Amnesty demands Israel 'immediately' lift Gaza blockade

Israel and Gaza are still at war. The blockade is legal and until there is a Peace Treaty it stays. Your luck may change and you may just grasp a few simple facts on this board. On the other hand your views may still stay so out of touch with reality you will probably just post the same garbage at every opportunity.
It's not a war, it's an occupation.

It's been that way for the last 47 years. It's also the position of every country on the planet. So don't talk to me about reality, when no one in the world supports your position.

BTW, a war is between two army's. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the most militarized country on the planet and on the other, you have a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

I completely support sending in the US marines to end the blockade and drive all the god-damn Israeli's, back to Israel.

Certainly the issue of mass shootings is of far greater urgency than the history of an occupation.
Please tell me the cities where these slaughters are taking place.
Certainly the issue of mass shootings is of far greater urgency than the history of an occupation.
Please tell me the cities where these slaughters are taking place.
Stop trying to hijack the thread into a different topic.

You want to talk about that shit, start a thread.
This has nothing to do with the Palestinian's.

I don't care for people who go around thinking their shit don't stink and that they can do anything they want with immunity.

Fuck that!
Certainly the issue of mass shootings is of far greater urgency than the history of an occupation.
Please tell me the cities where these slaughters are taking place.
Stop trying to hijack the thread into a different topic.

You want to talk about that shit, start a thread.

I'm not hijacking anything.
I asked you for the cities in the appropriate thread within the last half hour and you haven't replied.
Are you not concerned about an issue you repeatedly post?
I'm not hijacking anything.
I asked you for the cities in the appropriate thread within the last half hour and you haven't replied.
Are you not concerned about an issue you repeatedly post?
Neither one of these threads are about these shootings you keep referring to. You're the one whose trying to interject this topic into the thread, you state the cities! It's your issue. You need to explain why it is relevant to the OP?

It's a completely different subject and yes you are trying to hijack the thread, by repeating yourself.
I agree with Amnesty.
As long as volunteers from Amnesty follow the suicide bombers around.
Of course the Amnesty membership list would get real short pretty quickly.

Suicide bombing ended years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.
They only ended because Israel implemented measures that made Islamic suicide / mass murder not worth the cost to the Islamic terrorists.
Israel and Gaza are still at war. The blockade is legal and until there is a Peace Treaty it stays. Your luck may change and you may just grasp a few simple facts on this board. On the other hand your views may still stay so out of touch with reality you will probably just post the same garbage at every opportunity.
It's not a war, it's an occupation.

It's been that way for the last 47 years. It's also the position of every country on the planet. So don't talk to me about reality, when no one in the world supports your position.

BTW, a war is between two army's. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the most militarized country on the planet and on the other, you have a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

I completely support sending in the US marines to end the blockade and drive all the god-damn Israeli's, back to Israel.

If Israel and Gaza are not at war, when was the peace treaty signed between the two sides.

And you don't call Hamas an army?



[ame=]HAMAS- ???? - ???? - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, and the US Marines are on Israel's side. They know where their bread is buttered.

[ame=]The American and Israeli Navies Meet - YouTube[/ame]
Hamas runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas has an army. Hamas has as it's charter a demand that they drive all Jews into the sea. I would say that qualifies as war.
Oh, they demand? Ok, then we agree.


Wait, nothing?

I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone has a bias against Israel, because Israel doesn't want to be held responsible, for the atrocities they commit.

You fuckers are the biggest cowards on the planet.

You think it's bias condemning Israel for "administrative detention"? Locking people up without charges indefinitely?

Anyone who supports that is a fucking Nazi!
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Amnesty International seems not to know what the word means.

Sherrimudderlyn sure doesn't.

I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hilarious, you quote a section of the wiki entry written by zionists, quoting jews and referencing israeli hasbara organizations which in itself is a virtual roadmap to Israeli hasbara/propaganda tactics.

Personally, I think everyone should read that section, it's occasionally educational and always hilarious.

It's a case study in why wiki sometimes isn't the best place to get info. It can be manipulated by propagandists too easily.

That being said, are we adding AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL to the list of jew hating, anti semitic nazis bent on the destruction of israel?
Hell withit, I'll post it myself so everyone can laugh...

BTW - Notice how the opening statement says "Amnesty International has been accused of ideological bias by governments and citizens of Western or Western-supported countries including Israel and the United States." when the ONLY 2 COUNTRIES EXPRESSING BIAS ARE ISRAEL AND, cough, THE US? This is hasbara tactic #3, misrepresent the truth.

And BTW - NGO Monitor is an Israeli hasbara front organization funded by the Israel Ministry of Propaganda (Foreign Affairs).

Criticism related to Amnesty's criticism of Western-backed countries[edit]

Amnesty International has been accused of ideological bias by governments and citizens of Western or Western-supported countries, including Israel and the United States.[8]


Elliott Abrams, writing about the November 2012 Israeli military response in Gaza, says that AI treats "Hamas and other terrorist groups" "with an 'evenhandedness' that bespeaks deep biases," citing NGO Monitor's detailed research.[23]

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised the May 2012 report on administrative detention saying it was "one sided,” and “not particularly serious,” and "that it seemed little more than a public relations gimmick.” Gerald Steinberg, of NGO Monitor, said that the report was tied to the recent Palestinian hunger strikes and that AI “jumped on the bandwagon to help their Palestinian allies.”[24] Steinberg also pointed out that one of the researchers, Deborah Hyams was not a neutral party, saying that “Hyams has volunteered as a ‘human shield’ in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem) to deter Israeli military responses to gunfire and mortars targeting Jewish civilians in Jerusalem,” and that “in 2008 she signed a letter claiming Israel is 'a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land.'[25] The Israeli embassy in London called AI “ridiculous”. AI admitted that this report “is not intended to address violations of detainees’ rights by the Palestinian Authority, or the Hamas de facto administration. These violations have been and will continue to be addressed separately by the organisation”.[26]

In May 2012, NGO Monitor criticized AI's 2012 World Report in a few areas:

AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens." NGO Monitor continued and said that "UN Secretary General’s Palmer Committee declared in September 2011 that the blockade is legal under international law." AI "failed to mention the thousands of tons of goods provided by Israel to Gaza each week."

NGO Monitor also pointed out that AI's report "mentions Israel 137 times, while making only 74 mentions of the Syrian regime," during a year in which thousands of people have been killed by the Syrian government.[27]

AI allowed a speaking event to take place in London in May 2011, organized by the magazine Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Much controversy surrounded this event since one of the speakers included Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. In the past, Atwan has said that "he would “dance with delight” in Trafalgar Square if Iran attacked Israel, "and that the terrorist attack on the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, in which eight students were killed, “was justified” as it was responsible for “hatching Israeli extremists and fundamentalists.” Amnesty responded by saying that "while we did have concerns about the way the event had originally been organized, these have been resolved."[28]

AI also allowed a speaking event to take place in January 2012, which included a speaker who is viewed as anti-Israel. UK’s Zionist Federation said that the speaker "goes beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior" and asked that the event either not take place or that a pro-Israel speaker be allowed to attend as well. In addition, NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg said that the speaker's "intense hatred directed at Israel, which is the embodiment of Jewish sovereign equality in the world, is entirely inconsistent with the universal values that Amnesty claims to promote. If Amnesty seeks to restore its tarnished moral credentials, it must end this cooperation, and join in denouncing White’s anti-Israel campaigns."[29]

Some people have criticized AI of promoting an unbalanced and excessive focus on Israel. The American Jewish Congress asserts that AI's criticism of Israel distorts the law of war by "read[ing] the law of war as if it was a law banning war", and misinterprets the Geneva Conventions with regard to the issue of proportionality in war.[30] Yael Beck and Merav Fima of NGO Monitor, a Pro-Israel NGO, claim the AI has an "obsession with Israel" and "persistently condemns Israel while ignoring suffering elsewhere".[31]

Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard University, in his book The Case for Israel, is very critical of AI and their comparison of Israel to nations such as Sudan and other offenders of human rights. Amnesty International has consistently called on Israel to bring any officer suspected of human rights violations to justice and to remove its settlements in the West Bank. It has also opposed "discrimination" against Arab citizens of Israel, and claims that the Law of Return and Entry into Israel Law are discriminatory, as they grant automatic citizenship to Jews worldwide, while denying Palestinian refugees the right of return. It has also opposed the blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling it "collective punishment".[citation needed]

In 2010 Frank Johansson, the chairman of Amnesty International-Finland called Israel a "nilkkimaa," a derogatory term variously translated as "scum state", "creep state" or "punk state."[32][33] Johansson stood by his statement, saying that they were based on Israel's "repeated flouting of international law", and his own personal experiences with Israelis. When asked by a journalist if any other country on earth that could be described in these terms, he said that he could not think of any, although some individual “Russian officials” could be so described.[33] According to Israeli professor Gerald M. Steinberg of NGO Monitor “Amnesty International has promoted an intense anti-Israel ideology, resulting in statements like these."[33]

In November 2012, Amnesty UK began a disciplinary process against staffer Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK campaigns manager, because of a posting on his Twitter account, said to be anti-semitic, regarding three Jewish members of parliament and the Israeli military operation in Gaza where he wrote “Louise Ellman, Robert Halfon and Luciana Berger walk into a bar…each orders a round of B52s … #Gaza”. Amnesty International UK said “the matter has been referred to our internal and confidential processes.” Amnesty’s campaigns director Tim Hancock said, “We do not believe that humour is appropriate in the current circumstances, particularly from our own members of staff.” An Amnesty International UK spokesperson later said the charity had decided that “the tweet in question was ill-advised and had the potential to be offensive and inflammatory but was not racist or antisemitic". [34][35][36]

Best line..."In 2010 Frank Johansson, the chairman of Amnesty International-Finland called Israel a "nilkkimaa," a derogatory term variously translated as "scum state", "creep state" or "punk state."

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Amnesty International seems not to know what the word means.

Sherrimudderlyn sure doesn't.

I call them Shamnesty. The have a definite bias against Israel.

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hilarious, you quote a section of the wiki entry written by zionists, quoting jews and referencing israeli hasbara organizations which in itself is a virtual roadmap to Israeli hasbara/propaganda tactics.

Personally, I think everyone should read that section, it's occasionally educational and always hilarious.

It's a case study in why wiki sometimes isn't the best place to get info. It can be manipulated by propagandists too easily.

That being said, are we adding AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL to the list of jew hating, anti semitic nazis bent on the destruction of israel?

I guess Alfalfa never paid attention to the fact that the Secretary General stated that he knew the UN was anti-Semitic. Evidently there are people who work for the UN who wonder what the heck is going on.
Hot mic catches UN interpreter saying anti-Israel votes are ‘a bit much’ - UN Watch
Oh, they demand? Ok, then we agree.


Wait, nothing?

What does deliberately starving Gazan children have to do with Israeli security?

A better question is why the extremely wealthy Gazans allow their own people to starve?
And yes, there are MASSIVELY wealthy Gazans.
Look up the mall; it puts most US malls to shame.
It's enough to make you think they are like humans in every other part of the world, including the US.

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