist ass!

Let's see if they still think they're all that (and a bucket of chicken), after we make them our "little dog bitches".

What an idiotic decision. On what planet would something like that occur ??

The anti - Zionists here sure do have some interesting ways to resolve this conflict
This has nothing to do with the Palestinian's.

I don't care for people who go around thinking their shit don't stink and that they can do anything they want with immunity.

Fuck that!

You are a Pro Palestinian . The Arabs thought have thought about " International Law" and Humanity before 1967. Please explain why that doesn't pertain to them. FUCK YOU !!!!!
Oh, Amnesty International "demands" it. Well, that changes everything.

Oh wait, I meant to say "that means nothing."
That's what I think. Enough of the demands, lets just send in the marines and kick some serious Zionist ass!

Yeah, you big brave you, sending off your troops to die in a war you want to see out of spite. Take a rifle and come over if you want, don't send others, that's a method of a coward.
You really don't know how military occupations work, do you ?
Since when do the victors of a war give back land they won, without a peace treaty ?
Occupations don't end until HOSTILITIES END.
This is not a war. Do you consider the relationship between prison guards and inmates, a war?

As far as giving back land...

..."you can't give, what you don't have!"

That's not Israel's land to give.

How can you have a peace treaty with Israel, when they can't even honor the ceasefires? For peace to occur, you have to stop shooting. And Israel won't stop shooting!

And don't give me that crap that "the occupation is causing the hostilities" because like I said, FIRST hostilities must end.
You've never lived under the occupation of a foreign force, so you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Oh, Amnesty International "demands" it. Well, that changes everything.

Oh wait, I meant to say "that means nothing."
That's what I think. Enough of the demands, lets just send in the marines and kick some serious Zionist ass!

Why would we "send in the Marines" (proper noun, douchebag) against a stalwart ally?

We should "send in the Marines" if our ally needs our assistance, but for the most part Israel can handle itself pretty well.
That is Hamas's problem, not Israel. Israel doesn't retaliate until it has had several rockets fired from Gaza, then it attacks rocket launch sites. If the Gazan terrorists do not want to have their tunnels and rocket launch sites targeted, perhaps it would be a good idea not to attack Israel. Simple.
End the occupation and you won't get rockets.
That is Hamas's problem, not Israel. Israel doesn't retaliate until it has had several rockets fired from Gaza, then it attacks rocket launch sites. If the Gazan terrorists do not want to have their tunnels and rocket launch sites targeted, perhaps it would be a good idea not to attack Israel. Simple.
End the occupation and you won't get rockets.

Yes, what is what we thought earlier.

Yitzhak Rabin said in 1993
: 'The nightmares that (the rightist party of) 'The Likud' sold us are known to everyone. They promised us rockets from Gaza. Gaza is in the hand of the Palestinian authorities, there were no rockets from Gaza, and there never will be..."

There is no one single Israeli soldier inside the Gaza strip. There is no one single settler in the Gaza strip.

At least 3 incidents in the last couple of months alone, happened, where the terrorists from Gaza launched rocket UNPROVOKED.

Israel is not occupying Gaza.

And the truth is still foreign on your lips.
That is Hamas's problem, not Israel. Israel doesn't retaliate until it has had several rockets fired from Gaza, then it attacks rocket launch sites. If the Gazan terrorists do not want to have their tunnels and rocket launch sites targeted, perhaps it would be a good idea not to attack Israel. Simple.
End the occupation and you won't get rockets.

End the rockets smuggling and launching and there will be no rockets.

Bombing every last Hamas' rocket warehouse will do the trick better than anything.
What an idiotic decision. On what planet would something like that occur ??

The anti - Zionists here sure do have some interesting ways to resolve this conflict
After a half-century of listening to Zionists come up with excuse after excuse as to why they won't respect international law or human rights, I say enough is enough. The talking phase is over. If they won't leave voluntarily, then they should be forced to.
That is Hamas's problem, not Israel. Israel doesn't retaliate until it has had several rockets fired from Gaza, then it attacks rocket launch sites. If the Gazan terrorists do not want to have their tunnels and rocket launch sites targeted, perhaps it would be a good idea not to attack Israel. Simple.
End the occupation and you won't get rockets.

Yes, what is what we thought earlier.

Yitzhak Rabin said in 1993
: 'The nightmares that (the rightist party of) 'The Likud' sold us are known to everyone. They promised us rockets from Gaza. Gaza is in the hand of the Palestinian authorities, there were no rockets from Gaza, and there never will be..."

There is no one single Israeli soldier inside the Gaza strip. There is no one single settler in the Gaza strip.

At least 3 incidents in the last couple of months alone, happened, where the terrorists from Gaza launched rocket UNPROVOKED.

Israel is not occupying Gaza.

And the truth is still foreign on your lips.

What an idiotic decision. On what planet would something like that occur ??

The anti - Zionists here sure do have some interesting ways to resolve this conflict
After a half-century of listening to Zionists come up with excuse after excuse as to why they won't respect international law or human rights, I say enough is enough. The talking phase is over. If they won't leave voluntarily, then they should be forced to.


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