Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
Which only means you don't care if your president is a lying scumbag At least we settled that
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
Which only means you don't care if your president is a lying scumbag At least we settled that

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
Which only means you don't care if your president is a lying scumbag At least we settled that

Yeah it's sad
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
Which only means you don't care if your president is a lying scumbag At least we settled that

Yeah it's sad

What's sad? No tax returns for you!...........sez the 'tax return' Nazi.......:lol:.........
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Your question is a moot point cuz you ain't gonna see 'em,..........:dance:..............
Which only means you don't care if your president is a lying scumbag At least we settled that

Yeah it's sad

What's sad? No tax returns for you!...........sez the 'tax return' Nazi.......:lol:.........
kidd you have to be smart enough that when some one doesn't want to show you something there's something going on
Practice what you preach hypocrite.
i am on the liberal left; not the national socialist right. I don't complain about taxes.

So you have never "complained" about the rich paying their fair share. You have never complained that Trump paid zero taxes.
You have never complained that the poor pays too much in taxes.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

So you have no idea why liberal democrats made tax deductions for the rich?
what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? They are hundreds of pages and much too complicated for a simpleton like you to understand. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the IRS would have found it?
It has nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with his sources of income and who he is doing business with

So were you concerned about the Clinton Foundation and the accepting money from foreign countries, or just Trump and Russia?
Russia got involved in our elections Clinton foundation is ranked VERY highly by those who grade such things Russia and their trump friend are scum no matter how hard you try and change the subject

Partisan nutter, got a link by "those who grade such things"?

so says one of the looniest partisan nutters on the board.

you might want to try charity watch, ignoramous.

Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

So you have to answer for your buddy? Interesting!
what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? They are hundreds of pages and much too complicated for a simpleton like you to understand. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating don't you think the IRS would have found it?
It has nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with his sources of income and who he is doing business with

So were you concerned about the Clinton Foundation and the accepting money from foreign countries, or just Trump and Russia?

The Clinton foundation was candid about donors. And there was never any evidence of misusing power.

But you wackjobs thing the orange sociopath can run a hotel which has foreign visitors and also has a lease with our government which is the orange sociopath.

Try doing a little research into conflicts of interest. Show a little honesty.

Yes, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid U.S. Russian Uranium Deal | The Huffington Post

I am honest, I have said all along to investigate the Russia and Trump election hacking. If a judge wants to subpoena Trumps tax records, I am all for it. For the public to make accusations and wanting to see taxes just because, it silly just like the Benghazi BS!

So go sell your tripe to someone else.
But pap trump has dealings all over the world Is it not prudent to make sure that there is no unusual exchanges of money or property involved?

There is no precedent to make a President reveal his taxes. You want to see, just in case? What happened to the presumptions of innocence until proven guilty.
Yep, and Clinton Foundation took money from Russia, so would have that made Clinton dangerous? If you are a partisan nut job like yourself you will justify it.

Some day, when you grown up, you too will know the difference between charity giving to a Foundation, AND low-interest loans made to a developer of golf courses from Russian oligarchs who are NOT known for being kind-hearted sweethearts when they such loans.....Usually they want something back and in this case, its wanting something back from the moron who currently sits in the oval office.

Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
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equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
we call him the orange rectum in these parts
My question is to Repubs is IF you have nothing to hide ,if nothing on your returns will show you're a cheat and a thief why not show them??

Because he is legally not obligated to release them and it is no ones business. It is call the presumption of innocence. This is nothing but revenge for the birther BS and the Benghazi crap. That is all it is. Obama was asked to release college transcripts, he wasn't obligated to and should never release them, it provides nothing.
i am on the liberal left; not the national socialist right. I don't complain about taxes.

So you have never "complained" about the rich paying their fair share. You have never complained that Trump paid zero taxes.
You have never complained that the poor pays too much in taxes.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

You mean crony capitalism like the orange sociopath and his buddies.

Reality -- try it sometime
very funny. the national socialist right wing, merely alleges to believe in and have faith, in Capitalism.
Yep, and Clinton Foundation took money from Russia, so would have that made Clinton dangerous? If you are a partisan nut job like yourself you will justify it.

Some day, when you grown up, you too will know the difference between charity giving to a Foundation, AND low-interest loans made to a developer of golf courses from Russian oligarchs who are NOT known for being kind-hearted sweethearts when they such loans.....Usually they want something back and in this case, its wanting something back from the moron who currently sits in the oval office.

Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

1. Bullshit! That will not be in his taxes.
2. Who cares? If he follows the law, what are you going to do? Just bitch is all.
3. Who cares? No one is required to donate to charities. Biden was the biggest charitable donation slacker in the 21st century and probably the 20th also.

Next meaningless post.............
Why is a guy who allegedly pays no personal income tax, asking for tax breaks?
Please tell me what line item you report loans on a form 1040.

So damn boring with this moron......but for others...

Trump says his tax returns reveal nothing that is not already disclosed on his official candidate financial disclosure, called Form 278e. As ethics counsels to the past two presidents, we dealt with both their tax filings and their Form 278's and so we know that Trump is wrong. His tax filings have an enormous amount of additional information which, in this case, could be critically important to determining whether his business overseas might affect his decision-making as president. That is because Trump’s 12,000-page tax return may tell us a great deal about his Russian and other foreign business ties that is not on his 104-page campaign financial disclosure.

What Trump’s Tax Returns Could Tell Us About His Dealings with Russia

Your article is from last year. Trump was not even President. So much for any semblance of responsible journalism. That piece was written to influence the election.

If there was anything wrong, the IRS would have reported it long before now.

Maybe you should try Viagra or Cialis.

Your excuses are getting more flaccid as you go on!
Yup, the returns will be released by the courts, or leaked by someone at IRS who is getting to retire.
i am on the liberal left; not the national socialist right. I don't complain about taxes.

So you have never "complained" about the rich paying their fair share. You have never complained that Trump paid zero taxes.
You have never complained that the poor pays too much in taxes.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

So you have no idea why liberal democrats made tax deductions for the rich?
they had plenty of help from their "pro capitalism" friends?

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