Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

Were those statements made after their Ketusha attacks on S'derot resulted in the IDF bombing part of Gaza into oblivion?
You got that backwards.

The rocket attacks are usually in response to Israeli air strikes.

By the way, why do the wealthiest Gazans force the poorer Gazans to live on the Eastern perimeter?
What Gazan's do, with other Gazan's, within their own territorial borders, is none of my business.

Why does Israeli gunboats shoot at Gazan's fishing?

Bombing bomb factories that are disguised as residential homes really is disgusting.
Why fire at a fisherman who just entered your waters?
I don't know; maybe because they're always screaming, "Death to the Jews!" In the street?

I have an idea! If Gazans don't enter Israel, they won't get shot at!
Bombing bomb factories that are disguised as residential homes really is disgusting.
Why fire at a fisherman who just entered your waters?
I don't know; maybe because they're always screaming, "Death to the Jews!" In the street?

I have an idea! If Gazans don't enter Israel, they won't get shot at!
Gazan's are being shot at in their own territorial waters, you piece of shit!
Israel merely responds to attacks on its civilian population by targeting Hamas. I consider that absolutely fair.
So how is Hamas supposed to control the militants shooting rockets, if you keep killing off their security forces?

How many nations have militants firing rockets on their neighbors?
You speak as though this behavior is uncontrollable.
Well, if it IS uncontrollable, Israel should just sit by and allowed it's citizens to be attacked?
What kind of logic is that?
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.
Israel merely responds to attacks on its civilian population by targeting Hamas. I consider that absolutely fair.
So how is Hamas supposed to control the militants shooting rockets, if you keep killing off their security forces?

That is Hamas's problem, not Israel. Israel doesn't retaliate until it has had several rockets fired from Gaza, then it attacks rocket launch sites. If the Gazan terrorists do not want to have their tunnels and rocket launch sites targeted, perhaps it would be a good idea not to attack Israel. Simple.
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

Show me proof of the above.
How many nations have militants firing rockets on their neighbors?
You speak as though this behavior is uncontrollable.
Well, if it IS uncontrollable, Israel should just sit by and allowed it's citizens to be attacked?
What kind of logic is that?
You speak of these rocket attacks as though they are in a vacuum, completely detached from Israeli military air strikes and a 47 year occupation that the entire world has condemned.

Gazan's have every legal right in the world, to resist the belligerent occupation of a foreign force. The only thing that makes the rocket attacks illegal, is that they are indiscriminant weapons.

You act like Israel can shoot at anyone they please and anyone who shoots back, is the one committing the crime.
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
First off, international maritime law, allows for a 12 mile limit. The 6 mile limit, is bullshit and Israeli's have no legal justification to limit Gazan territorial waters.

And second, the fishermen were shot at 3 miles from shore.

Show me proof of the above.

Now he will say you are hijacking the thread.
How many nations have militants firing rockets on their neighbors?
You speak as though this behavior is uncontrollable.
Well, if it IS uncontrollable, Israel should just sit by and allowed it's citizens to be attacked?
What kind of logic is that?
You speak of these rocket attacks as though they are in a vacuum, completely detached from Israeli military air strikes and a 47 year occupation that the entire world has condemned.

Gazan's have every legal right in the world, to resist the belligerent occupation of a foreign force. The only thing that makes the rocket attacks illegal, is that they are indiscriminant weapons.

You act like Israel can shoot at anyone they please and anyone who shoots back, is the one committing the crime.

One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.
Show me proof of the above.
You got it, twisted sister...

gunboats directed shells and intensive fire at Palestinian fishing boats working well within the limits of recognised Palestinian territorial waters;
And just so there is no confusion, seeing is believing...

[ame=]Israeli daily terror on Palestinians: Attacking Fishermen in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

How fucking evil can you possibly be, to shoot at people fishing?
One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.
We're not talking about Israel proper!

We're talking about the "occupied territories" and it's the "entire" world that has condemned the occupation. There isn't one single country you can post, that recognizes Israel's right to that land.
Show me proof of the above.
You got it, twisted sister...

gunboats directed shells and intensive fire at Palestinian fishing boats working well within the limits of recognised Palestinian territorial waters;
And just so there is no confusion, seeing is believing...

[ame=]Israeli daily terror on Palestinians: Attacking Fishermen in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

How fucking evil can you possibly be, to shoot at people fishing?

Boats outside the limit are fired on to get back into the limit. It is quite simple. Believe me, if the Israelis wanted to attack the fishing boat they would do worse than what we see in the video.

The IDF’s Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip
Published on: June 26, 2011

The Israel Navy is steadfast in its commitment to lawfully enforce the maritime security blockade on the Gaza Strip, regardless of provocative attempts by international organizations to delegitimize Israel and its right to defend Israeli civilians from Hamas rocket attacks.

Below are a few commonly raised questions on the legality of Israel’s naval blockade.

Why did Israel impose a maritime blockade on the Gaza Strip?

According to international law, it is lawful for Israel to impose a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip because it is currently in a state of armed conflict with the Hamas terrorist organization, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip (see the law of blockade for more information). The Hamas terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and state of Israel.

Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the Hamas terrorist organization has launched thousands of rockets into major Israeli population centers, populated by one million Israeli civilians. During the last decade, Hamas has orchestrated a long series of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians. The Hamas terrorist organization continues to smuggle rockets into Gaza via the sea and underground tunnels.

What perimeters would turn the naval blockade into an unlawful act?

The naval blockade on the Gaza Strip will remain lawful so long as Israel does not bar access to the ports and coasts of neutral states. According to international law, Israel must also continue to publicize the blockade’s existence to both belligerents and neutral states.

What are the restrictions of a naval blockade?

According to international law, if a lawfully imposed naval blockade is in effect, neither civilian nor enemy vessels may enter the blockaded area. Therefore, according to international law, if a vessel violates or attempts to violate a naval blockade, a state may intercept it in international waters.

A vessel leaving a port with the intention of breaking a naval blockade, regardless of the cargo it carries, is considered to be a violator of international maritime law, according to The US Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations.

Are organizers of the 2011 Gaza flotilla violating international law?

Given that the 2011 Gaza flotilla organizers issued written and oral statements indicating their intention to violate the lawfully enforced naval blockade on the Gaza Strip—according to international law—Israel may take enforcement measures once the flotilla leaves its port.

What steps is Israel taking in order to prevent a confrontation with flotilla passengers?

Once the 2011 Gaza flotilla enters international waters, Israel Navy personnel will relay explicit warnings to the ship captains by reaffirming Israel’s right to enforce the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. If the flotilla persists in breaking international law, the Israel Navy will attempt to peacefully take control of the ships participating in the flotilla.

If needed, international law permits the use of force when boarding a ship that is attempting to break a naval blockade. Therefore, Israeli soldiers will respond in self-defense if attacked by passengers aboard the vessels.

Why must Israel enforce the blockade in international waters?

International law permits Israel to enforce the naval blockade 12 nautical miles beyond Israel’s coast, a zone where Israel can operate in order to defend its borders or uphold its laws (see U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea).

How does Israel assist the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

While Israel lawfully enforces the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, it ensures that approximately 250 to 280 truckloads enter Gaza Sunday through Thursday, delivering approximately 6,000 of tons of goods and materials through the Kerem Shalom land crossing. Due to a deficit in orders from the Gaza Strip, the crossings capacity for truckloads is never maximized by Palestinian officials.

What are international assessments of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

According to an April 2011 World Bank report, “education and health in…Gaza are highly developed, comparing favorably to the performance of countries in the region as well as globally.” In addition, Palestinians have experienced a recent reduction in unemployment.

Regarding the legality of the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, please refer to the Israeli Military Advocate General‘s website.

The IDF's Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces
Now he will say you are hijacking the thread.
You really are a taco short of a combo plate, aren't you?

Shooting at Gazan's fishing, is part of the blockade enforcement.

You know, if the thread topic is a little too complex for your grey matter to handle, maybe you'd be better off arguing in the "bounce ball" thread?
Last edited:
One correction...the ARAB World has condemned.
The UN recognized the initial State of Israel.
The Arabs attacked and got their collective a$$ed kicked.
If they want it back, which they apparently do, they haven't done a very good job of it.
We're not talking about Israel proper!

We're talking about the "occupied territories" and it's the "entire" world that has condemned the occupation. There isn't one single country you can post, that recognizes Israel's right to that land.

So let's get this straight...
Israel occupies the Jordanian West Bank since 1967 and neither the US nor any other nation on earth can get them, SOMEHOW, to withdraw.
Israel occupies Gaza...

I'm starting to sense some level of hypocrisy on the part of those mightily nations that should have the where with all to force Israel to withdraw and somehow don't.

UNLESS...Israel won the war (just like the US took Texas, California and New Mexico from the Mexicans) and tough on the losers.
I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone has a bias against Israel, because Israel doesn't want to be held responsible, for the atrocities they commit.

You fuckers are the biggest cowards on the planet.

You think it's bias condemning Israel for "administrative detention"? Locking people up without charges indefinitely?

Anyone who supports that is a fucking Nazi!

You mean like Obama is doing in Gitmo? Like that? Or the fact Obama created a law that allows him to do the same to US Citizens? Like that? Or is that different somehow?
Yes, this is bad for us, too.

Gitmo needed to be closed. Obama's effort to do that got blocked. Now, it seems like we're getting accustomed to living with it. Bad news, indeed.
Now he will say you are hijacking the thread.
You really are a taco short of a combo plate, aren't you?

Shooting at Gazan's fishing, is part of the blockade enforcement.

You know, if the thread topic is a little too complex for your grey matter to handle, maybe you'd be better off arguing in the "bounce ball" thread?

You bring up a subject and use it to attack Israel it is then fair game for a response or responses. Also since this is not a fascist board I am free to bring up relevant ideas, complaints statements or facts.

YOU chose to bring up indefinite detention. I simply pointed out that your buddy Obama does the same and you do not claim he is a "fucking Nazi".
Boats outside the limit are fired on to get back into the limit. It is quite simple. Believe me, if the Israelis wanted to attack the fishing boat they would do worse than what we see in the video.
I told you, they were 3 miles from shore. That's not outside the limit.

The IDF’s Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip
Published on: June 26, 2011

The Israel Navy is steadfast in its commitment to lawfully enforce the maritime security blockade on the Gaza Strip, regardless of provocative attempts by international organizations to delegitimize Israel and its right to defend Israeli civilians from Hamas rocket attacks.

Below are a few commonly raised questions on the legality of Israel’s naval blockade.

Why did Israel impose a maritime blockade on the Gaza Strip?

According to international law, it is lawful for Israel to impose a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip because it is currently in a state of armed conflict with the Hamas terrorist organization, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip (see the law of blockade for more information). The Hamas terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and state of Israel.

Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the Hamas terrorist organization has launched thousands of rockets into major Israeli population centers, populated by one million Israeli civilians. During the last decade, Hamas has orchestrated a long series of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of Israeli civilians. The Hamas terrorist organization continues to smuggle rockets into Gaza via the sea and underground tunnels.

What perimeters would turn the naval blockade into an unlawful act?

The naval blockade on the Gaza Strip will remain lawful so long as Israel does not bar access to the ports and coasts of neutral states. According to international law, Israel must also continue to publicize the blockade’s existence to both belligerents and neutral states.

What are the restrictions of a naval blockade?

According to international law, if a lawfully imposed naval blockade is in effect, neither civilian nor enemy vessels may enter the blockaded area. Therefore, according to international law, if a vessel violates or attempts to violate a naval blockade, a state may intercept it in international waters.

A vessel leaving a port with the intention of breaking a naval blockade, regardless of the cargo it carries, is considered to be a violator of international maritime law, according to The US Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations.

Are organizers of the 2011 Gaza flotilla violating international law?

Given that the 2011 Gaza flotilla organizers issued written and oral statements indicating their intention to violate the lawfully enforced naval blockade on the Gaza Strip—according to international law—Israel may take enforcement measures once the flotilla leaves its port.

What steps is Israel taking in order to prevent a confrontation with flotilla passengers?

Once the 2011 Gaza flotilla enters international waters, Israel Navy personnel will relay explicit warnings to the ship captains by reaffirming Israel’s right to enforce the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. If the flotilla persists in breaking international law, the Israel Navy will attempt to peacefully take control of the ships participating in the flotilla.

If needed, international law permits the use of force when boarding a ship that is attempting to break a naval blockade. Therefore, Israeli soldiers will respond in self-defense if attacked by passengers aboard the vessels.

Why must Israel enforce the blockade in international waters?

International law permits Israel to enforce the naval blockade 12 nautical miles beyond Israel’s coast, a zone where Israel can operate in order to defend its borders or uphold its laws (see U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea).

How does Israel assist the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

While Israel lawfully enforces the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, it ensures that approximately 250 to 280 truckloads enter Gaza Sunday through Thursday, delivering approximately 6,000 of tons of goods and materials through the Kerem Shalom land crossing. Due to a deficit in orders from the Gaza Strip, the crossings capacity for truckloads is never maximized by Palestinian officials.

What are international assessments of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip?

According to an April 2011 World Bank report, “education and health in…Gaza are highly developed, comparing favorably to the performance of countries in the region as well as globally.” In addition, Palestinians have experienced a recent reduction in unemployment.

Regarding the legality of the naval blockade on the Gaza Strip, please refer to the Israeli Military Advocate General‘s website.

The IDF's Lawfully Enforced Maritime Blockade on the Gaza Strip ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces
Are you actually trying to use an Israeli blog, to make value judgments on international law?

And then turn around and accuse AI of providing biased reports?

And in regards to your precious Palmer Report...

The Panel’s conclusions that the blockade is legal are based on false points and therefore does not allow for the fact that it has accepted false information from Israel in reaching its own conclusions.
And it's Commission had no experts in international law on it's panel and admitted the purpose of the Commission was more about Israeli-Turkey relations, than the legality blockade.

A more extensive UN report that did review whether the blockade was legal, did have many experts in international and maritime law and they found the blockade to be illegal.

Unlike the [Palmer] Panel...the FFM was equipped with a large support team so that its own very senior lawyers who are experienced in international criminal law were supplemented by experts in the law of the sea and international humanitarian law. In addition it met with a number of non-governmental organizations, had assistance from law firms in three countries, and was thoroughly briefed on the situation in Gaza by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The UN [Palmer] Panel did not have the services of anyone with expertise in international criminal or maritime law and did not conduct interviews of its own. That it should now criticise its more senior and better equipped counterparts in the UNHRC is an indication of the unreal world in which it has functioned.
Unfortunately for you, that's the only UN report you could point to that even addresses the legality of the blockade. All other reports condemn it as being illegal, collective punishment and a war crime.

I challenge anyone to argue how the blockade is not "collective punishment".
You bring up a subject and use it to attack Israel it is then fair game for a response or responses. Also since this is not a fascist board I am free to bring up relevant ideas, complaints statements or facts.

YOU chose to bring up indefinite detention. I simply pointed out that your buddy Obama does the same and you do not claim he is a "fucking Nazi".
Go back and read it, numbnuts, it was "administrative" detention.

But in case you are wondering, I do consider it the same thing as "indefinite" detention and have condemned both on many occasions.

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