Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

BTW - Here are AI's publications IN THE LAST MONTH. You can see how their emphasis is on their joo hating anti semitism...

Publication Date: 03 December 2013
Write for Rights: A spontaneous, grassroots idea that grew into a global force
Every year, around Human Rights Day on 10 December, hundreds of thousands of people around the world send a message to someone they’ve never met.Here's how they do it.
Publication Date: 03 December 2013
Israel: Reject indefinite detention of asylum-seekers once and for all
Israeli lawmakers must reject proposed amendments to the country’s Prevention of Infiltration Law, which would allow thousands of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants to be held indefinitely in a remote detention centre.
Publication Date: 02 December 2013
Write for Rights: Two million letters, tweets and texts to change lives
Write for Rights will mobilize hundreds of thousands of people around the world in the aim of changing the lives of individuals at risk through the simple act of sending a letter.
Publication Date: 02 December 2013
Central African Republic: UN peacekeeping mission needed to avoid mass slaughter
The UN Security Council has no time to waste to authorize a robust peacekeeping force for deployment to the Central African Republic to protect civilians from the violence and chaos engulfing the country, Amnesty International said today.

Publication Date: 02 December 2013
Bulgaria must rein in xenophobic and racist violence after seven attacks in a month
The Bulgarian authorities must send a clear message that they will take all necessary measures to curb the growing spate of attacks against refugees and migrants on the streets of the capital Sofia, Amnesty International said.
Publication Date: 01 December 2013
Israel/OPT: Gaza power crisis has compounded blockade’s assault on human dignity
Israel must immediately lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip, including by allowing the delivery of fuel and other essential supplies into the territory without restrictions, said Amnesty International today.
Publication Date: 30 November 2013
Malian authorities must release children detained in prison
The Malian authorities must immediately release five children that have been detained in a military detention centre for over seven months, says Amnesty International today as it releases a Human Rights Agenda for Mali, in the country’s capital.
Publication Date: 30 November 2013
Ukraine: Freedom of Assembly crushed
The violent dispersal of demonstrators on Independence Square (Maidan) in the centre of Kyiv on Saturday morning shows a shameful disregard for the right to peacefully protest said Amnesty International.

Publication Date: 29 November 2013
Delivered by the Netherlands into the clutches of a suicide bomber in Somalia
The Netherlands deported Ahmed Said to Mogadishu, Somalia, with assurances he would be safe. Three days after being sent there, he was injured in a suicide attack.
Publication Date: 29 November 2013
Yemen: Authorities must rein in security forces ahead of protests
Yemen must ensure security forces refrain from using excessive force during protests planned this Saturday or risk further bloodshed.
Publication Date: 28 November 2013
Egypt must immediately and unconditionally release women protesters
The conviction and imprisonment of 21 female protesters, after they participated in a peaceful pro-Morsi demonstration shows the Egyptian authorities’ determination to punish dissent.
Publication Date: 28 November 2013
Saudi Arabia: Human rights activists face court as crackdown intensifies
Two prominent activists in Saudi Arabia have been questioned today on as yet unspecified charges as the continuing crackdown on independent human rights work in the country intensifies.
Publication Date: 28 November 2013
Russia applies sinister new tactic to tar civil society as 'foreign agents'
A Russian court has for the first time ordered a non-governmental organization to register as a "foreign agent" under a sinister law that is being used to crush independent civil society in the country.
Publication Date: 27 November 2013
Bahrain: End prison ordeal for Nabeel Rajab immediately
Bahrain’s authorities must immediately release Nabeel Rajab, a prominent human rights activist jailed for taking part in an anti-government protest last year.
Publication Date: 26 November 2013
Afghanistan: Reject stoning, flogging, amputation and other Taliban-era punishments
Afghanistan’s proposed reinstatement of atrocious punishments would mark a dangerous return to legalized state brutality, Amnesty International said today as it urged the authorities to reject such plans.
Publication Date: 25 November 2013
Global campaign targets violence against women and girls caused by 'militarism'
Amnesty International supporters worldwide today begin a 16-day global campaign challenging violence against women and girls exacerbated by increasingly militarized societies or "militarism".
Publication Date: 25 November 2013
Zimbabwe's human rights record remains poor despite safeguards in new Constitution
The Government of Zimbabwe must guarantee all human rights enshrined in the new Constitution, Amnesty International said in a Human Rights Agenda issued as President Robert Mugabe approaches the 100th day of his new term.
Publication Date: 25 November 2013
Central African Republic: UN must tackle the looming human catastrophe
The UN must take full account of the human catastrophe of epic proportions unfolding in the Central African Republic (CAR) when considering the options presented by the UN Secretary-General on peacekeeping in that country, Amnesty International said.

Publication Date: 25 November 2013
Egypt: New protest law gives security forces free rein
A new law placing broad restrictions on protests in Egypt is a serious setback that poses a grave threat to freedom of assembly and gives security forces a free rein to use excessive force, including lethal force, against demonstrators, Amnesty International said today.

Publication Date: 22 November 2013
Cambodia: Injustice prevails despite activist’s release on bail
The provisional release of housing rights activist Yorm Bopha does not go far enough, Amnesty International said, after Cambodia’s Supreme Court today released her on bail and sent her case back to the Appeals Court.

Publication Date: 22 November 2013
‘Defending human rights in Honduras is a crime’
There’s hardly a moment when Honduran human rights defender Bertha Cáceres is not worrying about what may happen to her for defending the rights of her community, the Lenca Indigenous People. The risk is so high that she's been forced into hiding.
Publication Date: 21 November 2013
Thousands of Indonesian women trafficked to Hong Kong face exploitation and risk domestic 'slavery'
Thousands of Indonesian women trafficked to Hong Kong risk slavery-like conditions as domestic workers, with both governments failing to protect them from widespread abuse and exploitation.
Publication Date: 21 November 2013
Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong tell their stories
Almost 4 million Indonesians have officially migrated abroad for work since 2006. The majority of them are women who take on domestic work in private homes. Here're some of their stories.
Publication Date: 21 November 2013
Libya must protect demonstrators from 'out of control' militias or risk new bloodshed
The Libyan authorities must actively protect protesters from attacks by armed militia during ongoing demonstrations this week or risk further bloodshed
Publication Date: 21 November 2013
Morocco/Western Sahara: Obama must press King Mohammed VI over ’rape and kissing’ laws
US President Barack Obama must urge Moroccan King Mohammed VI to scrap laws which see women and girls forced to marry their rapists, and teenagers facing jail for kissing in a public place.
Publication Date: 20 November 2013
Russia: A year on, Putin’s ‘foreign agents law’ choking freedom
A restrictive "foreign agents law" adopted a year ago is choking independent non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Russia, Amnesty International said as the Winter Olympic Games to be held in the Russian city of Sochi approach. Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Publication Date: 20 November 2013
Afghanistan: War crimes investigations crucial to any security pact with USA
Afghan leaders meeting in Kabul this week should demand accountability for war crimes allegedly committed by US military forces in the country, said Amnesty International.
Publication Date: 20 November 2013
Northern Ireland: A blanket amnesty would be an utter betrayal of victims
The Northern Ireland Attorney General’s call for an end to prosecutions for killings during three decades of political violence in Northern Ireland is an utter betrayal of victims’ fundamental rights to justice.
Publication Date: 19 November 2013
With or without EU agreement, Ukraine must eradicate torture
Ukraine must make progress to end torture and other ill-treatment by law enforcement officials, AI said ahead of the signing of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement.
Publication Date: 19 November 2013
Cambodia: Global call to release Yorm Bopha ahead of Supreme Court appeal
Cambodia must free housing rights activist Yorm Bopha, Amnesty International said as it launched a worldwide campaign for her release just days before her Supreme Court appeal.
Publication Date: 19 November 2013
Bulgaria: ‘Inhuman conditions’ spark protest at refugee camp
Urgent action is needed from the Bulgarian authorities to improve conditions at a camp for asylum seekers near the Turkish border, Amnesty International said after scores of its residents staged a protest today.
Publication Date: 18 November 2013
Indonesia: Fifth execution confirms shocking new trend of secrecy
The execution of a Pakistani man in Indonesia on Sunday, carried out in secret, is a shocking and regressive step.
Publication Date: 17 November 2013
Qatar: End corporate exploitation of migrant construction workers
A new report by Amnesty International finds Qatar’s construction sector rife with abuse, with workers employed on multi-million dollar projects suffering serious exploitation.
Publication Date: 17 November 2013
Exploited and struggling to survive in Qatar
About 50 minutes drive north of Doha, at the heart of Qatar's gas industry, lies the Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety College, a shiny new campus that obscures a tale of misery.
Publication Date: 17 November 2013
Sri Lanka: World must not abandon Sri Lanka’s victims after CHOGM
The international community must keep up pressure on the Sri Lankan government to address its human rights crisis as the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) draws to a close.
Publication Date: 15 November 2013
The dangers of reporting on human rights in Sri Lanka
When world leaders disembark in Colombo for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week, they will have to look beyond newsstands to find out what is really going on in Sri Lanka.
Publication Date: 15 November 2013
Myanmar: Release of prisoners of conscience positive but many still locked up
The release of several prisoners of conscience in Myanmar today is a positive step, but time is running out for the government to keep its promise to release everyone imprisoned for peaceful activism by the year’s end.
Publication Date: 15 November 2013
China: Abolition of labour camps must lead to wider detention reform
China’s reported decision to abolish "re-education through labour" camps nationwide will be little more than a cosmetic measure unless the authorities tackle the deeply entrenched abuses of the country’s overall detention system.
Publication Date: 14 November 2013
A year on from deadly Israel/Gaza conflict, the nightmare continues
In the blink of an eye, ‘Attiyeh’s worst nightmare came true. On 21 November 2012, his son Mahmoud, 13, was killed by a missile fired by an Israeli drone in the al-Manara area of Gaza City.

Publication Date: 14 November 2013
Human rights in schools - a youth activist's perspective
Youth activist Courtney Clay describes her involvement with Amnesty International's Human Rights Friendly Schools project in Bermuda - one of many such initiatives taking place around the world.
Publication Date: 14 November 2013
Singapore: Landmark ruling lifts death penalty for drug offender
The reduction of a death sentence to life imprisonment for a convicted drug trafficker in Singapore must now be followed by continued reforms, Amnesty International said.
Publication Date: 14 November 2013
The dirty secret behind some of Cairo’s development dreams
As Egypt sits in front of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to answer questions about the country’s human rights situation, activists talk about the country's housing crisis.
Publication Date: 13 November 2013
Sri Lanka: Commonwealth must not turn a blind eye to civil society crackdown
Commonwealth leaders must use their summit in Colombo this week to pressure the Sri Lankan authorities to end their alarming crackdown on civil society.
Publication Date: 13 November 2013
Kenya: Proposed reforms will dramatically undermine human rights
A series of amendments to a bill regulating the work of non-governmental organizations in Kenya will, if passed, dramatically undermine freedom of expression and human rights in the country.
Publication Date: 13 November 2013
UN Security Council must reject calls to defer ICC trial on Kenya
The UN Security Council must not give in to political pressure to defer Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s trial at the International Criminal Court for a year, Amnesty International said ahead of a scheduled vote on Friday.
Publication Date: 13 November 2013
Azerbaijan: Journalist and writer jailed as ruthless crackdown continues
Azerbaijani authorities urged to halt crackdown on freedom of expression as journalist and writer who criticized the government are jailed on trumped-up charges.
Publication Date: 12 November 2013
Bulgaria: Migrants 'living in fear' after xenophobic attacks
The Bulgarian authorities must do more to prevent xenophobic hate crimes, Amnesty International urges amid a rise in racist attacks.
Publication Date: 12 November 2013
Sudan: Two activists at risk of flogging for ‘indecent behaviour’
The Sudanese authorities must drop ‘indecent behaviour’ charges against two activists who risk being sentenced to flogging in a trial that opens tomorrow.
Publication Date: 08 November 2013
New satellite images reveal shocking aftermath of abuses in Central African Republic
Expert analysis of new satellite imagery Amnesty International has obtained from the Central African Republic (CAR) reveals the shocking aftermath of recent human rights abuses amid spiralling violence by armed groups and security forces.
Publication Date: 08 November 2013
Spain set to extradite man to Kazakhstan despite torture risk
The decision by Spain’s high court to extradite an asylum-seeker to Kazakhstan, despite compelling evidence that it would place him at risk of torture, violates international law and must be reversed immediately.
Publication Date: 08 November 2013
Iraq: Executions at their highest in post-Saddam Iraq
A sharp increase in the use of the death penalty in Iraq has brought the number of known executions to the highest since the toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003, with at least seven prisoners sent to the gallows yesterday.
Publication Date: 07 November 2013
Viet Nam: Report documents how scores remain imprisoned for speaking out
The Vietnamese authorities must end their alarming crackdown on dissent and immediately put in place measures to protect activists from further harassment and imprisonment simply for exercising their rights.
Publication Date: 07 November 2013
Shell’s false claims on Niger Delta oil spills exposed
Shell has manipulated oil spill investigations in Nigeria, with the company’s claims on oil pollution in the region deeply suspect and often untrue, said Amnesty International and the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development.
Publication Date: 07 November 2013
EU Court ruling a setback for refugees
Today's Court of Justice of the European Union ruling showed it is out of step with international human rights and refugee law by declining to hold that criminalization of same-sex sexual conduct amounts to persecution.
Publication Date: 06 November 2013
Russia must immediately disclose whereabouts of imprisoned Pussy Riot member
The continuing refusal to disclose the whereabouts of a member of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot, who is rumoured to be in transfer to a prison colony in Siberia, shows the authorities’ unrelenting efforts to silence her.
Publication Date: 06 November 2013
Guatemala: Ríos Montt trial delay is a letdown to genocide victims
Reports that the retrial of former Guatemalan President General Efraín Ríos Montt will not begin until January 2015 amount to a disappointing deferral of justice for genocide victims and their relatives.
Publication Date: 05 November 2013
Honduras: Elections should mark a turning point for human rights
Presidential candidates in Honduras must promise to address the dire human rights crisis in the country if there is any chance of putting an end to the escalating levels of violence, insecurity and impunity.
Publication Date: 05 November 2013
Bahrain must urgently reinstate nationality of 31 opposition figures
Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior must immediately rescind the decision to strip 31 members of the opposition of their Bahraini nationality made a year ago, Amnesty International urged.
Publication Date: 05 November 2013
Spain: Failure to address legacy of disappearances ‘shameful’
The Spanish authorities’ refusal to address the legacy of Franco era disappearances is a betrayal of justice, Amnesty International said ahead of a key UN meeting that will take up the issue.

Publication Date: 05 November 2013
Bangladesh: Death sentences for 152 mutineers are a further injustice
Today’s death sentences handed down by a Bangladeshi court to 152 people involved in a 2009 mutiny are a perversion of justice, Amnesty International said.
Publication Date: 04 November 2013
40 years on, Chile torture victim finally finds justice
After nearly 40 years of exile in the UK, Leopoldo García is the first Chilean torture survivor to win a landmark court case. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has just ruled that Chile should find those responsible for his abuse and award him compensation.
Publication Date: 04 November 2013
Russia must track down masked assailants after insidious homophobic attack
The Russian authorities must promptly find and bring to justice all those responsible for a violent homophobic attack in St Petersburg that has left two people injured, including one who has been left blind in one eye, Amnesty International said.
Publication Date: 04 November 2013
USA: Threats to deny Snowden clemency smack of persecution
Any potential trial of whistleblower Edward Snowden would amount to political persecution if it covers his revelations about the US government’s human rights violations, Amnesty International said today.
I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone has a bias against Israel, because Israel doesn't want to be held responsible, for the atrocities they commit.

You fuckers are the biggest cowards on the planet.

You think it's bias condemning Israel for "administrative detention"? Locking people up without charges indefinitely?

Anyone who supports that is a fucking Nazi!

You mean like Obama is doing in Gitmo? Like that? Or the fact Obama created a law that allows him to do the same to US Citizens? Like that? Or is that different somehow?
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
And they've made more recent statements they're willing to accept a two-state solution, which you dismiss, because you want to hold onto to something that's about 30 years old.

It's not a war, it's an occupation that is immoral, illegal and just plain evil.
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
And they've made more recent statements they're willing to accept a two-state solution, which you dismiss, because you want to hold onto to something that's about 30 years old.

It's not a war, it's an occupation that is immoral, illegal and just plain evil.

Why do you ignore all the other Hamas statements towards Israel ?


Why hasn't Hamas removed that part from the charter ?
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
And they've made more recent statements they're willing to accept a two-state solution, which you dismiss, because you want to hold onto to something that's about 30 years old.

It's not a war, it's an occupation that is immoral, illegal and just plain evil.

And yet they have not changed their charter, it is still the same one easily seen.
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
And they've made more recent statements they're willing to accept a two-state solution, which you dismiss, because you want to hold onto to something that's about 30 years old.

It's not a war, it's an occupation that is immoral, illegal and just plain evil.

They are at war, it is not an occupation and ..............

The Gaza-based Hamas, which Israel, as well as the US and other allies, consider a terror organization, and against which Israel conducted an eight-day military operation in November, has so far refused to adopt the two-state solution. Though it has formally accepted the Arab peace initiative, which calls for a Palestinian state within the 1967 lines, the Islamist group — an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood — has stressed that such a state would be only a temporary stage before the complete liberation of Palestine. Its leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas leader reportedly backs two-state solution | The Times of Israel
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
And they've made more recent statements they're willing to accept a two-state solution, which you dismiss, because you want to hold onto to something that's about 30 years old.

It's not a war, it's an occupation that is immoral, illegal and just plain evil.

Were those statements made after their Ketusha attacks on S'derot resulted in the IDF bombing part of Gaza into oblivion?
By the way, why do the wealthiest Gazans force the poorer Gazans to live on the Eastern perimeter?
I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone has a bias against Israel, because Israel doesn't want to be held responsible, for the atrocities they commit.

You fuckers are the biggest cowards on the planet.

You think it's bias condemning Israel for "administrative detention"? Locking people up without charges indefinitely?

Anyone who supports that is a fucking Nazi!

You mean like Obama is doing in Gitmo? Like that? Or the fact Obama created a law that allows him to do the same to US Citizens? Like that? Or is that different somehow?

Since Obama locks up people indefinitely with out charges and changed the law so he could do the same to US Citizens and on US Soil, one must assume Billy thinks Obama is a "fucking Nazi". But he denies he does. So what is the problem?
[ame=]Banned Speech: Hillel Neuer Takes on U.N. Human Rights Council - YouTube[/ame]
Were those statements made after their Ketusha attacks on S'derot resulted in the IDF bombing part of Gaza into oblivion?
You got that backwards.

The rocket attacks are usually in response to Israeli air strikes.

By the way, why do the wealthiest Gazans force the poorer Gazans to live on the Eastern perimeter?
What Gazan's do, with other Gazan's, within their own territorial borders, is none of my business.

Why does Israeli gunboats shoot at Gazan's fishing?
Since Obama locks up people indefinitely with out charges and changed the law so he could do the same to US Citizens and on US Soil, one must assume Billy thinks Obama is a "fucking Nazi". But he denies he does. So what is the problem?
The problem is you trying to hijack the thread into a different topic, because you don't have the balls to talk about Israeli violations of international law.

And you lied about Obama changing the law. The ability of the government to snatch anyone off the street and lock them up without charges for the rest of their lives, became legal with the passage of the Military Commissions Act, which Obama's predecessor pushed through a republican Congress.
Fishing boats who attempt to fish outside the six mile limit are warned to go back into the limit. The fishermen know that.
Were those statements made after their Ketusha attacks on S'derot resulted in the IDF bombing part of Gaza into oblivion?
You got that backwards.

The rocket attacks are usually in response to Israeli air strikes.

By the way, why do the wealthiest Gazans force the poorer Gazans to live on the Eastern perimeter?
What Gazan's do, with other Gazan's, within their own territorial borders, is none of my business.

Why does Israeli gunboats shoot at Gazan's fishing?

Straight up LIE of massive proportion. Israel does not attack Gaza EXCEPT in response to attacks FROM Gaza. Remind us again how Israel are Nazis for indefinite detention with out charges but Obama is not for the same thing?
Since Obama locks up people indefinitely with out charges and changed the law so he could do the same to US Citizens and on US Soil, one must assume Billy thinks Obama is a "fucking Nazi". But he denies he does. So what is the problem?
The problem is you trying to hijack the thread into a different topic, because you don't have the balls to talk about Israeli violations of international law.

And you lied about Obama changing the law. The ability of the government to snatch anyone off the street and lock them up without charges for the rest of their lives, became legal with the passage of the Military Commissions Act, which Obama's predecessor pushed through a republican Congress.

I did not bring it up at all, YOU did. And the NDAA occurred under Obama not Bush.

But lets pretend you are right, shall we? Obama and the dems had 6 years to change it if it was passed by Republicans.
They are at war, it is not an occupation and ..............
This is not a debatable issue. It's an occupation. No one in the world supports your position, including the Israeli High Court.

The Gaza-based Hamas, which Israel, as well as the US and other allies, consider a terror organization, and against which Israel conducted an eight-day military operation in November, has so far refused to adopt the two-state solution. Though it has formally accepted the Arab peace initiative, which calls for a Palestinian state within the 1967 lines, the Islamist group — an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood — has stressed that such a state would be only a temporary stage before the complete liberation of Palestine. Its leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas leader reportedly backs two-state solution | The Times of Israel
You know, this bullshit might have more credibility, if Israel wasn't the one breaking all the ceasefires.
They are at war, it is not an occupation and ..............
This is not a debatable issue. It's an occupation. No one in the world supports your position, including the Israeli High Court.

The Gaza-based Hamas, which Israel, as well as the US and other allies, consider a terror organization, and against which Israel conducted an eight-day military operation in November, has so far refused to adopt the two-state solution. Though it has formally accepted the Arab peace initiative, which calls for a Palestinian state within the 1967 lines, the Islamist group — an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood — has stressed that such a state would be only a temporary stage before the complete liberation of Palestine. Its leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas leader reportedly backs two-state solution | The Times of Israel
You know, this bullshit might have more credibility, if Israel wasn't the one breaking all the ceasefires.

Israel merely responds to attacks on its civilian population by targeting Hamas. I consider that absolutely fair.
I did not bring it up at all, YOU did. And the NDAA occurred under Obama not Bush.

But lets pretend you are right, shall we? Obama and the dems had 6 years to change it if it was passed by Republicans.
The NDAA only made it easier to do what the MCA made legal.

And no, I did not bring up Obama in this thread, asshole.

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