Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Yes it would be in his races because 1099's are part of his taxes. Taxes disclose income coming in from other countries and taxes would disclose where he gets his financing.

Have you ever filed a return?
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

Point 1 noted
Points 2 and 3 are none of your business.

Point 1 noted? It's BULLSHIT!. Your car loans, credit cards, and mortgage is not listed anywhere on a tax return.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Yes it would be in his races because 1099's are part of his taxes. Taxes disclose income coming in from other countries and taxes would disclose where he gets his financing.

Have you ever filed a return?

Yes, I have and a 1099 is not used for that purpose unless there is INCOME! A loan is not income!
I never cared to see his tax return and if he releases it then I'd only consider it a matter of credibility of keeping a campaign promise. If he doesn't it wouldn't break my heart as this one won't kill anybody.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Special Reporting for Foreign Accounts and Assets

Federal law requires U.S. citizens and resident aliens to report any worldwide income, including income from foreign trusts and foreign bank and securities accounts. In most cases, affected taxpayers need to complete and attach Schedule B to their tax return. Part III of Schedule B asks about the existence of foreign accounts, such as bank and securities accounts, and usually requires U.S. citizens to report the country in which each account is located.

Taxpayers with an interest in, or signature or other authority over, foreign financial accounts whose aggregate value exceeded $10,000 at any time during 2014 must file with the Treasury Department a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). It is due to the Treasury Department by June 30, 2015, must be filed electronically and is only available online through the BSA E-Filing System website. For details regarding the FBAR requirements, see Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

In addition, certain taxpayers may also have to complete and attach to their return Form 8938, Statement of Foreign Financial Assets. Generally, U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain nonresident aliens must report specified foreign financial assets on this form if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds
/---- I have loans but they aren't reported on my returns. You imbecile

Well, then you're yet another tax cheat morons......But the IRS does not really go after fuck heads who live in a trailer park....LOL

Please tell me what line item you report loans on a form 1040.

You are a moron of the highest caliber and grow with every stupid claim you make.
Point 1 noted? It's BULLSHIT!. Your car loans, credit cards, and mortgage is not listed anywhere on a tax return.

Wow, you are dense......

Are you really comparing my credit cards VERSUS Trump having received low-interest loans from Russian hoods who hold the loans for Trump to use to build whatever in Russian banks?

Surely there's a grown up around your basement.
Too bad for Libtards..............they ain't gonna see his tax returns, and he isn't legally suck on that!
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Special Reporting for Foreign Accounts and Assets

Federal law requires U.S. citizens and resident aliens to report any worldwide income, including income from foreign trusts and foreign bank and securities accounts. In most cases, affected taxpayers need to complete and attach Schedule B to their tax return. Part III of Schedule B asks about the existence of foreign accounts, such as bank and securities accounts, and usually requires U.S. citizens to report the country in which each account is located.

Taxpayers with an interest in, or signature or other authority over, foreign financial accounts whose aggregate value exceeded $10,000 at any time during 2014 must file with the Treasury Department a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). It is due to the Treasury Department by June 30, 2015, must be filed electronically and is only available online through the BSA E-Filing System website. For details regarding the FBAR requirements, see Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

In addition, certain taxpayers may also have to complete and attach to their return Form 8938, Statement of Foreign Financial Assets. Generally, U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain nonresident aliens must report specified foreign financial assets on this form if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds

I love how you liberals just screw each other over at the drop of the hat!

I will say again, what you are wanting to list is income. A loan is NOT income.

For cripe's sake, will you libs ever learn how to read for comprehension?
Point 1 noted? It's BULLSHIT!. Your car loans, credit cards, and mortgage is not listed anywhere on a tax return.

Wow, you are dense......

Are you really comparing my credit cards VERSUS Trump having received low-interest loans from Russian hoods who hold the loans for Trump to use to build whatever in Russian banks?

Surely there's a grown up around your basement.

Loans are NOT on your taxes you liberal know-nothing hypocrite!
I have no issue either way. Make a law or don't make a law. To cry and throw tantrums when it is not required is plain silly. People made up their minds it was okay not to release taxes.

I'm neither crying or throwing a tantrum....My life does not revolve around an orange clown's....

However, the pressure will mount on Trump to release them (pressure from his own party) not because of "curiosity" if this charlatan is for real on his "big business" acumen, BUT BECAUSE HE MAY HAVE TOO DAMN CLOSE TIES TO RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS.....

We will see if the pressure goes beyond tolerable on elected right wingers.

Here's a short update.......

House Republicans next week plan to derail a Democratic resolution that would have forced disclosure of President Donald Trump's potential ties with Russia and any possible business conflicts of interest, according to multiple House sources.

Seeking to avoid a full House vote on the so-called “resolution of inquiry” — a roll call that would be particularly embarrassing and divisive for the right — Republicans will send proposal by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) to the House Judiciary Committee for a panel vote on Tuesday, two Democratic sources said. The GOP-controlled committee is expected to kill the resolution.

As should happen! Embrace the suck, lib!
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Yes it would be in his races because 1099's are part of his taxes. Taxes disclose income coming in from other countries and taxes would disclose where he gets his financing.

Have you ever filed a return?

Have you ever filed a return with multi national interest?
Trump isn't stupid enough to release that information to the press. Of course, it might get leaked by Obama fans in the IRS.

It's adorable watching you trump trash defend the orange sociopath. If a democrat had refused to turn over this information, you'd be going for their scalp.


what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? They are hundreds of pages and much too complicated for a simpleton like you to understand. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the IRS would have found it?
It has nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with his sources of income and who he is doing business with

So were you concerned about the Clinton Foundation and the accepting money from foreign countries, or just Trump and Russia?

The Clinton foundation was candid about donors. And there was never any evidence of misusing power.

But you wackjobs thing the orange sociopath can run a hotel which has foreign visitors and also has a lease with our government which is the orange sociopath.

Try doing a little research into conflicts of interest. Show a little honesty.

No. His company has a hotel and a lease with the US Government.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............

Yes it would be in his races because 1099's are part of his taxes. Taxes disclose income coming in from other countries and taxes would disclose where he gets his financing.

Have you ever filed a return?

Please tell me what line item you report loans on a form 1040.

So damn boring with this moron......but for others...

Trump says his tax returns reveal nothing that is not already disclosed on his official candidate financial disclosure, called Form 278e. As ethics counsels to the past two presidents, we dealt with both their tax filings and their Form 278's and so we know that Trump is wrong. His tax filings have an enormous amount of additional information which, in this case, could be critically important to determining whether his business overseas might affect his decision-making as president. That is because Trump’s 12,000-page tax return may tell us a great deal about his Russian and other foreign business ties that is not on his 104-page campaign financial disclosure.

What Trump’s Tax Returns Could Tell Us About His Dealings with Russia
i am on the liberal left; not the national socialist right. I don't complain about taxes.

So you have never "complained" about the rich paying their fair share. You have never complained that Trump paid zero taxes.
You have never complained that the poor pays too much in taxes.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
So you have never "complained" about the rich paying their fair share. You have never complained that Trump paid zero taxes.
You have never complained that the poor pays too much in taxes.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

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