Amnesty Donald: "Deporting MS-13 gang members is cheaper than jailing them"...wrong, Donnie!

It is true that the Corrupt Democratic Party prefers illegal alien criminals over American citizens.
Barry Obama even released thousands of illegal alien criminals from prison so that they could vote for Hillary.

Democrat politicians know that their voters are criminals.
We cannot effectively deport them without a wall to keep them out.

They will be back.

This is insanity.

TRUMP: Deporting MS-13 is Cheaper than Jailing Them
See there are these things called ladders and shovels, if people want to sneak in they can sneak in. A wall is a complete waste of time and money

Really? Then why do they work everywhere else?

How is it a bad thing if the wall "only" stops 80% of all the illegal immigrants coming across our Southern border?

Are you aware that we now have technology which can detect tunnels?

Why do you lock your front door? I can kick it in with on well-placed foot.

I feel your desperation. President Donald Trump is making good on his promises, the economy is booming and the IRS has already told us that they can have the lower tax withholding rates being in place starting February. How is that bad?
Why are you bringing up tax cuts? I’m very happy to pay less taxes, bring it on. We were talking about the wall and how dumb a idea it is. Funny how you double down with the idiot logic comparing 1000s of miles of open terrain to a fucking house. Are you for real?

I'm for real....and he's right...the fence or wall around your house is functionally the same as the wall at our border.
Have a third grader explain the elementary logic to you.
I can’t believe I need to explain the difference to you dipshits. A wall sitting in a field miles away from anybody is not very intimidating and pretty easy to get around if people are motivated. Just as anybody motivated to get into a house can jump a wall and break a window. Think of a ranch in the middle of nowhere, the only thing the fence is going to block are the cows. There are much smarter and more effective ways to address border security. In some areas a wall or fencing makes sense in others it doesn’t. The whole idea of the great wall of Trump spanning our southern border is true idiot logic and a waste of time effort and money. It can’t be more obvious

Okay, now I get're retarded ass is thinking we're firing all of our border patrol agents once the wall goes up?
It wouldn't make any sense to you that we'd have agents patrolling all segments of the wall? It wouldn't make any sense to you that we'd have REAL time satellite views of every square inch, sensors, surveillance and alert systems...none of that makes sense to you? You're retarded enough to believe the intent is to just throw an unpatrolled wall up in the middle of nowhere?...hahaha....sorry man...I didn't account for your level of ignorance ...I should have explained further...sometimes I forget to treat you LefTards like the elementary minds you are.
Remember, we'll be saving tens of BILLIONS of dollars by keeping the cockroaches out....the sky is the limit bud...shit, we can probably afford to patrol it with Apache choppers 24/7
They can be deported just for being here.

If we catch them doing a minor crime, deport them.

If we catch them doing a major crime, jail them and then they can be put on "probation" in that they have to stay out of the fucking country. Get caught and back to jail.
We cannot effectively deport them without a wall to keep them out.

They will be back.

This is insanity.

TRUMP: Deporting MS-13 is Cheaper than Jailing Them

The problem would not exist, ir be so bad, if Democrats had kept their promise to build a wall decades ago, had actually forced Obana to enforce US Immigration laws, had not helped human traffickers, had not engaged in human trafficking, had not / were not criminally supporting / defending / enabling illegal sanctuary cities.

The only way I would totally support putting illegals in incarceration is if they were sent to GITMO and if the money we were PLANNING on giving Mexico in the form of foreign Iaid each year was used to pay for the cost of keeping them in jail.

As it is, every dime illegals cost US tax dollars annually NOW should be taken out of that foreign aid check.
See there are these things called ladders and shovels, if people want to sneak in they can sneak in. A wall is a complete waste of time and money

Really? Then why do they work everywhere else?

How is it a bad thing if the wall "only" stops 80% of all the illegal immigrants coming across our Southern border?

Are you aware that we now have technology which can detect tunnels?

Why do you lock your front door? I can kick it in with on well-placed foot.

I feel your desperation. President Donald Trump is making good on his promises, the economy is booming and the IRS has already told us that they can have the lower tax withholding rates being in place starting February. How is that bad?
Why are you bringing up tax cuts? I’m very happy to pay less taxes, bring it on. We were talking about the wall and how dumb a idea it is. Funny how you double down with the idiot logic comparing 1000s of miles of open terrain to a fucking house. Are you for real?

I'm for real....and he's right...the fence or wall around your house is functionally the same as the wall at our border.
Have a third grader explain the elementary logic to you.
I can’t believe I need to explain the difference to you dipshits. A wall sitting in a field miles away from anybody is not very intimidating and pretty easy to get around if people are motivated. Just as anybody motivated to get into a house can jump a wall and break a window. Think of a ranch in the middle of nowhere, the only thing the fence is going to block are the cows. There are much smarter and more effective ways to address border security. In some areas a wall or fencing makes sense in others it doesn’t. The whole idea of the great wall of Trump spanning our southern border is true idiot logic and a waste of time effort and money. It can’t be more obvious

Okay, now I get're retarded ass is thinking we're firing all of our border patrol agents once the wall goes up?
It wouldn't make any sense to you that we'd have agents patrolling all segments of the wall? It wouldn't make any sense to you that we'd have REAL time satellite views of every square inch, sensors, surveillance and alert systems...none of that makes sense to you? You're retarded enough to believe the intent is to just throw an unpatrolled wall up in the middle of nowhere?...hahaha....sorry man...I didn't account for your level of ignorance ...I should have explained further...sometimes I forget to treat you LefTards like the elementary minds you are.
Remember, we'll be saving tens of BILLIONS of dollars by keeping the cockroaches out....the sky is the limit bud...shit, we can probably afford to patrol it with Apache choppers 24/7
Haha, where in the world did you get that idea that I thought we’d pull border agents? Do you just say stupid shit then make stuff up to attack the people that call call you on it. This ain’t game of thrones. We don’t have the knights watch sitting on the wall 24/7 looking out for run aways.
satellite survalence, drones, border agents great I’m all for it. Like I said before, concentrate the money and energy into things that actually work. The wall is a waste.

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